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Omeewan's Clones


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Revan dont tell me you sent them to her, I wanted to bargin with her for maybe a pic of herself or a date for the models. Now you just ruined it all Revan thanks alot! And on a more serious note. Im glad you settled things for now, but if I know Ruku he isnt done yet. And Revan that looks wierd. Maybe you should go take to Maurox or Max, I think his name started with a M. Well anyway that guy posted on JOM forums about head trading jedi custom models. That could work for what you are needing.

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Revan I believe that was best said by Mark Hamill. Even thought you said it nicer and forgot to add "son" to the end of it, I wouldnt suggest you saying it again. :p Leave it to the pro's and the Evil Villian of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.

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OT completely:

  omeewan said:
Hey speaking of which...not that I am jumping ship, but is skinning for KOTOR anything like JKA?

Pretty much the same way of skinning. Most armours etc all use one base model and the uti files (items like different armours) call what texture to use rather then having .skin files.


But the big difference we don't have anything like a SDK. All the tools we have to use, from the extraction tools, to the item editors etc were all made by the community as modding for K1 and K2 isn't technically allowed. We are pretty much allowed to do what we want etc modify the exe files, port things from other games (including K1 stuff to K2 and vice versa)


Oh and if you want to check a skin as you make it. You better have the game disc in as you have to have the game running to check it. Load up the game, alt-tab out, play with the skin, alt tab back to the game repeat! repeat! repeat! Kind of annoying but does allow you to run around and make sure the skin isnt warping funny ont he model.


Anyway come over to the Labs and we can show you how better over there.

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  RevanSithLord said:
Oh? You want atton huh? Well, thank god Zappa emailed them to me... Ill forward them to you. :) I just need your email address, I think Zappa might give it to me. Ill gladly send you the Carth Onasi and Atton to you. I also have Bandon, Dustil, etc. Wardroid. It's all good. :smash:


Zappa san thank you !!! I got all of them Im so Happy & busy with my Atton and Carth !!! :laughing: :laughing:

I dont post screenshot this time

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NP Babe. Yea no screenshots probally be good. Dont wanna cause a stir for the model which was made by JK3Files own Inyri Forge. Which when Twingo confronted her on the forums Inyri banned him until 2016. Good example why people should work with PCGM and LucasFiles. Oh and almost forgot. Omee you should be able to upload your skin pack. Sergio removed somemore stuff so it should be able to hold a few new files for a few days. And woohoo im finally on offical spring break!

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Sweet, before I upload it I'm going to correct some things I found. (Just a few glitches)


I am also going to wait until I hear from Hapslash to use the robes. Marz and Psyk0 already gave me the ok to use their models. Just waiting on that last permission from Haps.


Enjoy your spring break!! Mine isn't until the 20th.


P.S.- Can one of you guys send the KOTOR models (all of them) to me at the gmail account? :D


Buffy can you e-mail me some screens of them to work? I won't post -Just for my wallpaper LOL.

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  Jackel said:
OT completely:


Pretty much the same way of skinning. Most armours etc all use one base model and the uti files (items like different armours) call what texture to use rather then having .skin files.


But the big difference we don't have anything like a SDK. All the tools we have to use, from the extraction tools, to the item editors etc were all made by the community as modding for K1 and K2 isn't technically allowed. We are pretty much allowed to do what we want etc modify the exe files, port things from other games (including K1 stuff to K2 and vice versa)


Oh and if you want to check a skin as you make it. You better have the game disc in as you have to have the game running to check it. Load up the game, alt-tab out, play with the skin, alt tab back to the game repeat! repeat! repeat! Kind of annoying but does allow you to run around and make sure the skin isnt warping funny ont he model.


Anyway come over to the Labs and we can show you how better over there.


Sounds good, I'll check it out. Kotor is my favorite game after all.

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