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Ideas for ideal maps

Fate's Decision

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I was thinking about the newly announced modding tools and was wondering about some neat map ideas. There have been a couple of topics related to this but they were all requests for modders to create their own ideas.


I'm thinking about a pod racing map on Tatooine where the two sides have only two beginning CPs and the players have to board speeder bikes and choose a rout and race each other to get to a neutral CP. It would be much better on SBFII because you can use boosts and your speeder can jump to avoid obsicles.


Also the Super-Geonosis idea it's basically a huge Geonosis map that all of the Clones must start out in assault ships above the planet and must deploy AT-TE carrying republic gunships down to capture CPs.

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someone should recreate the boonta eve map from bf1 but with pathed bots this time, and alot of other maps from the first one and a death star space map it'd be awesome to fly out of the death star with a swarm of other ties at your back

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I had an idea a while ago (not SW but would adapt well)

It would be set in a coruscant ghetto, the style would be reminescent of New Mombasa from halo 2, you have a canyon like valley with opposing fortresses in either wall which slope down into a center valley (like a halfpipe), a large garage at the base of each, the center open area has one small bunker in the middle (for ctf and strategic occupation) and a shallow drainage creek splitting around both sides of the bunker, the center area has trenches and foxholes for sniper protection while crossing the map but they're spaced enough to avoid hindering vehicle combat, the center area and fronts of the bases all have little cover requiring a mad dash across it to get to the close quarters fortress interiors, the interiors are made of multiple levels, each with an open view of the center battlefield (sniper heaven) with turrets and "remote" control terminals, the main CP is at the top of each fortress.

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What I'd really like to see is a redone, Naboo: Plains. Think the one from BF1 on steroids


Basicly the rebels main base is in the swamps located at the far end of the map, the Imperials meanwhile attack with an AT-AT from the other end, flanked by several AT-ST's and some speeder bikes. In between the two the rebels would control three more middle CP's surrounded by trees and ruins for fortifications, also on the map near the center CP would be two of those huge Fambaa sheilds where gungan allies spawn, basicly giving you cover from the AT-AT from afar. In between are wide stretches of rolling grassy plains which give you little cover from enemy fire.


So basicly the rebels start out with the strong defensive position and the imperials have the strong firepower. Thats my idea for the ideal Naboo map.

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I'm thinking about a pod racing map on Tatooine where the two sides have only two beginning CPs and the players have to board speeder bikes and choose a rout and race each other to get to a neutral CP. It would be much better on SBFII because you can use boosts and your speeder can jump to avoid obsicles.


When Softimage releases a msh Exporter for XSI mod Tools, I would make some podracers and a Mos Espa map. (I started on Mawhonic's Podracer and Mos Espa a while ago, but I was forced to stop because of the 30-day trial period for XSI Foundation with the msh exporter. And if they release a exporter for the Mod Tools, I have to do everything over again because the Foundation files are in another format.

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