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Zaalbar as Jedi?


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has anyone made a mod to make Zaalbar, the wookiee, into a Jedi? That'd be for K1, though a recruitable Zaalbar for K2 would be neat anyway...actually, adding Kashyyyk to K2 would be interesting as well, but that'd be a big ol' job. Anyhow, mostly wookie jedi, anyone? :-D

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ahha i have found a zalbar mod it was made by PrtyLizardJedi, made a skin for him also to make him a darkside wookie he comes with two red lightsabers when you spring him out on taris. here the page

Zaalbar as a Dark Sider. That's like making a mod where Hanharr is a Light Sider. LOL

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I, too, would love to have a Jedi Zaalbar! I'm thinking of that big guy with Knight Speed and Master Flurry and that strength wielding some lightsabers ... man he'd be a walking blender.


I don't really care if he can wear armor or helmets or whatever .. I just want him to get Jedi powers. Shoot if Mission can become a Jedi on Dantooine, why can't the Z-man??


The mod that has Zaalbar as a Dark Jedi is interesting and I'll give it a look, but I'd like a chance to pick Guardian or Sentinel or Consular for him. (Although who in their right mind would NOT pick Guardian?)

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i thought about something crazy:

what if we gave HK 47 and T3 the ability to use the force :D

i know that sounds stupid, but if it could be done, it'd be awesome.

now dont go naming me a kook here, if you dont like the idea, please think of it as a joke ok??

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i thought about something crazy:

what if we gave HK 47 and T3 the ability to use the force :D

i know that sounds stupid, but if it could be done, it'd be awesome.

now dont go naming me a kook here, if you dont like the idea, please think of it as a joke ok??


That would be awesome.


**Remembers the comic R5, The Jedi Droid**

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