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How to become a Jedi?


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Viggo - the problem with the 'average Joe becomes a Jedi' thing is you'll lose the prestige class, unless of course in the next game you become a combination of three different classes.


Personally, considering the game is supposed to be about Jedi, I'd rather just start off there and get going rather than having to wait.

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I think it would be very intersting if they did something similiar to a 'fable' like begining where you start as a child. Have you play a few important scenes of your training first in classes on coruscant under the new council, then on to being chosen by a knight as their padawan (perhaps have choices in younger life effect who choses you, and have who chose you effect what class you start as. bascially put char gen into the opening storyline instead of just before you start.) then move on to adulthood, graduation into being a knight, and that is where the game stops skipping forward years at a time every so often.

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I´d like to be a jedi pupil in Coruscant. You could have some missions with a master (for gaining the range of master), pass the trials (as they say at the clone wars), and then become a jedi with all the way to expand your powers.


Of course you must start at Coruscant, see the Jedi Temple, make side-quests... All the fun. And the Council could send you in a main quest you know, the main game.


You should also be able to start training a padawan, a padawan that you will choose. This should happen when you reach some level in the game.


And this is a question for all of you: Would the PC be able to become a member of the jedi council (gaining access to more powers and wisdom), but still having quests to fullfill?

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i had the idea of starting as a jedi with say basic speed, engery resist, or such (picked during char creation) anyway, you would start out as a padawan on Courasunt and depending on your starting class you get a diffrent "master" to give you quests around the City... ect ect...


i think it would be cool to climb the jedi tree to knight and such befor you journy to the "outer rim" worlds...


anyway enugh rambling for now.


Edit: oh and you START with a light saber..

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The Jedi very rarely adopts a candidate for training once they've become an adult. Since we've already covered that pretense in Kotor, the jedi apprentice starting point seems more logical for this game.


Actually, I would love to explore coruscant and ascend the ladder of Jedi training. Once the (main) mission begins however, and you are forced into action off-planet, the darker options become available to solve situations and thus your own character is born.


Remember, the addictive excitement of this series is the idea that the answers you need are out there, and it's up to you, your skills, and who you bring with you, that will allow you to solve problems and achieve your goals.


Personally, I would like the story to be as open as possible to allow for the most freedom in choices, but, at the same time not too watered where it makes no sense.


Also, something must be done with DS alignment. The story should reflect those decisions and send me on down that dark path if I so choose. Some say that would be a whole separate story. But, I think with a little imagination you could tie two different stories (light & dark) and blend them in at the end.


It was anti-climactic when I played DS for some reason. I think it was because if I truly were a Sith lord, I would have recruited or united other Sith or taken over the academy or something. But that's for another post.

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what about being born the son of a sith lord?


maybe you could start off being taken on a mission with him and the father is going to kill innocent people and you can make a choice whether to let him or stop him, choosing to stop him would involve both of you being captured by jedi and being welcomed into the order, not stopping him would lead to training as a sith.

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  harwai said:
what about being born the son of a sith lord?


maybe you could start off being taken on a mission with him and the father is going to kill innocent people and you can make a choice whether to let him or stop him, choosing to stop him would involve both of you being captured by jedi and being welcomed into the order, not stopping him would lead to training as a sith.


How can a Sith lord have children?

I know Annakin did, but that was before he truly became sith. (Vader)


I'm not too sure about this...

Although, my wheels are now spinning, hmmmm.

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