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Sith Lords: You know you have it bad when...


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598) You get into a sparing match with a girl and when it is over you ask her to get dressed. Then you proceed to sell the clothes and return to ask her to get dressed again and are confussed when she doesn't have the exact same outfit to put on again.


599) You think of the weirdest possible love triangles.


Bastila: Oh I love you Mota. Come here you loveable pile of slime.

Revan: What's going on Bastila? Oh. I though I was the only person who had a thing for the Hutts mind if I join in?

Bastila: Not at all my love but I do have one request.

Revan: Oh. I what request is that?

Bastila: That you leave the mask on.

*out of nowhere erotic music cuts in*


I am sure you can visualize what happens after that.


600) You try to act out said love triangles in real life.

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605) You think V is a Jedi, and Revan's secret apprentice.

606) You're nodding and smiling as you read the list.

607) You watch RotS and think "Bah, Kreia would wipe the floor with Sidious!"

608) You try to build HK-47 from a blender, some cans and a DVD player.

609) You think MacGyver is a Jedi.

610) You go into a pet shop and ask if they have Gizka.

611) You call your evil sister a rancor.

612) You think Pope Benedict XVI is actually Palpatine.

613) You think Jesus was a Jedi Master.

614) You have disturbing erotic dreams about Vader.

615) You call your grumpy grandfather (or that teacher you can't stand) Vrook.

616) You try to make a complete set of Revan's robes and mask.

617) You've written a 1000-page script for KOTOR: The Movie

618) You call your stuck-up classmate Bastila. (No offense, Bastila fans. She never annoyed me that much, but some people seem to hate her.)

619) You call your nagging teacher Atris.

620) You burn your skin with a toaster to look like Sion.

621) You think Nihilus is the Witch King of Angmar.

622) You spend hours learning to talk like Nihilus.

623) You've beaten the game so many times, you have to play with your feet just for the challenge.

624) You can recite every single dialogue in the game and even enact the scenes.

625) Your car gets towed, and when you go get it back you say "I'm here because a pretentious schutta stole my ship."

626) You have tons of saved games so you can beat every single boss over and over.

627) You think underwear mods are awesome.

628) You name your kids Revan, Bastila, Mission, Zaalbar, Jolee and Canderous... or maybe even HK-47!

629) You call your pet iguana Hssiss.

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Actually Jolee should be quite a cool guy when he was young, and Kreia would probably look like Brianna, so it won't be too bad.


602) You think that HK47 should be able to wield a lightsdaber, just cause many droids/cyborgs can do it also.


Well, actually there is a mod you can download from pcgamemods which allows HK47 to use "droid lightsabers", droid upgrade or something like that. I instaled it but I didn´t like it too much, I believe it lacks some animations or something.



612) You think Pope Benedict XVI is actually Palpatine



Not the Pope, but one my former university teachers (which is a catholic priest too) looks like him.

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634) You think Star Forge Robes are dead sexy.

635) You obsess about a love triangle between Jolee, Kreia and Vrook.

636) You call your computer HK-47 and try to program it to kill people you don't like.

637) You write your own version of the Bible and add an alternate ending with a darkside Jesus.

638) You refer to one of your teachers as Uthar.

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