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Sith Lords: You know you have it bad when...


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516) You send an e-mail to Lucasarts to obtain the Peragas orbital drift charts.

517) You go to a erotic club, walk straight to the owner, and say: 'I'm here on behalf of Harra!'

518) While sitting next to your driving instructor:

'Where do i punch in the hyperspace coördinates?

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522) While scrolling through your (BORING) philosophy texts, your eye happens to catch "Nihilism" and you are THRILLED!!! (in fact, philosophy has taken on all new coolness because of it, and you find yourself relating anything that any Old Dead Guy wrote in the text to what a Jedi Master might have said)


523) Even though you despise playing the game on DS, you proceed to write a three page essay as to why Nihilism is the meaning of life for you - and you hand it in to your philosophy teacher.




Haha....I have done my part to keep this alive now!


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524) You ask you sister to spar with you for more influence

525) You wonder why there aren't any epic sounds on the background if you do a deed of mercy

526)You still reply to this thread although Kotor 2 isn't installed on your computer

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Well, you can do that... if you are a hot chick ^.^ DEFINITELY not offended, but encouraged.


524) You ask you sister to spar with you for more influence



528) ... and you make her do it half naked, in undies only. o.O ... and you extend this to your female boss.

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1. You have already won the game 8 times and you start using female

characters instead of Males as your player, just to change the game

some. Yes, you've been caught, and yes we are laughing at you right now!


Yes, right, and what about our female KotOR II players? They should be laughed at for playing as females?



531) You keep rocking back and forth holding a lightsabre.

532) You start hacking random doors with knifes to open them.

533) You try to persuade your boss to give you a higher salary. When you fail, you repeat the line over and over till you get a [success].

534) You make SW-universe related similes to impress friends.

535) You talk to random strangers, hoping they'd disclose random info to you.

536) You look for floating numbers around you after every real-life fight.

537) You claim to understand every word Kreia has said.

538) You blame your stuttering on "vocabulator problems".

539) You smash your torch on a door.]

540) You jump into other people's fights and hit random people. Later you keep asking everyone if your eyes are yellow yet.

541) You spend minutes deciding how you should respond to "What'll you have at McDonalds?".

542) You blame any similarity between you and a friend to be "Influence Rise".

543) You wear blue-painted tin cans and shout "For the Mandalorians".

544) You chuckle at Atton's jokes.

545) You think "Wookies of the Wroshyr Trees of Kashyyyk" is easier to pronounce than "Revan".

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456) You think Wookie speak is easier to speak than Basic anyway


547) You try to do your oral exam in Wookie language ^^ (though about it, already stand an 8 at Dutch :p)

548) You walk to a girl asking if you can 'load up het cargo ramp.'

549) You walk to a girl asking if you can 'pull her Bindo'

550) You walk through school wearing sunglasses, claiming they are 'Regal Visors' (Mate tried it :p )

551) Teacher: 'Ztalker, who are you talking too? There's no-one sitting next to you?'

Ztalker: 'My friend, Harry!'

Teacher: 'So he's invisible huh?'

Ztalker: 'Duh....he has his stealth generator equiped!'

552) A mate challenges you to a match of Texas Hold 'm, and you reply with: 'Republic Senate rules?'

553) In the bowling alley, you pick up a ball and say: 'Sensor balls? Here!?'


PS: Sheesh...something is wrong here :p the numbers aren't correct

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OK... I knew someone was going to say this sometime... that would truly be characteristic of the UBER-DORK!


Of course, you never said you were guilty...


556 - You play a game with the opposite sex, name him/her after someone you're attracted to, and play in his/her undies, even the tough fights. (GUILTY)

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