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Galactic Conquest


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At least this time around GC should be more interesting. It was a cool idea but it got really boring in SWBF1. Like endless recycling. It was either too easy, or impossible, depending on the map (either your team fought decently or they turned into lemmings).

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It took me a while to realize how to build fleets, embarasingly. The game doesn't help you much in that respect, because it tell you to "Select a Fleet" while a fleet is already selected. Realizing the deselct button was there was nice, because then you can not only build fleets (which really isn't that necessary, I prefer ground battles over space battles anyways), but see what all the planets are and how much money you get for taking them.

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Galactic Conquest is much better, although I'm to lazy to beat all the ones I've started. Space battles in my opinion occur to often though, and I don't really like them much, in building a huge amount of fleets I don't see the point, I've almost conquered the Imps with one :smash: .

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Is there a way to increase the number of tickets for Galactic Conquest? I find the game ends too quickly. I think this mode should last hours and hours, then when you have to take back planets after losing them, this should take even more time. At least 700 tickets per team, like the slider on the instant action menu would be cool. Maybe in a patch?

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Do you honestly want them to map out every system and have you move through all of them? Me too, but thats not going to happen.


To my understanding, the routes you can move on are Hyperspace lanes. And I dont think you want to wait an hour as your ship travels through hyperspace

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i always have a jedi hero on in reserve, so i can top any planet, yes jedi hero is the best....

but the feds totally own the clones in GC, so unfair....

and the feds keep spawning at (forget name) and attacking naboo every turn, it's freaking crazy, and the only way i can defend it from the feds is to use the jedi hero bonus, but thankfually, destroying there fleet gives you more money then a jedi hero....

OBI is definetly the best jedi hero, he owns!!!!!!!!!


any also, the end movie for the rep sucks, don't bother playing them, but play the empire, the ending movie is SO COOL!!!!!! but i won't ruin it for you.... but hint, rebel hero=killed.... mahahahahahahha

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Actually, like BF1, the best Bonus is the Becta Tank. Its inexpensive at 400 a pop, ABUSE IT PLEASE!!!


Now you get regenerating health for those idleing computer AI. Also if you play engineer and go solo, you get like loads and loads of health(regen + H&A drops)


Also, make sure you recuit units you NEED only, the less selection of units the better. Computer AI seem to devide between units you have quite evenly... so technically if you can play as CIS and you have only Soldiers/Engineer/Droideka you get like 1/3 of your army Droidekas. :)


All I have problem with is the space battle. So I tend to avoid enemy ships.

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The planets are connected in such a way that it requires only 2 fleets to blockage almost any planet.


A third fleet costs 3000. Thats hard to make unless you don't buy any units (meaning you will only be a stormtrooper or space pilot)


You don't need loads of units... Basic Soldiers and Droidekas. Can't really screw up with have your AIs being rolling balls of death.

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Take note how inaccurate and unconfident the AI is. USE THE SHOTGUN, LUKE! :) I've got more kills by sprinting towards people and blowing them away, then through machine gun kills. I love it, it's about 200 000% better than the old dark trooper and just as cheap. My brother prefers to do a forward roll into people and fire as he gets up!

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