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Have a feeling...


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I have a feeling with the release of Star Wars LEGO II, we'll finally get our long awaited Knights III. Mercenaries II just came out here a few month's ago? Empire at War, then a few others. We had to expect their be a LEGO II, considering the extra level you could play in the first one...


The next on the listen would be the Knights series?

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I think he means LA is running out of franchises to put in the shops.


If you look at it, they only have 2 left:

-Jedi Knight 4/Jedi Academy 2

-Kotor 3


Seen the management of LA, they will try to spread their games along the year. If they don't, there will be a gap between Starwars lego 2 and the next game of maybe half an year. half an year where no money is made.


I think it's quit possible that K3 will be released soon.


PS: We still not know who is making/will make it though :p

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I think it's quit possible that K3 will be released soon.


PS: We still not know who is making/will make it though :p


Lets hope so :).


I'm sure there will be new Star Wars games made, there's so much money in the Star Wars games, it's incredible.

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Before making a K3, they need to make a new engine.


While BioWare's modified Aurora engine is still quite good, it won't be able to compete against newer games that boast extreme graphics (Oblivion)


And since LA is not renowned for making their own engines, someone's gotta do it first. Perhaps they will try to get Bio's new engine that is being developed for Dragon Age, or Obsidian's NWN2 engine.

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I think he means LA is running out of franchises to put in the shops.


If you look at it, they only have 2 left:

-Jedi Knight 4/Jedi Academy 2

-Kotor 3


Seen the management of LA, they will try to spread their games along the year. If they don't, there will be a gap between Starwars lego 2 and the next game of maybe half an year. half an year where no money is made.


I think it's quit possible that K3 will be released soon.


PS: We still not know who is making/will make it though :p

I think it is possible to hear something about KotOR III in the near future, but I doubt a release will be made soon. I can see KotOR 3 coming out at the end of next year.

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Before making a K3, they need to make a new engine.

Actually all they need is a modified graphics engine. The control part of the engine (2da files, uti files etc) work fine.

While BioWare's modified Aurora engine is still quite good, it won't be able to compete against newer games that boast extreme graphics (Oblivion)

Personally I dont think Oblivian looks that good, its characters are still ugly, metal doesnt look like metal but melted plastic, and if it is anything like the morrowind engine its graphics engine going to be badly made anyway.

And since LA is not renowned for making their own engines, someone's gotta do it first.

Actually two engines LA made for Star Wars games were better then just about anything else out at the time. The Dark Forces game engine, allowed jumping, looking up and down, better then the Doom 1 & 2 engine. Then there is the Dark Forces2 Engine, very nice, huge outdoor levels, nice models (for the time of course) etc. and as far as I am concerned better then the Quake engine and almost as good as the Unreal engine.

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Actually all they need is a modified graphics engine. The control part of the engine (2da files, uti files etc) work fine.


I admit I don't know much about all this, so I'll give it to you.


Personally I dont think Oblivian looks that good, its characters are still ugly, metal doesnt look like metal but melted plastic, and if it is anything like the morrowind engine its graphics engine going to be badly made anyway.


Of course everyone can have his or her own interpretation of graphics. Many people disliked WarCraft 3's graphics, while others liked them. That being said, saying that these graphics are bad is a bit extreme. And don't forget that the ES games give a lot of freedom to the modding community, and some really great graphic packs were made for Morrowind.


Actually two engines LA made for Star Wars games were better then just about anything else out at the time. The Dark Forces game engine, allowed jumping, looking up and down, better then the Doom 1 & 2 engine. Then there is the Dark Forces2 Engine, very nice, huge outdoor levels, nice models (for the time of course) etc. and as far as I am concerned better then the Quake engine and almost as good as the Unreal engine.


Any recent engines? Last one was Force Commander I think; and we all know how that one turned out (I actually *liked* FC, but it was a real market flop).

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With all the respect, that's obviously Pre-rendered.*


*= Not real graphics. Created by compagnies specialised in creating movies. A good example is the Killzone 2 trailer. Sony itself made it, and now Guerilla has to reach those graphics, or the fans will be disapointed.


I believe Morrowin will be nice, but you forget the main reason: It's a First Person game. This way, they can create far better grapics then kotor, just because Kotor shows the game from semi-above.



This is how they said Final Fantasy 7 would look



This is how it actually looks:



Another, recent example, Killzone 2:

I have no doubt the PS3 will be powerfull, but High-end pc's can't even do this!


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i want them to announce it NOW, but take their time developing it. at least let us know for sure that it's being developed. but i want a complete game too


There's loads of us in that position mate. I hope we get an announcement soon :).

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With all the respect, that's obviously Pre-rendered.*


This is not the place for a "graphics in Oblivion" debate, but just go and see the gameplay footage videos, i.e. a video of someone who is actually playing the game. The graphics are as good as in the screenshot.


I'm not one for liking games only for graphics. In my book, gameplay>>>graphics. But many people think the other way around, and better graphics are a must for KotOR 3 to be succesful.

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I'm not one for liking games only for graphics. In my book, gameplay>>>graphics. But many people think the other way around, and better graphics are a must for KotOR 3 to be succesful.

However but I'll be very angry if they release KOTOR III with so many glitches and cut content.

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Mave, every game is bound to have a glitch that they may have overlooked. Not everything is prefect the first time out. I do agree that a completed storyline is needed but I don't expect it to be in a pristine condition. My experience with the XBox taught me that. My brother and I waited over a year before getting ours because of the recall, etc. I know there are bound to be screwups. The world isn't perfect. I can understand with the cut content thing. TSL was it and I heop, no, I KNOW KOTOR III will be better. It has to be but for now, I don't expect too many miracles. It just turns into wishful thinking.

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I do not mind glitches and bugs in games myself, as long as the designers fix them through patches. TSL did not have any major glitches (at least I have never encountered any significant ones). The problem with the cut content is that they cut parts of the ending. No, wait. They cut the whole thing. When I played through for the first time, and saw the credits right after the Ebon Hawk leaving Malachor V, I was sure I accidently hit a key and skipped a cinematic. But no, the game just ends that way.


People have been saying that it's LucasArts fault, since they rushed Obsidian to finish it sooner. While I'm pretty sure that LA has something to do with this, I don't think they are the only ones to blame. I remember seeing a developper interview (probably on gamespot) in fall 2004 where an Obsidian designer said that the game was basically finished, and that they were just testing. I don't work in the game industry or anything, but I am quite surprised to see that they cannot come up with an actual ending in a month or two. And an ending does not require testing or balancing; you just want to see what happens to your characters through cutscenes.


Will KotOR III be better? TSL is actually pretty good, comparable to the first one. It's really a complex and deep game. The main problem is the lack of an ending. We will see how it goes.

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I will bet that KOTOR 3 will likely be announced at this year's E3. Lets just hope that LA doesnt push them for a christmas release unless they can really pull off a completed game in that time.


I also saw something mentioned from IGN that the fighting system in KOTOR 3 will be full Real Time. What do you guys think about that?



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I also saw something mentioned from IGN that the fighting system in KOTOR 3 will be full Real Time. What do you guys think about that?
I'm taking a wait and see approach. I haven't played Jade Empire so I'm not sure how that system works. I'm probably more open to it now than I was in the past. To me the biggest concern is that it remains very cinematic looking and largely based on your characters abilities and not the player's twitch skills.
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Which is exactly the case with Jade Empire.

I noticed some similarities to KotOR while playing it. (Bioware)


I played KotOR first and very often before even delving into Jade Empire. I was pleasantly surprised at how the importance of combat wasn't dependant on speed of button pushing. Which is what I was most concerned about. In this case, the mindset of the player weighs much heavier.


Defensive maneuvers mixed with offensive strikes that you yourself are responsible for obtaining and improving. Where we have the force in Starwars, the masters in ancient china could control their chi and thus magical powers can produce very interesting forms of combat and defense.


If LA decides to use this type of combat engine, or one similar, I doubt we'd be dissappointed.

Graphically, it's superb. Although there is always room for improvemet.

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I'm not one for liking games only for graphics. In my book, gameplay>>>graphics. But many people think the other way around, and better graphics are a must for KotOR 3 to be succesful.
Probably so. I've come to think that while many gamers rave about graphics they don't fully realize that if the story isn't all that good they don't end up playing the game all that much, at least with RPG's anyway. So yes, I think the next KotOR's graphics will need to take it up a notch or two the game's real success will come from how good the actual gameplay and storyline is.


To me the biggest concern is that it remains very cinematic looking and largely based on your characters abilities and not the player's twitch skills.
Here, here! I second that motion! cuz my twitch skills suck! :xp:
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I haven't played Jade Empire so I'm not sure how that system works. I'm probably more open to it now than I was in the past. To me the biggest concern is that it remains very cinematic looking and largely based on your characters abilities and not the player's twitch skills.

Jade Empire is very much a twitch game, you need to hit buttons and rely on reflexes quite a bit for the fights, it is completely unlike KotOR in that aspect. While fun for a Kung-Fu game it wouldn't 'fit' in a KotOR game.


No, wait. They cut the whole thing. When I played through for the first time, and saw the credits right after the Ebon Hawk leaving Malachor V, I was sure I accidently hit a key and skipped a cinematic. But no, the game just ends that way.

Actually that was likely intended, see the end of KotOR I was a cinematic one, with all the traditional Star Wars fluff, pomp and circumstance, as the game was a straight forward spoon-fed expirience. While TSL was more of a story driven game that doesn't give anything to you clearly like K1 did, TSL's actual ending is that final dialoge with Kreia during the final fight, she reveals much at that time. The cinematics are appropriate for the tone of the game.


The so-called "cut" content at the end of the game are a few cutscenes, that basically seal the fates of some of the NPC's. I see the cut content as purposefully done to allow an easier continuation of the series, also it fits into Star Wars.


If you notice both EP1 and EP4 both end with a celebration, as KotOR I did. EP2 and EP5, both end without a clear cut huge event, EP2 with the tense start of the Clone Wars and EP5 with a rather somber note, this fits with TSL quite well.


Just my 2 cents. ;)

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Actually that was likely intended, see the end of KotOR I was a cinematic one, with all the traditional Star Wars fluff, pomp and circumstance, as the game was a straight forward spoon-fed expirience. While TSL was more of a story driven game that doesn't give anything to you clearly like K1 did, TSL's actual ending is that final dialoge with Kreia during the final fight, she reveals much at that time. The cinematics are appropriate for the tone of the game.


I honestly fail to see how this could have been intended. Sure TSL doesn't automatically feed you information. Kreia's dialogue was not all that great. She basically answers questions your character might have concerning the twisted and un-Star Warsy storyline that the devs threw at us. Cutting someone from the force? Please. Then, for no apparent reason, you just see the Ebon Hawk leaving the planet (didn't it fell from the spot where you left it after some kind of earthquake?). You know absolutely nothing about your party members either.


The so-called "cut" content at the end of the game are a few cutscenes, that basically seal the fates of some of the NPC's. I see the cut content as purposefully done to allow an easier continuation of the series, also it fits into Star Wars.


The NPCs are the people who helped your character during his quests, and even saved his butt a few times. They should have been mentioned at the end. Easier continuation? Perhaps, but at the expanse of the game.


If you notice both EP1 and EP4 both end with a celebration, as KotOR I did. EP2 and EP5, both end without a clear cut huge event, EP2 with the tense start of the Clone Wars and EP5 with a rather somber note, this fits with TSL quite well.


In AotC, you know what happens to Obi-Wan, Anakin and Padmé. You know what happens to Yoda and Dooku. You know that there is a war comming. In ESB, you know what happens to Luke, Leia, Lando and Chewie. Heck, you even know what happens to Solo. You also know that Luke & co. will try to rescue Han.


Does TSL really end with a somber note? You don't know what happened to the NPCs. They might be all dead ( :( ) or they might be all alive and doing a party in the Ebon Hawk's cargo room ( :) ).


I really liked TSL. I think it was a great sequel to the first game, but the end was really disappointing.

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I honestly fail to see how this could have been intended.

KotOR 1 had a cinematic ending, TSL had a dialog based ending, this was intended due to the type of game OE wanted to make.


Kreia's dialogue was not all that great. She basically answers questions your character might have concerning the twisted and un-Star Warsy storyline that the devs threw at us. Cutting someone from the force? Please. Then, for no apparent reason, you just see the Ebon Hawk leaving the planet (didn't it fell from the spot where you left it after some kind of earthquake?).

Kreia's dialogue is the end of the game... It also explains why you are leaving, if you actually talk to Kreia.


We do see the Ebon Hawk fall, yes, but we do not 'see' the Ebon Hawk destroyed. ;)


You know absolutely nothing about your party members either.

Kreia indeed talks about them, if you ask her about them that is, we do know about them and their possible futures. Leaves it open wide for the sequel.


I really liked TSL. I think it was a great sequel to the first game, but the end was really disappointing.

Being you had issues with parts of the storyline I can understand that... I have played some RPG's where I have felt similarly.


The first time I completed TSL I was like WTF??? That's It? But I just whacked Kreia and didn't talk to her at all, I restarted the save wen't back dueled her and talked to her about everything I could before she died that made the game make much more sense, to me anyway. :)

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