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Space Cadets: Reality TV Gone Mad.


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For all of us living in the UK you have proberly heard of (or watched) the new reality TV show Space Cadet.


For those of you who don't live in the UK and don't have the Privilige (what little there is) of watching it the basic concept is this...


The makers are trying to pull off the biggest tv hoaks in the history of televisions by fooling seven fame hungry morons(lets be honest no intelligent person will fall for this) into beleiving they are going to be launched into space for a week. The makers have gotten the set from the Clint Eastwood/Tommy Lee Jones film 'space cowboys' which is an exact replica of a actual space shuttle interia of the time. This will be shook around alot for take offs and the such. At the moment they have been talked into beleiving that they have been taking to S.T.A.R city in russia (where cosmonault are trained) however they are only a few mile off of the themes River. This was acheived by flying around Scotland and back down along the atlantic avoiding any landmarks. They are going to spend about two weeks training for their 'space' flight then a week in the movie set. They have been told they won't feel weightless because they aren't going high enougth (althogth if in reality they were going as high as they are told they would expearance it). Everyone except these seven are actors and to help with keeping the 'cadets' off the track they are being fooled three actors are pretending to be a cadets aswell.


For more info heres a link: http://www.channel4.com/entertainment/tv/microsites/S/spacecadets/


I think this is to far, although people like this deserve to be made a mockery of (these are the kind of people who would cheer if they were told they were going to be the victem in 'shooting a member of the public dead, LIVE!').


Yes it appeals to the lowest common denominator, but should they still do it? what do you think.

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Reality Television... If there is anything in the cinematographic industry that I hate more than commericals, it's definaetly Reality TV. I can't think of a reason why is it good or why I should like it: It is humiliating, pathetic, insultive, stupid, boring, useless, bad and not good for children.


Sure as long as you ignore it everything is fine; but then they start pushing it into your face and you can't stand it so then you have to take action.


And I am still trying to convince myself not to exagerate and boycott Big Brother. -_-

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