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Firefly: Season 2

ET Warrior

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So, I know there are a great many Firefly/Serenity fans on this board, so I figure it's a good idea to get the word out about the ever-so-slight chance for a second season of Firefly.




It may never happen, but it can't hurt to lend your voice in support.


The basic idea is that the episodes/season would have to be purchased, and that money would be what finances the TV show. I dont know about any of you, but I'd be willing to spend 4 bucks an episode if it meant an entire new seasons worth of Firefly.

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I would never pay 1.99 per episode of a show. But best of luck to you fans, right? I hate when they cancel great TV in place of reality crap and what not.


I heard a possibility of a made for TV movie or miniseries. Joss Whedon was discussing it in some interview that I don't even know why I opened because I've never seen the show or movie. Did you hear anything about that? It was on IGN or something. I'm sure you'd know more about that than me though but if not, it's worth looking into.

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I dunno, firefly is cool and all, but in all honesty I can't see this working.



Futurama and Firefly, R.I.P.


And also Arrested Development, why does FOX always cancel good shows anyway? So stupid, didn't AD win some awards or something?

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Anyone who'd pay $45 for season 1 of Firefly--or for a single season of any show, for that matter--is a moron. It's $35 at Amazon and has been (not to mention will be) on sale for a lot less than that periodically.


Regardless, though I love the show, I also strongly doubt this independent ressurection project will work. Even if it does, the show will *still* likely go under, because there's no way they'll generate enough money to recoup their costs--especially given the wonderful intarweb environment in which we now live that pretty much guarantees you'll have full access to whatever you want within hours or even minutes of its initial broadcast...no matter how sanctimonious paying fans become about it, the show WILL be ripped and end up torrented.

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Futurama and Firefly, R.I.P.



Futurama's not done just yet!


Four confirmed Futurama dvd movies


And as much as I love Firefly/Serenity, I see a revival in the show to be very unlikely. The movie sales could've been a chance to get more sequels, but sadly its performance in the BO didn't look as one that would warrant a sequel.

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It'll never work... but i'll give it a go anyway. I'd happily pay $1.99 an episode for another series of firefly... thats only £30 for a 22 episode series... and i'd probably buy the dvds too.


In a few years everything will probably work like this anyway... they are already looking into video on demand downloads.. apple and google are already trying it out, and bit torrent proves it is feasible. Pretty soon it will be like it is for music.

I gotta say that $0.99 is about the max i'd see anyone paying for episodes... but then firefly is a special case.


They were talking a short while back about so many people buying TV series on DVD these days that they would start producing straight-to-DVD series that didn't air on TV. I think firefly would be a great pilot for that.


I gotta say that, living in the UK, we don't get half the good shows until years later, if at all... so i often download and/or buy shows on DVD that i've never seen on free TV. Battlestar Galactica, Tru Calling, Dead Like Me, Carnivale, 24 series 3 and 4 - i've bought all these on DVD because i can't get them on TV here.

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