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The New, Improved One Year Thread: 2006 Edition


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i hear ya there...it took me forever in kotor to get the courage to go to the dark side, when i did i felt bad as i had 'no other choice' ;] but to kill off all my characters.


in Jedi Academy/JK it is so much more fun to go darkside tho...and i LOVE the saber battles, and i'm just learning the combos and **** like the strong kata w/the strong stance, that just kicks ass. i just wish there was an easier way on the Xbox to change force powers, like hot key them to different buttons such as the white and black ones, which never seem to get used? at least it would make sense to use force rage then, otherwise it's just a suicide power. lame.


i'm looking for a copy of Jedi Outcast, since i never did complete that...reason being, i had the dloaded full version of it, on my old compaq and the swamp level pretty much killed it. -_-


never got to play the mp on either, well jedi academy i did, but it was very weird on xbox live. *recalls how much FUN original JK and MotS were on pc...*

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XWA online was a barrel of no fun. And I sucked too much at JK/ROTS to have fun online. The only online games I ever had any fun with were all xbox games on Live. And flight sims like F-22 Lightning 3 and Combat Flight Simulator 2.


I briefly cracked the top 50 on live in NCAA Football 06, for example. Now that's a game I'm good at.

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I've never had the slightest bit of luck with any online game... so I just don't bother even trying anymore.


All my online experiences follow the same script:


*Join game*

"Hmm... doesn't look so ba..." *Dead*


"OK... that won't happen this ti..." *Dead* *Nasty Taunt*


"Gotta keep Movin..." *Dead* *Really nasty taunt*

"Damn It!"


"I'll run left immedia..." *Dead*

"Oh, F*** ME!!!"


"I'll just start firing continuously in a 360-degree arc then..." *Dead* *Super nasty taunt*

"S***, S***, S***!!!! The Hell with this."

*Quit Game*

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lmao...i remember the original Descent, that S1DC guy claimed he could beat me, so we set up a LAN and i kicked his ass royally. :joy:


I REALLY miss playing Mysteries of the Sith...the levels i made for mp were the best, that one...named after our favorite admin, Ike..that was the best, most balanced map i made, and VERY fun with the Manowars 3 mod. :) i can't wait to get broadband so i can try out Jedi Academy.

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Here's a quandry for ya, ed... I went and got the Delta 44, and I've also got an old 3-channel mixer (meaning I've got 6 inputs in total: 3 straight to the PC, and 3 through the mixer to the PC). We're a 3-peice (guitar, bass, drums). What's the best use of those 6 inputs? Suggestions for specific mics would be more then appreciated as well.


Oh, and in case you're wondering, vocals would be tracked seperatly, so don't worry about them.

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I would use the mixer on the drum kit (left & right overhead, and kick drum; or kick, snare, mono overhead) then bass and guitar. Mix it to one or 2 inputs of the 44.


Kick: AKG D112, Shure Beta 52, Beyerdynamic M88, Electrovoice RE-20

Snare: Shure SM-57, Sennhieser 421

Overheads: Anything by Earthworks (TC-30, TC-40...) AKG C3000, AKG 414, Shure SM 81, or any condenser. (These will need phantom power, though.) Otherwise, a halfway decent moving coil mic that is still in good shape will work, but not ideal.

Guitar: Shure SM-57, Sennhieser E-604

Bass: Go direct if you can. Any passive or active direct box will suit that purpose. The Radial ones are real nice, especially the ones with the Jensen Transformers. You can't go wrong with a Countryman Type-85, either, but that needs phantom too. Many amps these days already have some kind of direct output built in already. Often this works just as well...

If you have to mic the amp, then a Electrovoice RE-20, or anything that I listed for the kick will also work. Not ideal though...


Some of these mics are pretty expensive. But every band should have a couple of SM-57's and 58's just to have. At least 2 of each. These will do the job until you can get the proper gear.


If it were me, I would make each member of the band responsible for the getting the mics you are going to use on his instrument: The drummer should buy the drum mics, the bassist should get the direct box, etc...


That way they own the mics, and can use them in other situations. This will make the club gigs a lot more predictable if you all travel with your own equipment.


I'm a firm believer that EVERY vocalist should own their own mic that's best for their voice. Why not every bassist having their own D.I. box? Every guitarist carrying his own amp mic? Every drummer carrying a set of mics for their kit?

It usually simplifies the sound guy's job if they do.


The Musician's Friend catalog often sells drum kit mic packs... that might be a cheaper solution.

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