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Where do you want to go in KotOR3?

Darth Windu

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New Planets:

1. Coruscant - 'nuff said. You want it, I want it, everyone does.


2. Aldeeran - Just because it looked cool in that brief scene from RotS.


3. Ord Mandell - It's been refferenced so many times in the series, I would just like to finally see it.


4. Droid Planet - I was sad to see this idea cut out from TSL, Droids need some attention too.


Returning Planets:

1. Dantooine - I just got a soft spot for this place now.


2. Nar Shaddaa - The place just has so much un-tapped potential, plenty more you could do here.


3. Telos - Same as above


Planets I could take or leave:

Tatooine, Manaan, Kashyyyk, Korriban, Onderon, Dxun

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I personally don't mind seeing either Dantooine or Korriban too. But not the same area on Korriban, it's getting a little old. Seeing the enclave on Dantooine up and running again would be cool.:)


JediMaster12- Thank you for the offer, but I still much too contemplate here on Onderon. That and I think the straif cats would give me flashbacks to the Yuuzhan Vong war. ;)

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Why not just download the M4-78 Droid Planet Restoration mod when it comes out, and therefore see it in its original context? :)


Because I have serious doubts as to whether it will ever be completed or not, considering how little the there is in the actual game to restore, and the amount of work involved. Besides that, even if they turned it into a kick-ass mod, it's still just a mod.


I see you are fairly neutral concerning Korriban and you have some connection to Dantooine, the two planets most argued over. Perhaps you should be our referee Master Kavar?


Gladly. :smash: The thing about Dantooine, is that it can still play a major part in the series. Should the remaining Jedi from kotor 1 and 2 decide to rebuild the Jedi Order on Dantooine, it will be something new. Korriban, Dreshdae, the academy, and the valley of the dark lords is pretty much finished. Unless you go underneath the surface to the buried colony/destroyed fortress that they talked about in the first game, there's not much reason to return.

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Because I have serious doubts as to whether it will ever be completed or not, considering how little the there is in the actual game to restore, and the amount of work involved. Besides that, even if they turned it into a kick-ass mod, it's still just a mod.


I wouldn't underestimate them. They're making good progress. I’ve read the plot outline, and it checks out. They’ve got all the basics down, and sidequests etc. can be easily filled in with a blend of innovation and restoration.


Besides, saying it'll be "just a mod" is a cruel generalization. I would hardly call something of that magnitude (which restores such a major plot point as an entire planer) anything less than an unofficial update, or something likened to that.

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Well if you consider how much material is going into the M4-78 restoration project and the TSLRP it is huge and will make a big impact on the game.


However, the fact is that in terms of canon, they were never seen. So really, M4-78 can be added into KotOR3 in it's 'original context' with little modification.

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Everybody's rooting for Coruscant, so WTH, I'll go for it.

Ilum would be a good place for lightsaber creation and training etc.

No Dantooine.

Korriban's okay, but a different locale.

No Manaan, unless it is dried out/devastated.

Kashyyyk's ok, but with different locale, and less wooden walkways, and at day.

Rhen Var, Trandosha, Rodia, Kril' Dor, Corellia and Sleheyron are fine candidates as well.

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Is Ilum the frost planet from 'The Clone Wars' cartoon?

That one is cool indeed...deep epic caves, with beautifull cristals on the ceiling etc. It's also a little bit less cliche then Hoth, in my opinion.



Why won't they add the home planet of the Noghri? They could explain their history that way.

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I wouldn't underestimate them. They're making good progress. I’ve read the plot outline, and it checks out. They’ve got all the basics down, and sidequests etc. can be easily filled in with a blend of innovation and restoration.


Besides, saying it'll be "just a mod" is a cruel generalization. I would hardly call something of that magnitude (which restores such a major plot point as an entire planer) anything less than an unofficial update, or something likened to that.


I wasn't directly criticizing them or any other modders, all I'm saying is that even the best layed plans sometimes fall through. And I would haredly call it a cruel generalization. The planet and plot wasn't even finished, so any mod will be more creation than restoration. That's not to say I won't use it when/if it's finished, but I won't consider it canon.

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What made you suggest Alderaan mogga? Alderaan is nothing but a planet of artisans, there would be no reason to have something to do with the Jedi there, at least in the KOTOR time according to Saul Karath. Why Manaan, personally I thought boring planet. If I had it my way I would have completely ignored the planet altogether but you have to get a Star Map from there. I do agree with Telos. I would like to see how the restoration fared after the near disasters in TSL. Also Dantooine and Korriban because they are just important somehow besides the fairly obvious.

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I would like to return to Tattooine simply because I enjoy the paradox of this seemingly worthless world having such a significant role in the history of the galaxy.

The Rakatan world would be good to visit, too, so you can help them integrate into the Republic. Plus, since their infinite empire predates the Republic, they might have some information on the unknown regions or "The True Sith".

Telos would be okay, but not required in my view.

Any other previous planets could be left off. Please, no more of Korriban or Dantooine and especially no Manaan. If I still had babies in the house, I would use the music from Manaan as a lullaby. :zz1:

As far as new planets to visit, I would really like to go to Yavin IV to visit the temples Exar Kun left.

I think Sleyheyron or Mustafar would be smokin' :roll1:

Coruscant would be good for an urban environment.

You could visit the Gungans on Naboo if you have to have a water environment.

Then you have to add some planets from the Unknown Regions.

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As I said in an earlier thread, a new under-construction Taris. It would probably be an unimportant planet like the Yavin IV station, but it would be cool to visit. I mean, 5 years later KotOR 2 starts and they never (in my experience) metioned rebuilding it or anything. It would be a good tie-in for the games. (To me, KotOR 1 & 2 are totally seperated)

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That would be a valid planet to visit again. However I have heard no mention of Taris in EU in the later years. Maybe the reason is is that the devs weren't going to go to that place again. Do remember that Telos was a test at rstoration and if it suceeded, it could be used as a template to restore other worlds devastated by war. So if you save Citadel Station and helped with the restoration, Taris would be on the list of getting restored.

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Planets I would like to see (Note: I want to play as Revan again, already posted my idea for the begining of the game at ''KoTOR 3 Storyline ideas'' thread):


Coruscant - at the very begining of the game, main quest is to reach the Jedi Academy there.

Dark Planet - the capital world of the true Sith Empire, located just outside the galaxy.

Korriban - yes, but another part of the planet with new, unexplored Sith tombs.

The Rakatan homeworld - it would be interesting to see have the Rakata advanced in all this time.

Alderaan - no particular reason, i just want to see that one.

Ryloth - well, why not the Twi'Lek homeworld?


Well, that's all i could think of for now. In addition i can safely say that i wouldn't like to see any planet that was in the Star Wars movies (except Coruscant, of course).

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@igyman: you have an interesting planet that is called Dark Planet. Did you come up with this yourself or is the name difficult to spell? I'm just curious because Korriban is a Sith world where the ex-Jedi from the first split landed and mingled with the inhabitants. In my system, this group called the Rashikians keep trying to takeover the system and have unique Force abilities. Our people did drive them off but they have managed to infilitrate in certain areas like the Senate and the Commerce Guilds. I am curious as to how Dark Planet would fit within the context of KOTOR3

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Yeah, I did come up with that myself and I realize that the name isn't very imaginative.

As for how it would fit in KoTOR 3 it's very simple - in the end of TSL Kreia said that the true Sith Empire lies in the Unknown Regions (''...where the true Sith wait for us in the dark.''), as i understand it the Unknown Regions are on the Outer Rim of the galaxy, or beyond it. So the Dark Planet would be placed somewhere in the Unknown Regions and, as I said in the Storyline thread, it would be the capital world of the true Sith.

One last thing about the name - you don't have to take it as the real name of the planet, just as the Rakatan homeworld was left nameless, so can this planet.

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God no Manaan or Kashyyk. Besides Corsucant, I think that all the planets should be out on the Outer Rim. After all, that's where Revan and the Exile's destinies are at. This gives a whole new playing ground of content. Like I said in one of my storyline ideas, this could give the player the option to train at the Sith Academies and to be in an enviroment where the Sith heavily outweigh the Light Side people.

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You know, as an add-on to Yavin IV, I'd love to see Yavin Station. Except quite a bit bigger, and with more people. It could just be as kind of a side-quest area, with a combat arena, a cantina, and maybe a swoop race on the outside of the station. A few merchants, of course, with some nice items.


I can't all remember what I put down in my earlier list, but here is another possible one: Trandosha, homeworld of the Trandoshans. I'd love to see their homeworld, and what they are doing there... Perhaps what their leaders are secretly planning, or something...

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If we had just six planets to go to... I'd pick Coruscant (1), Star Forge Planet (2), Telos (3), Slehyron (4), Cathar (5) and unknown Sith homeplanet. Quick missions - meaning it doesn't drag out into a full blown story - could have us return to Kashyyyk and Taris. Maybe a visit to Canderous' homeplanet since he mentions that to Revan in the first game.

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No Master. It is a system near the Unknown World. It is difficult to get there unless you have an Avalonian or you come across it by mistake. The Chiss don't give us trouble because they can''t find it. I've looked in the archives and the location of my homeworld has never been accurately described. I will say this I believe it is 12 parsecs south of the Rakatan world. We always have good trade relations.


As for the Chiss playing a role in KOTOR 3, that is an extreme possibility. The Ascendancy is known for its aggressive fighting style. They may be a starting point for the True Sith but the Chiss themselves are not the True Sith.

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