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Female Mandalorians for K2(Requires Reskin and Modelling)


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This is a request for, you guessed it, female mandalorians. I beleive this could be done in two ways, remodelling the basic male mandalorian, or even better, remodel the sith apprentice head (n_dkjh02 line 132 in heads.2da) which has sunken areas where the masks strap and goggles are supposed to go. Using this, you could make a disguise with a reskin of the head and the lrg female player body variant 6 of the class9 heavy armor. You may also have to remove the colar of this armor as the head is a male head, and the neck clips through it.


Here is an extremely rough example of what i mean.





Edit:The Sith Asassin head might also work.

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Who's the other one?


The hard part about designing this kind of armor is that a large part of the mandalorian style comes from the masks, and if you wan't female characters then it would look better without masks.


It could still turn out well, but you might think about making the armor look suited for different battlefield roles, as opposed to just a straight skin match on another model, personall, I'd go for a lower coverage look, they are warriors after all and would probably craft their armor to suit their skills, their female warriors would probably have a higher dexterity and lower constitution, more flexible armor might suit them better,

but hey it's not my request;)

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I disagree redjohnnymike. If you don't use the masks, how do you know they are mandalorians? As for the armor style, I certainly wouldn't care if it used a lighter armour type, but I think most militaries would use the same sort of armor, just of different sizes for their troops.

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Hmmm. I can't help but notice noone seems interested in making this mod. Scared of modeling i guess (not that I blame you. I could never do it.)


How bout just a reskin of the variant 6 of the class9 heavy armor for women, I know it cant be identical, because of the mirror image thing, but a non-metallic, imaginetively patterned, apropriately-colored (blue, red, yellow (or black) or even all of them I wouldnt complain!) version would be much appreciated.


There used to be some beautiful K1 skins about a year ago, but my computer got wiped before I got to use them, and they are no longer available. If its not illegal to distribute someone elses mod, pm if you have them and are willing to go to the effort of sending them and I will send you my email address.

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I did something similar to the "fake" mandalorian armor a while ago, you could do something similar by just editing all the cloth parts under the plating to look like skin, that would get you a little closer, but there's still the issue of the masked model looking more like Goliath than Tyra Banks;)


Another option would be to reskin the forcemask, it already looks slightly mandalorian, just stick that and a suit of armor on Mira and you have a female mandalorian.

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I was thinking of using the force mask if i had no other alternative, but i dont want skin showing. It is far more feminine i agree, but thats not what i am going for. I want it to be as much like the mandalorian armor as possible. And mandalorians have never had skin showing, either in the movies or in the game.

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I would actually prefer the remodelled dark jedi head. I agree the original mandalorian model is way too big for women. I just threw that out there in case someone thought it would be easier to change than the head. look at the pics in my original post to see what i mean.

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  • 2 years later...

Hey moderators, I know that technically I am bumping this thread, but as it is over two years old I thought you might be lenient?


I thought it was better to use my original request rather than spam the forums with a new one.


Well you assumed wrong... no 'bumping' means no bumping, and no making duplicate requests. We'll let it go this time but no more ok? You need to err' on the side of caution and PM a staff memeber to ask permission before doing something like this again, thanks. -RH


@redhawke: Oops, sorry. I will remember this in the future.


No worries, it saddens me though that I have to close this thread cause a few bad apples couldn't contain themselves. Sorry mate. :( -RH

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The mandalorians have their own languaje, with a voice script of a female twi'lek there no problems with that, or change the dialog to make "her" tell you that the helmet modific the voice


P.S.: You are very talented, Can you make a femanine "Fett-style" mandalorian?, sure you can, but you need Darth DeadMan permission, that thread is closed

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The mandalorians have their own languaje, with a voice script of a female twi'lek there no problems with that, or change the dialog to make "her" tell you that the helmet modific the voice
I have too much pride to pretend that Mandalorian and Huttese are the same. Maybe it didn't bother BioWare, but it bothers me.
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