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The two Sith who hit on you on Manaan

Nancy Allen``

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In the Manaan cantina a couple of Sith will hit on your character (a woman if you're male, a man if female) and basically try and pick you up. You can ask questions which they won't answer, and when you end the conversation they get upset and go off about not being man or woman enough for them. Can you, uh, do anything with them?

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I do that at oft times. Juhani can go on about not using the force like that all she wants, but at the same time there are times when such zeal just will not cut it. If I could I'd shove a lightsaber in the Sith's face and threaten to pop it if they don't behave.


Well, I wish I can shove it up Juhani's when she whines. or, at least, ductape her mouth, since a saber thru Juhani's head would look funny.


Then again, her head is not nice either, I don't like the skin... so in my game I did a bit of modding/reskin on my own... and she still whines.

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Sure, she whines. Who doesn't? She's also very helpful, you'll need the mod to unlock the rest of the dialogue but she offers far more on her knowledge of the worlds than anyone else. Still, there are times when I wish there was the option to punch out or flatten someone, and Juhani in the grove is one of them.


I found out about those Sith, by the way. For the Sundri trial you can get them drunk and they will reveal how they planted evidence and bribed witnesses. That video however (you can find it by hacking the Republic computers) cannot be disputed, even in light of what Jolee says of a video with Malek dancing like a Twi'lek girl.

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