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Returning Characters


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  RedHawke said:
It might benefit some of you to play the game different ways. ;)


I have played the game in different ways but I wouldn't want to kill Juhani, lose a party member especially a Jedi. Besides I liked her story so I'd rather have her on my team than get rid of her...permanetly.



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I did Kill her once to see what happened and Belaya ran off and I tried looking for her on Dantooine but couldn't find her so I said screw this I want an extra party member...But the spoiler you mentioned, it sounds pretty neat*, I probably won't try it myself depending on how long the gap is between when you leave Dantooine and she pops up again...Concerning Belaya and Juhani...lol in the words of Quagmire OH RIGHT:).......Giggaty giggaty giggaty goooou:P

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  Pottsie said:
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I know that; If you go light side Revan three are mentioned Dorak, Zhar and Dorak and if Revan was DS than it's just Dorak and Zhar since Vandar died in the battle of the Star Forge with Admiral Dodonna. I can't remember though who mentions it...

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  RedHawke said:
Then this is why you fail! :yodac:


Your arrogance will be your undoing,Jedi!:lock:



lol wow NERD! I don't know I like having that extra lightsaber on hand and I like Juhani. But maybe If I downloaded those mods to make Carth, Mission and Canderous and jedi...lol it be so cool if HK-47 swings them out like grievous lol...

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Juhani and Belaya relationship...i think its implied, but not confirmed.


I'd like to see most of the characters return in some fashion. If not as npc party memebers, then at least some major cameos or cinematics. maybe a few sections of the game where it goes away from the main party and you doa couple levels elsewhere as Juhani or Bastila.


I think Jolee should be there becuase he is the only character who even might be alive and might be qualified as a Jedi Master.


I'd like Handmaiden back, because i found her more interesting that many other people including Disciple. although it wuld be cool to see him again to. But a confrontation betweenj Brinna and Revan would be interesting.


I guess i'd like to see more rather than less Jedi somewhere around Kotor III so Juhani and Vistas would be nice.


Mira, come on we gotta see Mira meet other wookies. And i'd also like to see Mission come on her own rather than being half of Mission and Zaalbar. I'd be very interesting to see her more grown up now. Think of the possibilities of her talking with Mira or Atton.


I'd only like Kreia back as a force ghost just so i can proove to her she is wrong, about a great many things.


Malak would be nice in a vision, I was a little dissapointed he didn't turn into Darth Malak in the Tomb of Ludo Kressh.


Mandalore would be good leading the clans into some critical battle somewhere.


Bastila and Revan and Carth have got to finish their story.


Oh yeah and HK and i guess T-3 have got to be ther to make it complete.

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  • 3 weeks later...

TSL had 3 returning characters and I think its safe to say that KOTOR 3 will probably include some as well so I wanted to discuss who I thought should make it in.


I think T3-M4 and HK-47 are shoe-ins. Their obviously the new R2 and C3 and are going to find a way to weave themselves into the story line no matter what.


Next I want to consider the characters from KOTOR.

Bastila - I think Bastila would make a great returning character. She wants to find Revan and so she has motivation to go with whoever our character ends up being. Her issues aren't all resolved; for instance she'll be dealing with self-doubt about giving in to Malak and will be worried she can fall to the dark side again. With the advent of the influence system of TSL all our characters basically have to be morally ambigous and Bastila fits the bill. Only catch is you could have killed her in KOTOR but it doesn't appear to be cannon based on her cameos in TSL.


I don't think Carth would be so good. His problems are all resolved and he has responsibilities with the Republic fleet. I always like a cameo though. Mission's out because she can be killed. Juahni is probably dead on Katar. While Jolee Bindo is one of my favorite characters I doubt he'll make a comeback. Lastly of the KOTOR characters despite Canderous/Mandalore's return in TSL, I didn't find him to be a strong character and so I'd be surprised if we see him a third time.


Of the TSL characters Kreia and G0-T0, either Hanharr or Mira is dead, Bao-Dur's death is implied but uncertain . I think several others were supposed to die as well before the cuts. I doubt any of the jedi trainable characters will be back because to make them jedi you have to reveal their entire storyline and resolve their issues. Visas' storyline seemingly ends with the death of Nihilus. I think the best chance for a return is Disciple/Handmaiden based on whether you indicate that the exile is male or female.


Sorry that was long. I'd like to see who everyone else would like to see back in KOTOR 3.


edit: oh yeah and I forgot the wookies. I wouldn't be surprised to see either Zaalbar or Hanharr make a comeback depending on whether or not you killed Hanharr in TSL. You have to have a wookie but I don't think were going to see a third new one.


Mod Edit: Merged repeat thread with pre-existing like thread. For tidyness sake. ;) -RH

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This time, I don't want any of the characters returning as your party members, ESPECIALLY HK-47 & T3-M4 - I mean, we've had them twice already, which was fair enough (I'm not complaining at all about them appearing a second time) but please, no third time. They just wouldn't be interesting anymore - what else or new can be done with them? Even if they were done so that they didn't become repetitive or parodies of themselves, I'd still prefer absolutely raw material through completely original characters.


However, I would very much (for the sake of continuity) like to see many of the previous party members in cameo roles instead. As many as possible, without having to alter the storyline too much to fit them in (as long as it makes sense, why they are where they are, and doing what they are doing, basically).


But either way - deep consideration needs to be placed upon what is considered "canon", and also if - like in TSL - you can choose the previous games' outcomes. 'Cos like, if you choose that Revan went DS again during the Jedi Civil War, then Jolee and Juhani are dead in your game, so therefore (unless as ghosts) they cannot be present, etc.

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As a fangirl I would like to have both Carth and Atton with me and have them fight it out ;)


Seriously though it would depend I mean if you are the Exile again then it would be fitting a couple of your former party members but some new ones would be warranted i.e. GOTO has got to go and I wasn't all that fond of either Mira or Visas though they were useful at times and the more jedi the merrier.


If you are Revan then it's a bit odd because in TSL Carth pretty much says you didn't take anyone with you and we know he, Canderous and HK didn't go with Revan. So there is opportunity there for a range of new characters or perhaps you could mix the two groups. That would be interesting.


I wouldn't mind the option to play either Revan or the Exile and have it effect the party outcomes and other parts of the game.

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Jolee(the living legend)

Bastila(For the Fun Of Flirting)

Handmaiden(to learn to fight)

T3(coz hes cool)

Carth(just to hear whats happened)

Bao Dur(I Like His Arm And Hes Cool)

Mira(coz shes good)

Mandalor(coz u just have 2)

Sion(Even though he died theyll come up with something)

And T3 did shock hk in a clip i saw he recognised t3 got suspision and went 2 a computer and t3 shocked him in the back(the fiesty little guy lol)

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Darth Revan without a shadow of a doubt. He was so influencial in the first KotoR...truly brilliant storyline. The second one failed in the storyline because Darth Revan was hardly prompted in the script, yes his name was mentioned a few times in the slit-screens but nothing dramatic. Revan a cert for me.

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After thinking about it, here is who should return after LS Male Revan and LS Male Exile.


Orignal Party Members from KOTOR and TSL


Carth Onasi - Temporary Party Member to play with at the beginning for a tutorial.


Mission Vao - She could see return to a rebuilt Taris along with her brother.


Zaalbar - Be the new Chieftain of Kashyyyk.


Bastila Shan - As a full Party Member, but not as your Master. You could say she has sort of lost her connection to the Force. And she wants to find Revan.


T3-M4 - You obviously need him to help find Revan and the Exile.


Canderous Ordo/Mandalore - A cameo, but not as a Party Member.


Juhani - To avoid confusion with the Dark Side, you could say she died on Katarr.


HK-47 - Same as T3.


Jolee Bindo - Say he died of old age. But include him in a holocron.


Kreia - She can't return, because she doesn't like the Force.


Atton Rand - Should return to find the Exile. Maybe he could fall in love with Bastila.


Bao-Dur - A cameo, helping the Handmaiden on Telos.


Handmaiden - Should return, but as a cameo with Atris's role. She should tell you when she last saw the Exile.


Visas - She should also be a Jedi Master.


Mira - Should return as a Jedi Master, but not a Party Member.


Hanharr - Mira should spare him on Malachor as it's the Jedi way. He should return to Kashyyyk.


G0-T0 - Can't return because he died along with the Remote on Malachor.


Characters that appeared in KOTOR and TSL


Dustil Onasi - Once finished with Carth, he should replace Carth.


Yuthara Ban - Should return to help you.


Kelborn - I can't remember where I saw a suggestion for Kelborn, but I thought it was a good idea.

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@Pottsie - Why didn't you just say "everybody"? :) Which, I would disagree with; As much as you may want to see every single one of those characters, all doing something, they can't. This is the third and (probably) final game, and I seriously doubt that they can spend several hours of the game somehow fitting in every single party member's continuing story.


Oh yes, and besides my opinion, many can't work or might not. Yuthura Ban n is not necessarily LS, she could be dead, or still DS. And even if she was turned LS, since you can see her on Dantooine, it is likely she was killed. And Dustil can be killed also, as can Mission, Zaalbar, Juhani (and Juhani's death has nothing to do with whether Revan was DS), etc. And with Hanharr, Mira has to kill him, there is no way out of the dialogue. Besides, as for the "Jedi way", she might not be a Jedi, you know.

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Um Mira doesn't have to kill Hanharr.


I didn't kill him the first playthrough.


I think Juhani and Jolee should both survive. They are both more important than Dustil and Yuthura.


Also none of the party members you train in Kotor II: TSL are good enough to be Jedi Masters by the time of Kotor III unless its like set 30 years later.

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  Non-false Jedi said:
Um Mira doesn't have to kill Hanharr.


I didn't kill him the first playthrough.


Perhaps you are right, but I chose almost every dialogue path and it kept bringing me back to killing Hanharr.


  Non-false Jedi said:
I think Juhani and Jolee should both survive. They are both more important than Dustil and Yuthura.


All four of those characters you mentioned can die, some more than once.


  Non-false Jedi said:
Also none of the party members you train in Kotor II: TSL are good enough to be Jedi Masters by the time of Kotor III unless its like set 30 years later.


But what really decides the rank of Jedi Master? Do you have any prerequisites for that rank? Or is it just a relative desicion made by other Jedi Masters? Well, if so, there's a problem: there aren't any Jedi Masters left after TSL. The Jedi after TSL were the only Jedi.


  KyleOfHarpenden said:
well i trained handmainden like mad coz she was the only 1 i had enough influence with but im gonna play kotor2 again and make nar shadar my first so atton can be a jedi hell be better with a saber.who else can be a jedi?


Well, that really doesn't have anything to do with the thread's topic, but along with Handmaiden and Atton, Mira and Bao-Dur can be trained.

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  Pottsie said:
After thinking about it, here is who should return after LS Male Revan and LS Male Exile.


Orignal Party Members from KOTOR and TSL


T3-M4 - You obviously need him to help find Revan and the Exile.


You're completely right of course.


In the words of Atton: "That's what I was afraid you'd say"



  KyleOfHarpenden said:
well i trained handmainden like mad coz she was the only 1 i had enough influence with but im gonna play kotor2 again and make nar shadar my first so atton can be a jedi hell be better with a saber.who else can be a jedi?


  RobQel-Droma said:
Well, that really doesn't have anything to do with the thread's topic, but along with Handmaiden and Atton, Mira and Bao-Dur can be trained.


Also, The Disciple if your Exile is female.

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