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Do you want KOTOR to go next-gen?

Emperor Devon

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I think NG will be better for modding in the long run, modding might be slower at first but with a "level up" there will probably be a huge difference in the variety that can be attained (for example, stinger's comment about Unreal, they make level editors don't they), not to mention the performance side of things, even Half Life 2 runs better, and that's with gravity gun flinging stuff everywhere:D


I had a lot more to say, but forgot by the time I finished reading the thread, go figure.

But simply, what I want for KIII is the same play, with ten times the amount of anything optional in the previous versions, more modding options, visuals superior to previews from games coming out over a year from now, and a slick coat of lubricant on everything:D

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but it would probably be much easier to take the current RPG-enigine and add that to an existing next-gen 3D engine like the Unreal 3 engine.

I have no programming skills whatsoever so what I am about to say may not be real intelligent but...

If the next KotOR uses the Odyssey engine (which I'm quite happy with) I would still want the devs to make it able to take advantage of multiple processors, a.k.a. multi-threaded support. But from what I've read multi-threaded programming requires a significant change to the way game programmers currently code. So I'm not sure if revamping the existing game engine would be better than starting from scratch. Of course if any of you programmer types out there want to shed some more light on this then please do. But I do know I want the next KotOR to be able to greatly, if not fully, utilize multiple processors.

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It's only my opinion :s



I also have Baldurs Gate lying next to me, and Warcraft 3...

But you can buy a computer for 500 euro's that's 3 gigaherz :s

That means you can start up Kotor 2 three times...


I think most people here have a High-End pc..

So why wouldn't they improve the graphics :s

They created the both Kotor's for the X-Box first, and we had to live with the graphics. (THey weren't bad, but after seeing Elder Scrolls Oblivion..)


I agree they should keep the same D&D rulesset. But just inprove the graphics and some little stuff. Maybe adding the Havov-physics engine? :p

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PS: I think Mass Effect uses a similar engine too...and that game is awesome...

ME uses the Unreal 3 engine.


One Q: do people who say change the engine mean change the graphics engine or the underlaying mechanics engine?


It would be best to keep the mechanics engine and replace the graphics engine IMO.

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I for one am all for better graphics but if someone would be kind enough to explain what graphics engine and game engine KotOR and TSL use? I thought the Odyssey engine the games use covered both game mechanics and graphics. But from what y'all are saying they might be different and I wasn't aware of that.


To summarize:

- Yes, I want the next KotOR to be next gen, meaning I want it to be a multi-threaded app able to take advantage of multiple processors (up to 4).

- Yes, I want to keep the d20 combat system that allows pausing of combat and queueing of commands to one's party members.

- Yes, I want better graphics too. :D


I want... I want... I want... and then I want some more! :naughty:

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An engine mainly makes the graphics. How the gameplay works is variable.

Example: Mass Effect is the new Bioware game. It has fenomenal graphics, and is an Rpg. But it uses the Unreal 3 engine, though it's not a shooter.


The engine just makes the graphics.

Baldurs Gate uses exactly the same rules as kotor, though the graphics are totally different.


What i (and others) mean to say is: Dump the Oddesey engine, get like...something cool like the Unreal 3 or something (Even source is possible, see Vampire the Masquerade ;) ). Then implent our beloved D20 system, and make a game that will be legendary.

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I for one am all for better graphics but if someone would be kind enough to explain what graphics engine and game engine KotOR and TSL use? I thought the Odyssey engine the games use covered both game mechanics and graphics. But from what y'all are saying they might be different and I wasn't aware of that.
well, the term 'engine' is a by word for a fundamental process used by a program to calculate a set of data. with video games, for example, you have graphics engines, physics engines, and gameplay engines. a gameplay engine is essentially what controls how the user interacts overall with the program according to a set of rules, and thus, it is the most important aspect.


the graphics engine, on the other hand, has one sole purpose: to render on screen what needs to be rendered according to preset conditions (the map) and what is interactively occurring on-screen as defined by the gameplay engine (other characters, sparks, weapon fire, etc). and it is possible to interchange the graphics engines with a different one as long as the new engine is somewhat reworked to conform to the current gameplay engine.


in the case of the Odyssey engine, the term 'engine' is referring to the RPG and the graphics engines that are unified under a single program. and it wouldn't be difficult to seperate the two as long as the programmers from Bioware programmed it properly (in other words, the code is split into a lot of different modules and subroutines to get a bit more technical).


hope that helps. :)

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Thanks stinger! :thumbsup:


So let me see if I got this straight.


> KotOR & TSL use what I will now refer to (for my own mental well-being) as Bioware's Odyssey engine suite.


> The Odyssey engine suite contains three game engines; one for gameplay, one for physics, and one for graphics.


> If BioWare designed the Odyssey engine suite "correctly" then its graphics engine could be replaced with an out-of-suite graphics engine (like Unreal 3). However the core gameplay engine would still be avalable for use and thus the beloved or much-maligned (depending on your PPOV) d20 combat system could still be used in the next KotOR. Well, that is if the next KotOR uses the Odyssey engine suite at all.

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