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Romance Options for Kotor 3


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My own personal opinion here is that love should play a major part to resolving things for the light side. That does not necessarily mean "romance." Maybe it would have a "been there, done that" feel, but I would like to see an ending a la ROTJ where love provides the motivation and strength for overcoming "The True Sith." Let Jolee Bindo be vindicated!

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I'd like to see romance in KotOR 3 but something well done and with good dialogues, just like in the first game but even better preferably. They could push things a bit futher by, I dunno, having us complete a specific series of quests to advance in the romance plot. Also they could have some dialogues trigger only when you are with your love interest in a certain location on a planet or something... They could have love triangles as well and ensuing rivalries and disputes between NPCs (they missed their chance to do that in the second game methinks). Could be interesting, no?

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  MachineCult said:
Love was essential in the movies, Anakins fall to the dark side and the birth of the twins wasn't essential to the movies? It is exactly what the movies are about.
And the love of a son for the father that redeemed Vader in the end.
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Ok, in general dialouge should be one of the top priorities. After all, the Kotor series is an RPG game and almost 100% of the time, there will be love in that game. Besides, one of Star Wars major themes was love because of Anakin like other people have said. I will stress again, it doesn't have to be mushy. "Oh I love you sweetie pie! Lets go and cuddle and make cutesy faces at each other."

What I am saying is that according to the Sith and the Jedi, love is one of the most dangerous things. I think that the next Kotor should have betrayal, should have jealousy, revenge, lust, anger, and love. After all, it seems like the Outer Rim is infested with dark side planets so these elements should come into play. Temptation should be one of the underlying themes of Kotor 3 in my opinion considering the setting they are in.

So I think that admist all that chaos, some love should be formed and I think you should be able to love someone also on many different levels. Sisterly love, the love best friends have over each other maybe?

And above all else the already existing romantic plots should be filled out to satisfy the average rper such as my myself. :) They don't need to be married or have babies, just I would like to see some reunited and stuff.

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I would rather not have any romance options at all. Or, depending on who the characters are, I wouldn't mind some dialog options like in K1 with a male Revan always talking about how she can't resist him, etc. But if the romance is more in-depth, I'd rather it be with your party members and not your Jedi PC.

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But it is going to be silly if lets say old members of Kotor I comes and there is no dialouge between Revan and Carth/Bastila. Obviously you are going to see Revan in the 3rd one or Kreia wouldn't have talked about it and the Exile going to the Outer Rim, you know? There at least has to be a few cutscenes. I mean, what I would be satisfied with was a few cutscenes between Revan and the love interest..Exile and the love interest and the main focus would be the main character. Like you know how some characters if they are in the same party talk together for a couple of times and then not really talk anymore?

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Kotor needs the romance stuff. Kotor1 wasn't bad for it but Kotor2 was lacking with Visas for male and atton, disciple and visas for female. It is a good sidequest in the games for a change and needs to stay. They should go indepth in kotor3 with the romance, and with a choice of party because everyone has their own likes, even if it is only a game. Yeh, good idea

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I think a little romance lightens the whole thing up a bit and gives you a break from hack and slash. I'd like to see more of those witty little side comments between PC and NPC and NPC/NPC interaction, too. I don't think romance should be the main thing, and I certainly think you should be able to opt out if you don't want to roleplay that way (my son is at the age where kissing is just yucky, so he'd love to not have to be subjected to anything romantic). However, from a roleplaying standpoint, some romance in a style more like K1 than TSL would add some fun for a lot of us.

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  JediMaster12 said:
So Phaedra36 you want attachment but you want it to lead to jealousy and betrayal? Sounds a bit soap opera to me but I catch your drift about not wanting it to be mushy. Who really wants that?

That's not what I am saying >.> All I said was love can lead to many things, which it did include in other Star Wars movies and games. Mercy, Betrayal, Revenge, Jealousy..etc. It doesn't have to be like for example..

Bastila: No Revan is mine!

Random person: That is not what he said to me last night!

Bastila: *whips out her lightsaber and almost kills random person*Now I gave into my anger, I switched to the Dark side again! Mwahaha.

What I am trying to say Jedi Master, is that is all the movies are based on love really. An underlying theme of love on top of action-packed, lightsaber swinging action. I am not saying Love has to dominate the game, but it should have a strong impact and yes, it could add a few dramatic surprises from the more.. negative effects love can bring.

On the other hand,Love can also lighten up the mood (like other people have said) when you are immersed in such a deep and dark storyline.

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So I guess it does sound a bit like a soap opera. But that is what makes it good. I'll tell you what made EIII Revenge of the Sith so good it that it was dark and tragic and it had the romance in it, but not mushy romance..seeeee and the kotor storyline needs that extra aspect. It adds so much to the story and I would venture far enough to say that it would influence the characters decisions. It may sound like I am referring to Anikan's actions and in a way I am. Your character can fall to the dark side because of things like failed romance or it could be that one decision that the character makes to remain on the path of light and in the end helps the jedi blah, saves the day, blah blah, and is the hero with their chosen party member or "significant other" at the players side. Catch my drift??

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Romance is a must have for KOTOR3. I loved having the ability to tease and embarrass (and--whether it be the right word or not--seduce) Bastilla in KOTOR1 and I found the end very rewarding no matter how brief it was. KOTOR2 felt empty with the pitiful plot between your character and the Handmaiden, and the Atton bit doesn't even count. If having a romance plot IS just to much to ask for then at least give the character the option of flirting.

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  JediMaster12 said:
I catch it and see your point. Romance should not be mushy but add a bit of flavor because it was a part of the original films. A completed storyline takes the shotgun seat though.


I believe you are right. I also believe that these romantic avenues and a really well done, completed storyline are one in the same.


As far as KotOR is concerned, I don't believe you can have one without the other.

Without the romantic connections and character involvement, this would be nothing more than an empty shell of an RPG, with nothing much to care about except credits and killing.


I hope the makers of K3 will get back to this mindframe when the storyline is created.

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Well, hello there...


I think we need to see what really happens when someone in the party "screws somthing up"... Why NPCs can't be temporary ?

For example... If PC break someone's heart, he or she can leave the party or

attack him(her) if the wound is really deep...

In kotor and tsl, NPCs don't think much with their own head ( except Kreia )...

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Well, I was thinking about simple love. This can be one of the reasons for

temporary NPCs like in some older RPGs. It's more dynamic and therefore,

it is more interesting. Side quests can be based upon these things but even

without them, just the fact that you can screw up your own party (and maybe

lose a potential good jedi or soldier) is fun :)

Your ideas are good too, i'm in love with them :) but that makes the game more

complicated to be realized...

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That is why I don't bother with the technical side of things. It's just better to dream and imagine what will happen. Love is not really that simple. In fact it is very complicated when you try to put your life in perspective and maintain your relationship. I'm not saying that I'm an expert because I've never been in a relationship like that but my point is that love is part of the human condition and it's not just a simple matter of one loving another, it encompasses the whole self. Everything in balance; the lesson of yin and yang.

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