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Does anyone how to mod on the PS2 SWBF2


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  Alkonium said:
Everything is streamed off the DVD, which is Read-Only, so you can't mod anything on PS2. You can however get somewhat close to modding on an Xbox or a 360.

I have actually done some "modding" of sorts for the PS2 by renaming the map files for the Star Wars Battlefront II Server Manager for PS2. Basically I ended up playing *under* Coruscant and spawning *inside* of a building in Mos Eisley. I actually had these games online and other people that connected to my game had their levels glitched too.


So technically modding for the PS2 may be possible, at least at some level, using the Server Manager, and if someone could figure out a way to get modded levels on the Server Manager's map list then modded levels could be played on the PS2.



I feel like I should warn anyone who tries to mess with the map files that the games I created were very unstable and caused my PS2 (and my cousin's) to freeze repeatedly. It doesn't seem to have caused any irreversible harm, but I thought I should mention it.

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I have been able to mod SWB and SWB2 for PS2 by editing the mission.lvl file and then re-building the iso, which I installed onto the PS2 HD using hdl_dump. I have a better explanation of the process in a mod file README that I posted on Filefront.




I don't think that you can mod PS2 games by using the server. The levels are still read off one's original disk in the PS2. The PC Mod Tools do appear to include a few bin files which appear to allow one to munge the files to conform to PS2 standards, but I'm not sure how one would play the new levels since the PS2 version does not include a check for addon levels.

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