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PC DVD-only


What storage medium would you want Kotor III on?  

84 members have voted

  1. 1. What storage medium would you want Kotor III on?

    • DVD only
    • DVD and CD
    • CD only
    • I don't care

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Some people don't think that way Prime and I don't think they have patience with these sort of things, myself included. I guess I feel outmoded because it seems no sooner that I look that there is a new and improved gizmo. I still remember working on the old apple macs in kindergarden, the REALLY OLD ones. The world is chaning so rapidly and we are all rushing to keep up with it. How could we possibly keep going at the pace we are at now?

Forgive me if I sound philosophical. I'm not concerned too much because I have the DVD function on my laptop and I have a drive for the old one for my brother. He just doesn't play as much as I do on PC. He's an XBox freak and he's into fast and furious type games. *sigh* The wonderful world of technology. :xp:

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Like prime said it would be better to get a DVD drive so u can play the games that will come out in the future. If u cant aford a dvd drive then u realy need to get a job or something and if u have a job and u still cant afford it then u might need to sell your computer or something if u are that poor.

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I really don't see any of your statements as viable in the world of computers and the hobby of PC Gaming. You have to be able to upgrade your components or your machine on a timely basis or else you will become outmoded anyway, your statement is all a moot point because of this fact.


Everytime I turn around I find a game that I need to get some new upgrade for my computer with and its not just disk drives, its everything else too. I can barely get enough stuff to get my computer to play the games that are already out before a new game comes out that requires some other new gadget for me to get. These guys move way too fast. Its bad enough that I just got a new video card and I have to get some more memory too. By the time I do that the new games will want something else.


It matters not on what outdated mode you wish to install a game. The CD's time has passed, like the Floppy discs that came before it, time to move on.


All this moving on is what the problem is, before we know it we'll have to move on from DVD's to some other new form of disc. I just wish people would slow down just a tad and be happy with what they got.


$19-$30 isn't really that expensive for an upgrade, and no matter what statements to the contrary you post here you will have to either upgrade your PC's components or you won't be able to play the newer games anyway.


It is when you have to buy several upgrades plus an overpriced game to play on it.


In the end game companiess are switching over to the DVD format, and it is something you and the other holdouts will need to adjust to, or your PC will simply become an obsolete paperweight, and rightfully so.


By the time we get dvd players, the game companies will be moving onto some other medium. They need to stop encouraging and supporting people getting the newest thing so quickly. Theyre half the problem and reason why people do this. Nobody seems to have any choice.


Except that the shoot things up part was barely fun. So it just sold because it's Doom and it looked cool.


The majority of the game was shooting things up, but it still had a pretty good story. People are just so picky now they dont notice that.


Except that it won't sell as well. It's the reality of things. Besides, I like my games when they look really nice. If you didn't care about graphics, you'd be playing a pen&paper RPG.


The reason it wont sell well is because companies are only selling the new stuff and shoving the issue of buying things that run the new stuff down people's throats. They really dont have any choice but to buy the new stuff.


No they don't. Like I said, they don't have to release a PS1 version or something. It's how things work.

Same thing with movies. Who here has heard of a movie coming out on VHS lately?


Of course they dont, just about everybody who has playstation, has PS2. Even if they dont PS1 games play just fine on PS2.


Besides, my computer is 3 years old and I managed to get as much juice out of it as possible. It should maybe last me until 2007. Yeah, I twitched a few things, but if you do it right, your hardware can keep up for quite a while. To do that, I got a DVD player.


Its just that some of the new computers just feel more flimsy and look like theyve just been slapped together quickly and people dont take the care and scrutiny they did with building them like they have in the past.


Then don't play games because it is a rather useless thing to spend money on. I can buy a soccer ball and go out and play with my buddies. It'll cost me 50$ for a good ball and I'll use it for at least 2-3 years.


A game isnt useless to buy if you can play it on what you already have on your computer without having to buy something new for your pc.


Do you have a job or ever had a job?

I'll give you a simple example. You work for $20 an hour. Very good salary. You love your boss. She's great (she, because it's hotter this way :p ) with you. You want to make her happy. So one day, you come into her office and ask her to cut your salary in half because you want to please her. Hell, you want to earn minimal wage. You want to make her happy.

Will that happen? No way in hell.


I wouldnt do that. Id be pleased with whatever she was paying me. I would want to please her simply by coming in everyday and doing the best job I could for her at whatever im assigned to do there each day. If she wasnt pleased with paying me what she does then she wouldnt pay me as much. If she pays me alot then obviously ive done something to deserve that and have impressed her somehow.


Whenever I work, I expect to be paid what my boss promised me. $10 an hour? I get my $10 an hour. I also help out Héma-Québec sometimes with their blood donations. I do it for free. My goal is to help out. Not make money. I do it out of charity but when I am there to make money, I want to make money. It's not greed, it's getting paid for what you're doing.


You should get paid what you are promised only if youre doing a good enough job to deserve getting paid what they promise you. Theyre not gonna pay you that amount for doing a less than 100% effort at what youre doing no matter what they promise you. If im doing a job I want to get paid like anyone else for what I do but I also want to be able to leave there everyday knowing I helped someone and made someone's day better, if I wasnt able to do that then I really dont feel I did my full days work and just getting the money isnt worth it besides the fact that I have money to sustain myself.


I don't think it'll affect your "well-being" that much. I don't think you'll die just because of that.


Well you wont die but your life could still be miserable anyways, sometimes thats worse than dying.


Actually, they win. They make their money. Sure, you can invest in "cleaner" bussinesses but that does not negate the fact that you're there to make money.


Sure they win financially, but otherwise they lose. Making that money isnt worth it if you know that you got it from someone that got it through dishonest or immoral ways.


Dignity? You're talking as if they were forcing little children to make video games. By the way, they made a handful of customers happy. The rest of us are pissed because they won't release any games anymore.


You never know where they get the stuff they make in foreign countries from, for all you know it couldve been made by some lil kid there for 10c an hour. I doubt they do anything that cruel but I still think alot of these companies just really dont care that much about their customers unless they spending alot of money to buy their games. They put on this big show like they care but underneath all the warm and fuzzyness of it all theyre just a bunch of greedy people who want to squeeze every cent out of you that they possibly can and I wouldnt be as upset if theyd just can the disguise and actually admit that sometimes.


We're all on tight budgets, but we can make choices. I can buy two games(about 100$) and get short term enjoyment out of it or I can buy one game and a DVD player(about 80$). I can still buy my second game when I get $30 and I would've invested in the future. I can now save my data on a 4Gb disk and play DVDs on my computer


If thats all you had to get but sometimes new games require other hardware upgrades besides just dvd players and thats when it gets really annoying, especially when you just got done upgrading for the last game.


Those handful need to spend $30 on a DVD drive and join the 21 century. It's 2006 for crying out loud!


Why should they have to follow the crowd just because thats the way theyre going? Gee, if these same people were walking off the side of a bridge, should the handfuls of people just follow them because thats what everybody else is doing? I dont think so.


LOL, latest toy? Way too fast? DVD drives have been out for over 8 years!


If its not dvd players, its something else. People had trouble adjusting to dvds when they first came out. In reality dvds dont last nearly as long as people originally thought they did.


Uh, it isn't the cost of the disks that is expensive...


Then what is it? I doubt its the flashy box that makes people upchuck 50 bucks per game. People didnt used to have to pay that for new games of similar quality.


If companies screw over their customers, they go out of business.


No they dont because there are always enough guilable people they can con and brainwash into buying their stuff and most of them are too stiff to understand theyre being cheated. Besides the few that do figure it out the companies can usually afford to lose.


And shareholders have a legal right to expect maximum returns on their investments. If it turns out a company doesn't provide that, that company pays huge fines and the execs can possibly go to prison.


These companies can only do the best the can. They cant always be expected to give back exactly a 100% of what they are given. Its one thing if they got 100% and kept most of it to themselves but if they honestly couldnt make as much back as they were given then its not their fault cuz they did their best. No reason for someone to get fined or go to jail.


You want them to do that all because you don't want to spend $30? I don't think they are the ones who are greedy...


It always starts just being $30 for one thing and then it becomes $30 for something else and then something else and so on and so forth. These companies dont care because theyre not the ones who have to pay it all the time, if they did then theyd be singing another tune.


That was because of Lucasarts development timeframe requirements, not because the developers were lazy/not capable.


They couldve stuck up for themselves and explained that the time they were given was not a reasonable expectation for the game being completed. They couldve had more backbone. Lucasarts simply want the game out by Christmas weither it was done or not. They didnt care about the quality of it as long as they got their christmas sales. See, to them it IS all about money.


Because they need to pay their employees so thay can feed their families.


I think theyd feel better knowing they got money to feed their families in a honest way and not from some customer being cheated.


If they don't want to, then they are deciding not to play the game. That's up to them. Expecting to be catered to is just being greedy.


Theyre the customers, they need to remember that. The company is there to cater to their needs and if some need a game on cd rom then the company should make some on both so those people who want a cd rom game can get one. Its only reasonable.


If they can't spend $30 on a DVD drive, they can't afford the game anyway. Or they can buy the drive, then save their allowance to buy the game.


Maybe they can just afford one or the other. Its better to be able to get the game than have to buy a new gadget that you cant even use yet until you get the game.


That's fine. But then they shouldn't be able to play the game.


Oh so you would want to deny a person being able to play a game unless they conform like everyone else? I like being able to chose to do things when im ready and not having somebody force me to do it. I thought thats what this country was about anyways was choice, I guess the game developers dont see it that way. Theyd rather make you conform or leave you out of the glory.


But it is everything in business. The only thing. And that is what we are talking about here. Business.


Didnt used to be, sure they still cared about making money but not at the expense of the customer. They actually wanted to and sometimes HAD to care about the customer's feelings. Now alot of companies are so big and powerful they can afford to upset a few people because they know there are plenty other ones they can manipulate to get what they want.


But the employees and developers need to get payed so that they can feed their families. That is why the games need to make money.


Maybe the people who make computer games just need to buy something they can throw in the microwave rather than going out to eat every night and then they wouldnt need to make so much on games. People these days just spend way too much money on alot of things they dont need and then they whine because they dont have enough money and they only have themselves to blame.


They aren't. They aren't forcing you to buy anything. They are not harming you in any way.


If you want the game, they force you to buy whatever upgrade you need to run it. They practically make you feel guilty if you dont buy the game or the upgrade needed to play it. They do harm people just most are too stubborn or guilable to realize it.


They legally have to. All companies have to. They go out of business/go to prison otherwise.


If I had to chose between cheating my customers/squeezing them dry of money or going to prison, heck id rather go to prison.


I can't put food on the table and clothes on my daughter with dignity.


Depends on what you feed her and clothe her with. Sometimes doing the right/honest thing pays more in the end than doing the dishonest/greedy thing. Even if you cant feed or put clothes on her, at least you can teach her something and let her see how honest and good you are, that can be just as good as her having food and clothes sometimes.


And the customers won't be happy, because they would get no more games.


Theyd just be happy they got the ones they do have and theyd just go somewhere else to get new games if they wanted any. Theres plenty of game companies around.


You can always buy both. You can buy one and then save up for the other. Why do you have to get both at the same time? That's just greedy!


Why not just be able to buy the game and skip the upgrade until you really need it?

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I don't think you've read clearly. I have a 3 years old computer that can run most games. I have a good video card that will survive at least another year. How does that equate to companies "forcing" me into buying the latest hardware? How the hell do I play with this old computer? No, I don't have the latest hardware, don't have the money for. Whenever games come out, they don't require the latest hardware. No one company is stupid enough to do that. It's not like HL2 needed the latest Radeon card to run or else you won't play the game. That would cost you over $500.

They require decent hardware to run. That's why I can still run new games.

So yeah, if 2 years ago, you bought very outdated hardware and now you wonder why suddenly you need to upgrade, wake up.


Newer computers seem more fragile? Not as carefully built? I built my own tower with as much care as I ever did and I maintain it carefully too. I don't see how it has anything to do with the subject. If you somehow have an emotional connection with an old outdated sound card...


Also, you've never had a job obviously. All that you've said are idealistic mumbo jumbo that are far from the reality. Get a job, see if it's really as nice as you make it sound.


Now, it is not about a question of format, it's about you disliking capitalism and the idea of making money. You've also called us idiots for upgrading our hardware. Gullible for obeying the companies who want us to buy a new video card every year. But who does that except for the very rich folks? We buy a new video card every once in a while (usually over 2 years). Yes, that's a very short amount of time, I want the latest hardware!

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Im sorry about this, I tried the edit post feature to try to seperate all of this but it didnt work even though in the preview it looked all seperated.

Me too, I guess the post must have some sort of error in it, I tried to fix it to no avail myself. :( Wierd!




I have to agree with what LIAYD posted above. PC Gaming is a hobby, and what I said above is the un-arguable truth. I submit that it is you that needs to change your outlook on things.


A DVD drive is not worth all this arguing at any rate...


So have fun playing your 4-tracks and 45 Records, and playing games on your 386 PC, all installed by 3 1/2 floppys because you are so resistant to any change. :lol:

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A DVD drive is not worth all this arguing at any rate...

Thanks. I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one thinking that way... ;)


and playing games on your 386 PC, all installed by 3 1/2 floppys because you are so resistant to any change. :lol:

It was 8", 5,25", 3,5" and 3". And by the time of the 386 CPU 5 1/4" was outdated. [/Korinthenkackerei]


Still a 386 or better 486 PC would be nice sometimes - most old real-mode games can be played via Dos-Box but the games that switched to protected-mode via Dos-Extender (DOS4GW) are unplayable today. Too bad.


I had a 386 that had a 5.25" drive and a 3.5" drive on it and a ton of software I got used those 5.25" discs, so I don't call that outdated. But I really meant 3 1/2 not 5... Fixed. :xp: -RH

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I don't think you've read clearly. I have a 3 years old computer that can run most games. I have a good video card that will survive at least another year. How does that equate to companies "forcing" me into buying the latest hardware?


Maybe you just have a good setup and only buy games that happen to have reasonable requirements. Not everybody is so lucky.


How the hell do I play with this old computer? No, I don't have the latest hardware, don't have the money for. Whenever games come out, they don't require the latest hardware. No one company is stupid enough to do that. It's not like HL2 needed the latest Radeon card to run or else you won't play the game. That would cost you over $500.


People got lucky with HL2, of course they had to deal with Steam which was a pain but hardware wise it was good for just about everybody, but not all games are like that.


They require decent hardware to run. That's why I can still run new games.

So yeah, if 2 years ago, you bought very outdated hardware and now you wonder why suddenly you need to upgrade, wake up.


I have a fairly new PC and ive got a good video card on it. I just dont like how it doesnt play older games very well anymore.


Newer computers seem more fragile? Not as carefully built? I built my own tower with as much care as I ever did and I maintain it carefully too. I don't see how it has anything to do with the subject. If you somehow have an emotional connection with an old outdated sound card...


People who build computers in their garage or house as a hobby do alot better job building them than companies do. These people only have to concentrate on ONE computer and they put their 100% effort into it. These companies crank out thousands of them and they dont care what condition theyre in as long as they get em built and sold.


Also, you've never had a job obviously. All that you've said are idealistic mumbo jumbo that are far from the reality. Get a job, see if it's really as nice as you make it sound.


I know some people who do work who feel the same way. Getting a job isnt gonna change how I feel about it, its just gonna make me feel more so.


Now, it is not about a question of format, it's about you disliking capitalism and the idea of making money.


No, I just dont like it how greedy oportunistic people take adavantage of our system here in this country and abuse it to get what they want at other people's expense.


You've also called us idiots for upgrading our hardware. Gullible for obeying the companies who want us to buy a new video card every year. But who does that except for the very rich folks?


I dont think youre idiots, I just think sometimes you can let these game companies sway you to do whatever they want and in the end theyre the ones that profit for it. You may not buy a new video card every year but if its not a video card its something else and all the stuff you do buy probably adds up after a while.


We buy a new video card every once in a while (usually over 2 years). Yes, that's a very short amount of time, I want the latest hardware!


You should be able to buy the latest hardware when you wanna buy it, not when these whacked up game companies tell you to. They gotta remember youre the customer and youre the only reason they dont go bankrupt.

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A DVD drive is not worth all this arguing at any rate...


I agree, its not so much me being against buying a new dvd drive, its just im against the whole concept of always having to buy new hardware for games so often whatever they might be.



So have fun playing your 4-tracks and 45 Records, and playing games on your 386 PC, all installed by 3 1/2 floppys because you are so resistant to any change.


Im not that old, I dont have any 4 tracks or 45 records. I have some floppy disks but dont use them anymore cuz I dont have a disk drive for em anymore.

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No, I just dont like it how greedy oportunistic people take adavantage of our system here in this country and abuse it to get what they want at other people's expense.

Of course they're taking advantage of our capitalistic society! That's what capitalism is all about! If you're lucky enough and skilled enough (or you have enough things handed to you) then you can use the system to your advantage, that's what it was made for. This isn't a Communist country where we all work together for some idealistic crap.


As for your argument about how game companies "make" consumers upgrade their computers every once and a while know this: YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES. You don't want to upgrade to meet the hardware requirements then don't buy the game, you can live without video games-I've seen it happen with my own eyes.

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I agree,

Looks at large and useless post in rebuttal to what LIAYD posted... :eyeraise:


Yeah! :roleyess: Sure you do! :xp:


Being I have some time on my hands, I will address something else illogical you said...


its not so much me being against buying a new dvd drive, its just im against the whole concept of always having to buy new hardware for games so often whatever they might be.

Then you are persuing the wrong hobby my freind. PC Gaming is a hobby and it requires you, yes it requires you to be able to upgrade your systems or their components when needed, your argument is in opposition to this and hence you are likely not cut-out for this particular hobby or the responsibilities of this hobby.


You cannot 'whine' about having to get an insignificant DVD drive now, especially since you should have known (4+ Years) that you were going to need one eventually... well "eventually" has caught up with you, for it is now.

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Maybe you just have a good setup and only buy games that happen to have reasonable requirements. Not everybody is so lucky.


I realize what my computer can handle. I can play 99% of the games out there with a reasonable frame rate. I made good decisions when I bought my computer and if you did bad ones, it's nobody else's fault. By the way, I got it for a fairly reasonable price (1300$ CAN with taxes).


People got lucky with HL2, of course they had to deal with Steam which was a pain but hardware wise it was good for just about everybody, but not all games are like that.


Yes they are. The only reason you might encounter compatibility problems is with an integrated video card. Integrated video cards are usually not used by gamers for support reason but mainly for performance. Some of them will even suck the juice out of your main CPU.


I have a fairly new PC and ive got a good video card on it. I just dont like how it doesnt play older games very well anymore.


I can still play Doom 3D very well. The only problem is that some games don't work well with Windows XP.



People who build computers in their garage or house as a hobby do alot better job building them than companies do. These people only have to concentrate on ONE computer and they put their 100% effort into it. These companies crank out thousands of them and they dont care what condition theyre in as long as they get em built and sold.


Of course, just like how an artisan will put more care into his creation then some factory employee. That's how it is. If you want increased costs, then it's up to you to buy stuff from artisans. I'm fairly happy with most mass produced things I have.


I know some people who do work who feel the same way. Getting a job isnt gonna change how I feel about it, its just gonna make me feel more so.


You'll see when you face reality...you'll see...




No, I just dont like it how greedy oportunistic people take adavantage of our system here in this country and abuse it to get what they want at other people's expense.


You've just ranted against capitalism there.



I dont think youre idiots, I just think sometimes you can let these game companies sway you to do whatever they want and in the end theyre the ones that profit for it. You may not buy a new video card every year but if its not a video card its something else and all the stuff you do buy probably adds up after a while.


Of course it adds up. It's part of upgrading your computer. Besides, I realize that they're the ones making profit. You know, I am the consumer afterall. You don't need to upgrade every year. Hell, last year I bought some nice 5.1 speakers for my computer. Does a game need 5.1 surround sound? Absolutely not. I could have been fine with my old 2 speakers but I decided to have nice surround sound. I decided that.


You should be able to buy the latest hardware when you wanna buy it, not when these whacked up game companies tell you to. They gotta remember youre the customer and youre the only reason they dont go bankrupt.


They don't tell you to buy the latest hardware mainly because it's not the latest hardware. If there is some specific requirement, it will be something very popular and already used by a vast majority of people. If somehow you have a 5 year old video card and it says you can't run the game on it, eh, 5 years.

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Like prime said it would be better to get a DVD drive so u can play the games that will come out in the future. If u cant aford a dvd drive then u realy need to get a job or something and if u have a job and u still cant afford it then u might need to sell your computer or something if u are that poor.

Excuse ME! Yes I am poor and you want to know why? I am a COLLEGE STUDENT about to enter GRAD SCHOOL. The only reason I was able to get my new laptop was through Dell Preferred account which I am paying back. College students are poor, even when they work TWO part time jobs to total 40+ per week and going to school full time. It's exhausting. It took me a while to save for those games.

Now that I vented my spleen, BOT:

As someone else said, decent hardware will run most new games. The old laptop can still run, I could update the graphics card or whatever. It still works well for its initial purpose which was to type school assignments. I just got a new desktop at work but the old stuff was fine. In our world of technology, most distributors make their products accessible by making them compatible with certain kinds of systems like on the box it will say, "Intended for Windows 98, 2000 or XP. I would think they would do the same for games.

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In our world of technology, most distributors make their products accessible by making them compatible with certain kinds of systems like on the box it will say, "Intended for Windows 98, 2000 or XP. I would think they would do the same for games.

That's because they may have not used any of the new features of the Win32 API, if they don't take advantage of new features, then it will most likely be compatible anyways.

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It's easily said: if you don't have a DVD drive, your system probably won't be able to play KOTOR III either when it comes out.


Exactly. I mean c'mon, if - IF - KOTOR III will be released, it'll sure enough be a next-generation RPG, perhaps designed also for XBOX 360. Can you actually imagine a computer capable of handling such a game, requiring a monster GPU (e.g. the min. for Oblivion is GeForce FX series - I tried to run it on a GF 5500 (all the other specs were better than minimum) and it was not playable, looking more like a slide show), and at the same time using an old CD drive?


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Exactly. I mean c'mon, if - IF - KOTOR III will be released, it'll sure enough be a next-generation RPG, perhaps designed also for XBOX 360.

Time runs non-stop, flows like a waterfall, endless posting moderators. And comes with it death of a man, birth of a child, advancement in technology. To put it plainly we are in 2006 and technology is advancing as we speak.


Can you actually imagine a computer capable of handling such a game, requiring a monster GPU

I can imagine it. *POOF!!!* ooopss It's actually there.


and at the same time using an old CD drive?


Then do both.

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DVD only! CDs are inferior, almost everyone got a DVD player nowadays. IF not, you pc will most likely not be able to run any current game.

Besides, in europe dvd drives are cheap.


But soon i will have to buy a "Blu ray" drive :(

Why cant technology stick to the DVD? I dont want a new medium every few years.


Oh and whoever said Kotor will be on Viesta only, are you serious? If that happens i will burn Microsoft down. :)

Hard enough to bear that they wont support my poor Windows 2000 anymore soon (not that i care about Microsoft support, but software companies will stop to port their stuff to win 2000 too)

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