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hi im new to the forums and have to say i love it.


IS it just me or does KOTOR2 actually suck? i mean the new people and items were cool and that you were a jedi outcast but the ending was totaly lame and the entire game seemed way to quick, i had to play it 3 times befor i fully got the story. I felt that the games was rushed maybe? but these are just my thoughts. what about you? :lsduel:

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hi im new to the forums and have to say i love it.


IS it just me or does KOTOR2 actually suck? i mean the new people and items were cool and that you were a jedi outcast but the ending was totaly lame and the entire game seemed way to quick, i had to play it 3 times befor i fully got the story. I felt that the games was rushed maybe? but these are just my thoughts. what about you? :lsduel:


Well the Game has a lot of Cut Content. And welcome to the Forums.

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i just bought this game on saturday, played it all that day and sunday, and am now at malachor V (is that obsessive?) and i still have no idea what the hell is going on... Im LS, still have an empty party member slot and am stupidly powerful... so atm i prefer KOTOR... i;ve sorta warmed towards those characters...

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The story in TSL is a bit more complicated than KOTOR - you're not spoon-fed the plot as you were in the first game. Obviously the cuts don't help TSL, and there are gaping holes all over the place, but the story is pretty much there.

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If you want to find out what you have been missing in the form of cut content, check out Team Gizka's forum. They are the ones who are restoring the cut content and a different team is restoring a planet that was cut entirely.

Still at first I wondered what was the story behind TSL but after playing it some more, I got to see that the story was there but was hidden with the double talk etc. The best source in the game is Kreia.

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If you want to find out what you have been missing in the form of cut content, check out Team Gizka's forum. They are the ones who are restoring the cut content and a different team is restoring a planet that was cut entirely.

Still at first I wondered what was the story behind TSL but after playing it some more, I got to see that the story was there but was hidden with the double talk etc. The best source in the game is Kreia.

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The game does not suck. It was simply held to too high a standard by fans. It's a perfectly good game in and of itself.


The missing content can be restored (for the most part). In my opinion, Obsidian left the cut content in the game files so that experienced modders could restore it. If it was an accident, then hey: stupidity and laziness must pay off sometimes.

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The game does not suck. It was simply held to too high a standard by fans. It's a perfectly good game in and of itself.


The missing content can be restored (for the most part). In my opinion, Obsidian left the cut content in the game files so that experienced modders could restore it. If it was an accident, then hey: stupidity and laziness must pay off sometimes.

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IS it just me or does KOTOR2 actually suck? i mean the new people and items were cool and that you were a jedi outcast but the ending was totaly lame and the entire game seemed way to quick, i had to play it 3 times befor i fully got the story. I felt that the games was rushed maybe? but these are just my thoughts. what about you? :lsduel:


What a refreshingly new perspective. :¬:


No, KotOR II did not suck. Like FiEND, I enjoyed it more than KotOR I for various reasons. Sure, there's cut content. But frankly, without it the game still shines. It's just a very different Star Wars experience. Some people can't handle that.

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IS it just me or does KOTOR2 actually suck? i mean the new people and items were cool and that you were a jedi outcast but the ending was totaly lame and the entire game seemed way to quick, i had to play it 3 times befor i fully got the story. I felt that the games was rushed maybe? but these are just my thoughts. what about you? :lsduel:


What a refreshingly new perspective. :¬:


No, KotOR II did not suck. Like FiEND, I enjoyed it more than KotOR I for various reasons. Sure, there's cut content. But frankly, without it the game still shines. It's just a very different Star Wars experience. Some people can't handle that.

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i liked it because it added more content that the first one didn't have and i guess some people got "confused" because i guess the first one was easier for people to understand...some people do really sit and think about what is going on and then they just let the game happen like its going to spoon-feed you every little detail.....sorry but i had to vent

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i liked it because it added more content that the first one didn't have and i guess some people got "confused" because i guess the first one was easier for people to understand...some people do really sit and think about what is going on and then they just let the game happen like its going to spoon-feed you every little detail.....sorry but i had to vent

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IS it just me or does KOTOR2 actually suck? entire game seemed way to quick, i had to play it 3 times befor i fully got the story. I felt that the games was rushed maybe? but these are just my thoughts. what about you? :lsduel:


Why is it that people consider a game with a story more complex than the previous one's and a large amount of cut content automatic crap? I've seen this rant dozens of times over.


the ending was totaly lame


How was the ending totally lame? For Light Side players, you destroy the main base of the Sith, and go off to the Unknown Regions. For Dark Side players, you defeat your enemy and go off to the Unknown Regions. For both alignments, that is the best way to end the story and ensure that there can be another game. What would have been better?


entire game seemed way to quick


Both games are about as long as each other.


i had to play it 3 times befor i fully got the story.


So the story is inferior because it makes you think harder?

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IS it just me or does KOTOR2 actually suck? entire game seemed way to quick, i had to play it 3 times befor i fully got the story. I felt that the games was rushed maybe? but these are just my thoughts. what about you? :lsduel:


Why is it that people consider a game with a story more complex than the previous one's and a large amount of cut content automatic crap? I've seen this rant dozens of times over.


the ending was totaly lame


How was the ending totally lame? For Light Side players, you destroy the main base of the Sith, and go off to the Unknown Regions. For Dark Side players, you defeat your enemy and go off to the Unknown Regions. For both alignments, that is the best way to end the story and ensure that there can be another game. What would have been better?


entire game seemed way to quick


Both games are about as long as each other.


i had to play it 3 times befor i fully got the story.


So the story is inferior because it makes you think harder?

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The endings in TSL weren't as satisfying as KOTOR I. When you were told about the futures of your characters for LS and DS, they should of been 'more' different (that sounded a bit clumsy). There should also have been differences if they became Jedi or not. In KOTOR I, you saved the republic or you got to take over the galaxy. Also the Bastilla redemption part was also pretty good. TSL had a better story on the way though. The LS and DS endings for each planet were alot more diverse.

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The endings in TSL weren't as satisfying as KOTOR I. When you were told about the futures of your characters for LS and DS, they should of been 'more' different (that sounded a bit clumsy). There should also have been differences if they became Jedi or not. In KOTOR I, you saved the republic or you got to take over the galaxy. Also the Bastilla redemption part was also pretty good. TSL had a better story on the way though. The LS and DS endings for each planet were alot more diverse.

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im not saying i hated the game its just that i expected it to be so muck like the first i guess, the problem i had with the ending is that on the xbox version after u beat kreia all u see is the ship coming to pick you up. i havent played the pc version so it might be different i dont know, but the xbox version leaves you with questions, like how did the ship suddenly get unstuck from the gapping crack it fell?and what happened to the other characters? is this sort of stuff answerd on the pc version?

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I have mixed feelings regarding TSL.


Things I like better about TSL


1. I like the Exile’s story more than Revan’s. Unfortunately, they did not develop it anywhere near as much as they should have.


2. Influence (great idea, but not developed enough)


3. Your personal lightsaber crystal, that changes as you do.


4. More options to customize your weapons/armor.


5. Breaking down and crafting items. (which makes the above even better)


6. I liked having the ability to make one character a Jedi, but all of them? I much rather have just made the Handmaiden OR Atton a Jedi. Making everybody a Jedi really cheapens it. I want a reason to have non-Jedi in the party.


7. Scalable (sp?) UI. When I play at high resolution, I don't like my icons being tiny.


8. Jedi Robes that actually look like Jedi Robes. This is an immersion thing.


9. Pazaak that is FAIR! (I don't go first every time).


10. Prestige classes. They were well done for the most part.



Things that I did not like about TSL:


1. There was not a lot you learned about the Exile as you went through the game. I enjoyed the parts I did learn VERY much. From the Jedi Council flashback, to what Kreia said. However, when you questioned these Masters about their decision (which takes a while to get to one), every Master you spoke with pretty much told you the same thing (which is logical, but not very good for a story).


2. The NPC party members. This game did NOT development them anywhere NEAR as well as in KoTOR I. In the first game, a party members story developed throughout the game. In TSL, there were a few dialog options, the ability to turn them into a Jedi, and that was it. Very poorly done (IMHO) in comparison to the first game. The influence system gave the developers many more options and opportunities for each character. It's a shame it wasn't used well.


3. The combat was WAY too easy. Granted, I prefer to play as a Soldier/Guardian/Weapon Master (it's just the way I like to play), but I don't like being able to kill bosses in one to two hits. I don't know if playing the other classes make it harder or not, but there was not much challenge (even on HARD). It is disappointing when you fight a Sith Lord who can kill a whole planet with the Force, but he goes down rather quickly when he fights you.


4. A Sith Lord who can kill a planet with the Force. Who wrote this? Kevin J. Anderson (who IMHO ruined a lot of the EU SW novels with the "every bad guy is infinitely more powerful than the last" disease? How are they supposed to create a bigger and badder Sith for the next game?


5. The ending. While I don't mind how the game ended for the Exile (it begs for a sequel), I don't like how the rest of the NPC party members ended. It is really a joke.


6. Plot Holes/Logic errors. When you save that city (on Dantooine? been a while since I played TSL), you unleash hell with your saber an powers, and then explain to the Master that you got your powers back (as if he didn't notice already). Cut scenes between the droids that seem to make no difference in the game what so ever (I forget the details. Like I said, been a while). I want to know more about what those cut scenes meant. If they didn't have time to finish the story, they should have taken those parts out.


7. BUGS! TSL had far too many annoying bugs for my taste. Everything from "Why am I looking at Mira, when she is standing behind me (Nar Shadaa), to little glitches when the cut scenes come in, to that cheat node thing (if you patched the game). KoTOR I was POLISHED (at least the patched version, which is all I have played).

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