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The New, Improved One Year Thread: 2006 Edition


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talk about idiot drivers.....

i HATE driving up here. ya got nyc peeps and nj peeps driving all over the place, sucks though, cause there's about 5 accidents a month on the highway i travel to and from work to. a few fatalities, plus the 4 bars factor into a majority of the night accidents. unfortunately. :( the speed limit says 40 mph, people go cruising at 65-90. and if you're going the speed limit they pass you even though it's double yellow. one time i almost went over it to cause the bastard a wreck but decided it wasn't worth it. next time i'll just throw mcdonalds at him. :joy:

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I went down on my sportbiek last week at 40 avoiding a guy who came into my lane across a double yellow, so I'm limping a bit, but the bike just has sctratches.........


What do you ride?


I'm looking at picking up a Yamaha R6 as soon as I have the money, even though I'd rather have a Honda CBR600RR but I would like to keep living.

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yesterday was cool. went hunting with my dad from 10-2 before it started to get too windy, we both got a squirrel, so all was good. then we got home and i ate some oven-made pizza, and then went w/my sister to the mall to get some clothes, stopped at burger king on the way, sucks that there's no bk within 20 miles around here, so it was a good treat. i got 2 shirts, an us army shirt and a shirt that says bounty hunter 'all will walk the plank' :) was happy that a day i requested off, didn't turn out crappy.

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Worked a comedy show on Friday. Jim Gaffigan.

I know I've seen his act before on TV... but the only place I could really remember seeing him was on the Sierra Mist commercials. Pretty funny though. And easy. A nice days pay for doing a minimum of work, and getting a couple of laughs out of it too...


Had a day off yesterday. Slept late.

Went for a 2-and-a-half hour walk along the beach. It was the most exercise I've had in months. And probably the most I will have in the next couple of months to come as well...

Went back to bed early.


Back to work today. Robin Trower. Should be interesting.

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Jim Gaffigan, eh? He was in Super Troopers... Plays the guy that Mac and Foster pull the "Cat Game" on.


I'm not sure how it came up, but instead of spending my first day off in 2 months writing a paper like I'd planned to, I set up BOINC on my computers and got back into SETI@Home for the first time since they discontinued the "classic" client.

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What do you ride?


I'm looking at picking up a Yamaha R6 as soon as I have the money, even though I'd rather have a Honda CBR600RR but I would like to keep living.



I have an 88 FZR1000, I have a thing for yamaha's, but the doubleR's are nice, just don't get a GSXR!


I want to get an FI bike in a while, probably stick with the liter bikes because of the better low end for all the around town riding I do.


that or I will FI and cam my old bike and have fun with her till I kill myself or blow up the bike

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I've wanted a Honda bike since they were calling it the Honda Hurricane. Although the RR isn't the descendant of the Hurricane (the F4i is). I love the exhaust going up under the seat instead of right next to my leg to burn my boot and pants. A friend of mine has an R6 she's going to sell off in a few months, and if I had the money I'd probably just buy hers. Except that I know its history a little too much :D


Here's the fancy computer I bought with my money instead since I dont have my license yet:


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Jeff Bridges as "The Dude" (A.K.A.: Jeff Lebowski) from the Coen Brother's cult classic masterpiece: "The Big Lebowski"


If you haven't seen it yet, drop everything you are doing this very second and rectify that situation immediately!!!!





I re-watched it recently and found myself totally identifying with The Dude's situation in life.

My Custom Title is also a line of dialog taken from the movie (actually, from the very scene the avatar was taken from...)



I got an e-mail from SETI@Home the other day, Nitro... asking me if I was having trouble getting it installed, since their records showed that I hadn't sent a result since 1999. Errr... huh? :confused:

It's been running on all my PCs for years, and their own website shows packets... so I don't know what the hell they are talking about. I spent a few minutes checking it anyway... but everything seemed in order.

A very curious glitch...


Doing sound for a Randy Newman concert tonight. Very cool. I would actually pay to see this show... instead I am getting paid to do it. SCORE!


Oh,.. and Nute... you computer desk is far too disgustingly tidy. I am going to have to hunt you down and pile a truckload of random clutter (half-empty soda cans, unread magazines, printouts to walkthroughs for games you'll probably never play, toenail clippers, unwashed coffee mugs, etc...) on to it to humanize it for you.


You can thank me later... :p

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Oh,.. and Nute... you computer desk is far too disgustingly tidy. I am going to have to hunt you down and pile a truckload of random clutter (half-empty soda cans, unread magazines, printouts to walkthroughs for games you'll probably never play, toenail clippers, unwashed coffee mugs, etc...) on to it to humanize it for you.


That's currently spread out all over the rest of the living room right now. I took the opportunity to clean the glass for the first time in a year, and have been too lazy to move the garbage back.

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So I was doing some multi-track recording, and it always turns out that like one note on one track is slightly off, and it ruins everything!


edlib, would you happen to know if there's any way to fix a minor timing error like that? Like one piano chord was struck maybe a tenth of second too early. I've tried cutting and pasting in Cool Edit, but there always seems to be a very noticible tick where I make the edit.

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Hard to say without the actual example in front of me.


Are you doing all your editing at or near the sample level?

You always want to make sure that any edit you do on a waveform happens at the "Zero-Point" where the wave crosses the line.

If you edit a wave in the middle of a peak or trough when it's above or below the line, you will get a glitchy sound.

Zoom in your waveform display at the point you want to edit as far as it will go in on both axis, and make sure that both your in and out points are at a seamless flat line.


Other than that, the next thing I would try: Put a very quick but steep crossfade right over the edit point (right where you hear the tick.) This fades the existing audio out, and the new audio in, so that an edit not on the zero crossing will be nearly inaudible.


You could also automate a very quick fader move on that track to silence the click and immediately come back in. That's what you had to do with a bad edit on analog tape. It was a serious pain in the ass.


You could also automate a just-as-quick EQ insert at that point. Put a steep low-pass filter in where the click is to pull out all the high frequencies. Again, not ideal, but it could be done.


Making sure you have a super clean edit is always the best solution, however.

The crossfade is often the quickest and easiest, though. I've seen ProTools sessions crash the computer sometimes due to the thousands of crossfades in the tracks to cover up all the quick and dirty edits.


Page 22 of this PDF gives the lowdown on crossfades: http://www.peachpit.com/content/images/chap08_0321246438/elementLinks/chap08_0321246438.pdf


(It's specific for the commands in Cubase, but the theory is the same.)

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You always want to make sure that any edit you do on a waveform happens at the "Zero-Point" where the wave crosses the line.

If you edit a wave in the middle of a peak or trough when it's above or below the line, you will get a glitchy sound.

Most programs also have a "snap to zero" option, as far as I know. Audacity has, at least. Zooming in and finding the _exact_ begin of that sample is something unavoidable to do nonetheless, though.
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This is a super-old version, so I don't think so. I might have had it in n-Track Studio, but I didn't think about that. I wound up rerecording it, and I got a much better take anyway.

That works too... :)


I've spent way too much time in front of editing/ mastering software.


I once had to edit about 10 hours of audio for Fidelity Investments when they were updating their phone-tree system. That's ten hours of tape a woman saying things like "One... One... One... Two..." Trying to find the best take of a single word, then cleanly cutting out the good one, processing it, and saving it to it's own file.


Took weeks.

It was a blast. :rolleyes:



Upgraded to Internet Explorer 7 last night. I'm not sure what I think... Seems like many pages load a bit faster... but the interface will take a lot of getting used to.


I also upgraded to the Firefox 2 pre-release simultaneously, in the interest of offering equal time.


I figure: If I'm lost and confused using one new browser... why not both?!?? :dozey:

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yeah nute the hurricane is a street while the RR's are more track oriented, but they are so much better for the little difference in cost that most people dont bother with F4's, esp since they excell as nothing, people call them the plain oatmeal bike, do everything well enough and excell at nothing, not a bad bike, just most people itch for the bike that does SOMETHING best, and buy it instead

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  • 2 weeks later...

october is almost over already.....:(


Had squirrel and pizza (good combination) for supper last night, it was pretty good. My Dad and I went out hunting last saturday he got 3 and I got 2, it was fun.


Today I woke up, played a little bit of galaxies trying to get my sniper rifle but too many damn rebels in the battlefield so i log'd and lifted some weights, trying to get stronger.


My sister and mom are painting the kitchen, so the apartment is mostly a mess. It should look nice when it's all finished.


I have to work today, 2-11...it's a rainy day out so I probably won't be too busy...supervisor is off today so it's just me and 2 others I think.


I'm planning on taking my old computer desk out of my room and putting a table to clean my rifles on. Not sure when I'll get around to that. Kinda hate using the kitchen table to do that.


I'm happy about November, 3 paydays and at the end I'm going on a 3 day hunting trip. Probably gonna do a bunch of hunting that month, for squirrel and going to see if I can test my .270 on coyotes if my predator callers/coyote howlers work.


I'm also going to climb a mountain across the road from where I usually hunt....it's pretty high, and I'm wondering what the other side is like. Gonna bring my camera w/me for that.

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Well, I just blasted the A-Team Theme through the intercom and walkie-talkies here at work.




I dunno. Sometimes that's just what you've gotta do. :dozey:


Could also have something to do with the fact that we're all at work on Halloween, after a long, and somewhat boring day, and I'm in a strange mood.


Ike might appreciate the show were doing tonight, though... it's an early Genesis tribute band (Authorized, none the less...) called The Musical Box.

They specialize in exactly re-creating the stage shows of the band in certain eras.


But we've been here since 10 am, and their road crew pretty much does everything themselves... so I've been sitting on my ass most of the day spacing out.


Hence, The A-Team.



I love it when a plan comes together...

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ugh on monday i woke up at 4am blood running out of my elbow, i am like 'wtf' and feel around it and there is a small piece of glass stuck in it, so i ripped it out and went back to sleep, then woke up at 5 and went out to my hunting spot. Climbed through a bunch of thornbushes and up near a cliff, sat for a while and called (was using the injured rabbit and female coyote calls) and nothing. Then I moved to another spot, called on and off for an hour, still nothing. Then on my way back I saw a large whitetail doe, but i don't have a doe license and I had my rifle on me so I was like 'o well at least i saw something...' guess i make too much noise in the woods or i just stink at hunting. but at least it's fun. I didn't get to climb the mountain I was planning on, because there's a stream that goes by and I didn't think to bring my waders and it was too dark to see.


Halloween was alright, i didnt dress up like i did last year though.


Had a weird dream last night, dreamt I ordered contacts and they came as film negatices...i aws like 'hell no im not putting that in my eyes' then i found a bunch of boxes of the focus daily contacts, which is what im gonna get when i go for an eye exam this month....


It's almost the 5th of November so i'm gonna go rent V for Vendetta, as i only saw like the first half of that movie....maybe today i will go rent xmen 1, 2, and 3....as i haven't seen the whole thing of 2 and wanted to see 3. My sister hasn't seen any of them.


The kitchen looks really nice since my mom and sis painted it, my sis got us a new stove on her credit card, and it's pretty nice.


I'm still waiting for the towing company to call me so i can get rid of the buick...i am donating it to a charity for needy children, but i guess since i said the alternator is dead and the transmission is fubar, they decided to be rude and not call and say they're not coming to get it. suckers.


Tomorrow is payday, and for that i am happy. Planning to get eye exam and see about getting contacts, so tired of these glasses they are like 3 or 4 years old, and don't fit too well, plus I look cool without them.

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I had a favorite aunt pass away around the weekend, and though it blows, it was good seeing my relatives, including the ones living in New Jersey. Talked to one of my cousins from there at length at the lunch reception after the funeral, and a lot of computer stuff came up. Gave him my email address, so I hope I hear from him pretty soon. :)

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new computer goodies!


my barton 2500 I am running is hurt like an SOB from an overclocking instance, so I finally ponied up and ordered a replacement XP-m Barton 2800+, got new crucial ballistix cl2 2-3-3-6 DRR 400 too, since I am running crappy 333. I also grabbed a new antec TPII 480W PS, and a basic socket mobo to throw the old ram in, and see if I can clock the old barton down enough to make it stable............

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