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Knights of the Old Republic: Darkness Falls II - Alliances

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"You assume too much, Jedi," he spat. "I have dealt with him before. I acted as his prosecution when he was put on tril for conduct unbecoming a Time Lord. I have gone head to head against him many times. And each time, he has defeated me. But no more. This is where I draw the line. Right here, right now. He must be stopped!"

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"How much do you know of my past? I have never said when I acted as prosecutor, nor when I left the Order of Rassilon. Again, you allow your Jedi arrogance to blind your common sense."

With that, he turned away from her, examining the galaxy map, and evaluating their trajectory.

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I know. And that's what scares me.

She looked to the Doctor. "Alright. If we come across this Time Lord, we'll help you. But first, we need to see what Karda wants."

"Hang on everyone," Atton said, "We're coming out of Hyperspace..."

A moment later, the ship lurched, and two Republic cruisers came into sight on the viewscreen.

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"This is the Dreadless, we copy you Ebon Hawk," came the reply "What can we do for you?"


Tylor unhappily walked to back to the hanger. He arrived just intime to hear the Ebon Hawk hail and the Dreadless reply. Tylor didn't do anything, he just sat on the front consel and watched the Ebon Hawk.

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"Permission granted. We'll switch you over to Karda's comm." Came the reply from the Dreadless. Meanwhile Tylor quickly stood infront of the Almanac's communications consel and set up a channel where he could secretely listen in the the communications between The Ebon Hawk and Karda.

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"Your turn." Atton said, motioning Kira forward. "The line's up, but there's no telling who's listening. There's another ship here, and it's not registered under the Republic."

"I'll keep it brief." she replied, and opened the channel.

"Jedi Knight Karda, this is Kira Starr. Can you read me?"

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((OOC: Ok, I’ll post for Karda for the moment. Rob, just jump in and take him over when you can, and if you’re confused about the plot line, just PM me. ;) ))


Karda had reached the hanger bay and was just about ready to step aboard the scavenger’s ship when his comlink activated.


"Jedi Knight Karda, this is Kira Starr. Can you read me?"


Karda raised his brows. “Kira?” With one foot in the airlock, he let out a sigh of relief. “Glad to hear your voice,” he replied to her through the com link as he continued toward the bridge of the ship. “It’s been a long time. Well, that’s not exactly true. It hasn’t been any time. But you know what I mean.”


Suddenly, he looked up and saw Jasra and Brax on the bridge. Karda frowned.


“And, we could really use your help,” he continued to Kira. “Go ahead and dock with the Dreadless. I’ll meet you in the briefing room in an hour. Karda out.”


Karda gave Jasra a look, then Brax, then Jasra once again. “He doesn’t look like he’s dying to me,” he said to Jasra.


Jasra shrugged, and tried to hide a satisfied grin. “Well…he did a few minutes ago.”


Karda’s face went blank. “Oh no…” he said under his breath, then he closed his eyes and shook his head with disappointment. He let out a sigh. “Kira’s here,” he said to Jasra. “We’re meeting her in the briefing room in an hour.” He gave both Brax and Jasra a hard stare. “So, did you find any clues in here, or have you been too busy….” He searched for an appropriate word. “’Socialising’?”


Jasra began to blush, and she cleared her throat. “We did find something, as a matter of fact,” and she told Karda about Juppa, Valclav Amek, and Myrkr.


“Interesting,” Karda said thoughtfully. “Download the rest of their data and meet me in the briefing room.”


“Erm...you’re not angry about Brax being here?” Jasra asked as Karda was leaving.


“No,” he replied to her over his shoulder. “I’m just very…disappointed.” Karda left for the briefing room of the Dreadless.


Jasra frowned slightly, and she turned to Brax. She felt so much better with him here, but she also felt very unfocused, and definitely un-Jedi. All she could think of was being with Brax, and everything else seemed unimportant and secondary. “This mate-bonding thing,” she asked him. “Does it make you feel…unfocused? Or is this just how a human would react to these pheromones of yours?” She paused, and looked at him wantonly. “Because I’m finding it extremely difficult to focus on anything but you at the moment. And it’s starting to scare me.”

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“Go ahead and dock with the Dreadless. I’ll meet you in the briefing room in an hour."

"Alright, see you there."

"Karda out.”

Kira turned to Atton. "You heard the man."

"Aye, aye, el capitan." the Scoundrel said, giving a mock salute before steering the Hawk to an open dock.

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Heading toward the Dreadless Karda activated his comlink again to contact the Doctor and Rose. “Doctor, I'm heading back to the Dreadless. Kira Starr just contacted me and the Ebon Hawk will be docking soon. I asked her to meet us in the briefing room in an hour. Did you find anything?”

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"We did," said the Doctor, shutting down the console and removing a small disc from it. "We've found evidence that whoever attacked the Almanac came from Myrkr, or at the very least have been there recently. I'll explain when I can do so to Kira and Revan, as well."

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"It can be intoxicating at times, espcially after long times apart ... But i have no idea how it's reacting with your human physiology ... it shouldn't even be possible for us to bond." He frowned, and pulled out a datapad, attaching it to the computer quietly and downloading all their logs and any other information that might be of use.


"We should get going." he looked at her, worried a little. He didn't like that he might be having an adverse effect on her. She was having quite the opposite on him. He felt great ... his hearts all pumping normally. His mind was focused, like it should be when a bond-mate was nearby.

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Karda raised an eyebrow at the Doctor's reply. "Really? Jasra and Brax discovered something similar in the ship's logs." He paused for a moment. "Doctor, you and Rose proceed to the briefing room of the Dreadless. And bring any evidence that you found with you. Karda out."

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"Understood," he said, as Karda closed the channel.

"Doctor, why would anyone want to capture a Jedi?"

"I don't know... the Exchange placed a bounty on Jedi a few years ago, but it was lifted soon after... I'm not sure exactly when. It's no longer in place, at any rate."

He passed her the disc, and she pocketed it. "We should return to the Dreadless as soon as possible. I have a feeling that something is terribly wrong here... and that things are only going to get worse."

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Jasra nodded, then started forward, then paused. She wheeled around to face Brax, her breath coming quickly and with a wanton expression in her eyes. “I just want to be with you. I don’t care about the mission…or Karda…or Kira…or Bastila. Just…you.” She moved closer to him, running her hands up his arms to encircle his neck. She felt so alive with Brax near her, but in the back of her mind, she knew that she needed to regain control. “Is there something you can do to help me focus?” she asked him. She bit her lip in an effort to resist the urge to kiss him. “Something through the Force?”




On his way to the briefing room, Karda paused, then changed direction and headed for the med bay. After spending a few minutes with the medical technician, he left with an empty vial in his hand.


Karda wanted everyone on his team to be focused on the task at hand, and it was quite obvious to him that Jasra wasn't. He hoped that with a blood sample from Brax the medical technician could develop some sort of antidote to Jasra’s pheromone problem. It was a longshot, given that Omwati physiology was pretty much an unknown, but it was worth a try.


He activated his comlink. "Jasra? Don't forget...you and Brax. Briefing room. Don't delay."


He switched channels. "Crystal? Bring whatever evidence you have discovered and meet me in the briefing room on board the Dreadless. Kira Starr is here, and she's coming on board soon. And I'm having a small problem with Jasra that I think you can help with."


He switched channels again. "Tylor? Please escort our guests from the Ebon Hawk to the briefing room upon their arrival. I want you to join us, too, so make the appropriate arrangements for the helm."


Karda proceded to the briefing room to await the arrival of Crystal, the Doctor and Rose, Jasra and Brax, Tylor, and Kira and her crew. There they would discuss what they had found and make their plans for their next move. And Karda suspected that would involve a visit to the planet Myrkr.

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