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The Hundred Year Darkness (The Second Great Schism)


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- "Better meet them over Glee Anselm (This is the planet Kit Fisto is from), the sith know about Dantooine, we will try to evacuate what's left of our kin there and bring them to safety" - Juhn-Kai signaled one of the padawans - "Have a fighter ready for Master Ae-Saefar, and about being a member of the Council, I don't see why not...all those in favor of Master Emukiel's request say 'I'."


All of the remaining members said 'I'.


- "Welcome to the council Eki, I'm afraid it's not much but we'll have to manage...how about you Tayla and Malia, where will you go?" - Juhn-Kai asked.

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"Sir!" a marine shouted as he ran up to Captain Nostaw.


"Yes marine?" Sam responded as he turned away from his previous affair.


"The detpacks are in place. We weren't able to recover any intelligence however, but the destruction of this fortress should prove a blow to the Sith enough to make up for that"


Sam smiled, "Brilliant work. Let's not delay" he turned to his entourage, "Sergeant, the detonator"


The Sergeant fished in his pocket and gave a red-buttoned rod to Nostaw. Sam held it up in the air, as he tightened his grip on it.


"Here we go...let's hope the Jedi can get out quickly enough" he said before pressing the detonator.


Explosions rocked the entire fortress, but the group of marines near Nostaw were a safe distance from any of the detpacks (otherwise, the detonator wouldn't have worked). Debris rained from the ceiling, while the corridors shook violently.


"It's time to leave. Marines, let's go!" shouted Sam before the marines of the 17th fled topside.




As Seriphyn carried his box of exceedingly heavy phrik, he felt a disturbance in the Force. Dammit! He forgot to tell whatever Sam was doing not to do what he was going to do!


He'd have to move quickly, and head back to the fortress ASAP. He jogged with the phrik down the docking tunnel and quickly up the landing ramp onto the Republic dropship.


"Jill, get us outta here, get back to Rhen Var ASAP. I'll get Emwhy to work on my arms"

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((Actually, the fighter is for Valgo))


Eki bowed and left with Valgo and walked down the corridor towards the transport they had arrived on.


Emukiel smiled and held Valgo's shoulder. "Take the fighter and hurry. May the force be with you, my old padawan" he said and Valgo nodded. "May the force be with you, master" Valgo responded and grabbed his stuff from the transport and left to find his fighter.


Emukiel returned to the council chambers and walked over to the council. He had taken his robes with him and had put them on. The robes now hung loosely on him and the huge sleeves covered his hands inside them. He took a seat and looked at the hologram. His astrodroid had followed him over to him and set itself next to the weequay's seat. Master Ae-Saefar placed a small card inside the astrodroid and waited for his turn

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- "Be careful, take some Masks from the armory, the atmosphere around Dorin can be lethal, only they can get by without masks" - Juhn-Kai said then turned to Eki - "Is there something you'd like to add Eki?"




Jill set the course on the ship to return to Rhen Var.


- "Ok, the coordinates are ready, I hope we get there while they are still there" - Jill said.


The dropship went out of the atmosphere and made the jump to lightspeed.

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Emukiel stood up and tapped his astrodroid's side. It beeped and the picture of Seriphyn appeared. "For all what we know of, this is anothed jedi we need to find. Seriphyn left the battlefield and we do not know wherehe is. He has also taken Jill, Master Ryu's padawan learner, against her will for what we know of. I believe Seriphyn has turned to the darek side, but we need to find him before he himself understands what has happened to him" he said and looked around the room. "When I saw hm on the battlefield, he had lost both of his hands. The first place to go look for him is the nearest place he can get new mechanical hands from, which is this planet" he said and the hologram of Rhen Var appeared. "Rhen Var. I need at least one other jedi with me just in case" he said and looked around

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((Rhen Var is the planet we were fighting on... Seriphyn went to another planet, and he's now on his way back))


- "Seriphyn is coming back, I can feel it, we'll have to talk to him, but I'm also heading to Bortras, I'll get some help there, if anyone wants to come with me you are most welcome" - Juhn-Kai said to the Masters especially Emukiel.

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((Okey dokey then. Continuing story))


Seriphyn looked out the medical window at the blue vortex that was hyperspace as Emwhy fitted in his new phrik arms. Now, he'd be pretty much invincible when it comes to hand-to-hand. He could probably grab lightsabers with his bare fists. He pondered what it would be like, weighing out whether it's more likely he'll just feel intense pain (with the new artificial sensory neurons) or be able to snap a lightsaber in half. The former was far more likely.


Emwhy did the finishing touches, before beeping to inform his master he was finished.


"Thanks Emwhy. Too bad they didn't have any synskin" Seriphyn said, flexing his arms. By the Force, these arms were heavy. TOO heavy. It felt like it would be torn right off. Luckily, though, with the combination of physical strength (which would grow in order to support these new arms) and the Force, it would be alright.


Seriphyn stood up and put his Jedi tunic back on. As he walked from the medical room to the cockpit, he felt the ship shudder, probably coming out of hyperspace. The cockpit doors slid open, with Jill sitting in the copilot seat. Before him, was the white orb which was Rhen Var, and a starcruiser.


"Wait, that's Embok's ship" Seriphyn pointed out, "Jill, you mind contacting 'em for me? I'll probably smash the entire console trying to push a single button with these arms"

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Emukiel nodded and tapped the side of his astrodroid that beeped and the hologram disappeared. "I'll join you. You might need my help. Shall we use fighters?" he asked and of course meant because of their agility and because they were hard to spot in the dark, deep space.


Valgo sat into the cockpit of a clumsy and heavy looking fighter. Much unlike those that would be later on in the golden days of the Republic. Even so, you would be amazed of how well these fighters flew. He closed and sealed the cockpit, prpeared and heated the engines and then blasted off, nearly flying straight at a Republic ship. He cursed the flyer but shortly after jumped to hyperspace, his destination being Chalacta

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Jill tried to comunicate with the Starcruiser but it was no good. The comunications array had been knocked out on the starcruiser.


- "We're going to have to land inside" - Jill said flying the ship inside the hangar.




Juhn-Kai looked at Emukiel.


- "Sure, we can't risk to be discovered by the Sith" - Juhn-Kai said and walked to the hangar sensing Seriphyn and Jill. He had a padawan ready two starfighters for him and Eki. The when Jill walked down the ramp he was there with his arms crossed looking at them, but not glaring.


- "I suppose there is an explanation to all this before jumping into conclutions" - Juhn-Kai told Jill and Seriphyn. Jill hit Seriphyn with her elbow and made a face to him so he was the one who'd reply.

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Seriphyn held up his arms showing what the two of them had gone to do, but the weight of the phrik pulled it back down again. He was sure he'll get used to it, though.


He bowed, "A thousand apologies, Master Juhn-Kai. My arms needed seeing to; I couldn't help you with the temporary ones that the Republic supply. So, seeing that Jill was incapicated, I got some phrik for my arms seeing that we both couldn't fight. Might as well, you see. That wasn't much we could do; we'd just be collateral damage, to be honest"


He stepped up close to Juhn-Kai, face to face. It was kind of weird, seeing that Juhn-Kai was a foreign species to him.


"Don't worry. We haven't *done* anything" Seriphyn whispered. He then stepped back next to Jill.


"I have felt disturbances in the Force. Can you update me on the current situation, Master?"

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Emukiel stood behind Juhn-Kai, placing his hands onto the belt of his tunic. He still had his long jedi master robes on and loked much more bigger than usual in them. "Master Embok has resigned fro mthe jedi order and has joined the Sith. Master Val-Kan has been taken by the sith and I have become a temporary mmber of the jedi council. Oh, and the whole group of padawan learners we had with us have been taken by the sith" he explained and stepped forwards, now standing next to Juhn-Kai, if not even a bit infront of him. His astrodroid came rolling in and got ready onto his fighter

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Seriphyn was both shocked and confused at Master Emukiel's fast-spoken recap of what has just happened. He looked at Jill, then back at the two Masters.


"Um, alright. So, what's going on then? Look's like everyone is getting ready to leave or something" he said bluntly, unintentionally making it look like he didn't acknowledge what has been a huge blow for the Jedi Order.

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Juhn-Kai nodded.


- "We're heading to Bortras. We are going to get help from a Master. I want you two to come with us. There is much to discuss...and I think Master Ae-Saefar will want to talk to you Seriphyn" - Juhn-Kai said.


B4 went to Juhn-Kai's starfighter and got in. He beeped trying to get his master's attention.


- "Coming Beefour, now let's get going, there is much to do and so little time" - Juhn-Kai said.

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Seriphyn looked at Juhn-Kai, trying not to look at Emukiel as he spoke.


"Wait, wait...listen. About that whole business. I want to be...retrained, but not demoted to Knight or anything. In fact, I'd like to be trained by you, if that's alright..." Seriphyn said in a shaky voice.

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Juhn-Kai sighed a little.


- "I already have a padawan, but under the circumstances we may not have a choice, we need to keep our friends as close as we can...I'll train you, but Master Emukiel can also instruct you if he sees fit to do so" - Juhn-Kai said and went inside his fighter.

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Emukiel grinned at Seripyn's reaction and stepped close. "Don't mess up another time. I'm wathcing you" he said quietly to Seriphyn before walking to his fighter and getting inside, folding his robes beneath him. "Essix, get me a connection to Sriluur as soon as we launch" he said and his astrodroid(ES-6-A) beeped and whistled a couple of times. "I know Sriluur is far. Just try it" he answered and the astrodroid beeped, starting to work on it. Emukiel drew the cockpit's top down and sealed it, placing a headset on. He showed thumbs up to Juhn-Kai that he was ready to roll. The engines of his fighter started to emit a hurring noise as they warmed up in the a bit chilly hangar

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Seriphyn's thoughts of betraying Valgo and Emukiel just so he could remain a Jedi Knight were long gone now. In fact, he was looking forward to being trained by a several thousand year old Jedi Master, as well as some pretty adept Weequays as well.


He nodded "What do you want me to do, Masters? And, this time, whatever it may be, I'm not taking the 17th with us, especially with that rogue Nostaw at the top. I'll use them some other time, when you believe it to be necessary"

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Juhn-Kai got ready for take off.


- "Keep close to us and follow us to the planet, we'll deal with Captain Nostow's insubordination later, first we must get help and then track the sith, after Bortras there will be much darkness, so keep with us and watch us" - Juhn-Kai said and closed the cockpit and took off waiting for Emukiel and Seriphyn to follow.


Jill looked at Seriphyn and smiled.


- "Let's go Seriphyn, we'll get the Master from Bortras and then maybe we'll have an edge over the Sith" - Jill said going inside the dropship and sitting at the copilot controls.

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Seriphyn scanned the hangar area, before heading back into the dropship. He took the pilot seat and did the necessary procedures for takeoff.


Seriphyn wondered about Nostaw. He didn't like Juhn-Kai's use of the word 'insubordination'. Sam was, after all, his best friend. He looked at Jill and squinted at her in thought of what he should do.


"Emwhy?" he called.


The little droid beeped in acknowledgement.


"Get me a hololink to Samuel, please" Seriphyn asked.


Emwhy beeped before opening a small compartment and projecting Sam, who turned from his previous engagement to Seriphyn.


"Seriphyn, how are you?" the Captain asked, as if nothing was wrong.


"What exactly did you do on Rhen Var?" Seriphyn ignored Sam's small talk and got straight to the point.


Sam frowned as his pleasant greeting look dissapated, "We followed your orders. However, the presence of the Sith presented a threat to the Republic. I was under an obligation to see to that"


"And what was it that you did then?"


Nostaw sighed, "Blew up the fortress to put it bluntly"


Seriphyn eyed the captain, "With the Jedi still inside?"


"Actually, no. The Jedi were long gone before we blew the switch" Sam replied


The Jedi nodded unsurely before speaking, "Alright, then. Head back to Coruscant then, and this time, do exactly that. No other taking Republic military affairs into your own hands. Remember, I'm a higher rank then you, and I may soon be a General if I'm lucky"


Sam nodded and disappeared. Seriphyn leant back on his chair. He should have been more assertive and strict over Sam, but he found it difficult seeing that he was his friend. He turned to Jill.


"Alright, let's go"

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The Weequay's fighter gave a louder humming as it rose a bit and it's landing gear lifted inside it. He pushed the controls forwards and took off quickly, but shortly thereafter, he slowed and flew next to Juhn-Kai while Essix was trying to send a coded meeting message to Sriluur. "How come I have never heard of Master Borus?" he said over the crackling intercom. "Is he still a part of the jedi order or a lost one?"




A moment later, a fighter appeared from hyperspace right above the planet of Chalacta. The weequay inside looked at the planet and changed course for a landing into.


The fighter fell throught the athmosphere a bit rockily but Valgo kept the hip steady throught the whole time. "I forgot to ask how can I find Lady Andril" he mumbled and mentally shook his head at himself. He would just have to try and scan the whole damn planet for force activity and that would prove to be pretty tiresome even for a mighty master like Juhn-Kai

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Juhn-Kai checked his instruments and then turned to Eki.


- "Master Borus is higly trained Jedi from the old order. He left the order because many students of his betrayed the order and followed the dark side, it was two hundred years ago. His location was only given to some, Beefour came across the information and downloaded it for me" - Juhn-Kai said.




As Valgo had arrived the dockmaster approached him.


- "Welcome to Chalacta sir, I am Romn, the dockmaster. How may I serve?" - Romn said.

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Emukiel looked over at Juhn-Kai and shook his head. "So, if we have bad luck, we will only find an old cottage of his, and tales of a dead man" he said and sighed. "I hope we won't have bad luck" he noted to himself as Essix beeped and whistled happily. It had finally gotten it's message to Sriluur.




Valgo had wrapped his robes tightly around himself, his hood on his head and his hands crosed inside each others' sleeves. The weequay jedi walked over to the dockmaster and gave a friendly smile. "I am searching for Lady Andril. I have heard that she can be found here" he said and looked at the slightly shorter man that had introduced himself as Romn

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