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Is it only me?


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Well I disagree about one character development. The one that was the best developed was Kreia. It took me two playthroughs to get it through my head that she had a alot to offer especially about the path the Jedi were taking. In a twisted sort of way she is like Jolee Bindo. Out of all the NPCs she was the most in depth and most developed which is evident in her part in the story.

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i believe kotor 1 was way better than kotor 2. it was very long and it told the story complete . kotor 2 was short and the ending is kinda confusing. i hope kotor 3 is better and more understanding on things. so it does suck!!!!!!!!!

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To me I find Kotor 2 a bit longer and if its not it just feels longer. I liked K2 a bit more because it was a more darker story than the average Star Warsy stuff. The characters were good in both games and I was a little disapointed with the ending but I liked the part where you ask Traya about the fate of your friends very nice touch, I liked the DS ending more but the LS ending leaves you, well me inparticular with an emptiness...which is part of the theme in TSL. Both are good games and whether or not the third one ever gets created I'm sure it will be done well.

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kotor 2 was short
LOL! What?!

If you don't count Dxun, Onderon, and Dantooine twice each (two visits), TSL has just as many "planets" as KotOR. If you do count them twice (as I do), then TSL has 3 more than KotOR. Help me understand how TSL is short.


and the ending is kinda confusing.
Yep. Pretty widely accepted that the devs had no interest in spoon-feeding the story to us. If you want the whole story, plan on playing a few times and investing some time into drawing your own conclusions. Personally, I found it refreshing (although it did not make me enjoy the original game any less).


i hope kotor 3 is better and more understanding on things.
I'm sure K3 will be better, but I certainly hope that it is not because they choose to sacrifice quality storytelling in the interest of making things more easily digestable for those that didn't like TSL.


so it does suck!!!!!!!!!
Only 9 exclamation points?
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hi im new to the forums and have to say i love it.


IS it just me or does KOTOR2 actually suck? i mean the new people and items were cool and that you were a jedi outcast but the ending was totaly lame and the entire game seemed way to quick, i had to play it 3 times befor i fully got the story. I felt that the games was rushed maybe? but these are just my thoughts. what about you? :lsduel:


Yes, it's only you. KOTOR 2 was great.

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look achilles, i can put the amount of exclamation points i want O.K.




i really don't want an arrugement occuring, cuz thats your opinion and i haven't said nothing about your opinion towards the game.

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look achilles, i can put the amount of exclamation points i want O.K.
Yes, it's quite apparent that you can.


You're right: it is your opinion and you're entitled to it. Because you posted it in a message board, that means that I'm entitled to respond to it (which I did).


i really don't want an arrugement occuring, cuz thats your opinion and i haven't said nothing about your opinion towards the game.
Neither do I. In fact, I'm a little bewildered as to why you felt this comment was necessary considering that my message had no personal attacks (i.e. "your opinion is stupid", "you're dumb for thinking that", etc).
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^ Probably didn't help that I teased a bit, too--sorry if I offended.


@Atris2--some of us have a really dry sense of humor, and it's harder to translate that in written form since we can't see the facial cues. We're not trying to be mean.


@JM12--comparing my favorite amusingly exasperating oldster to the manipulative witch that is Kreia is just wicked and evil. :D

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The first couple of times I played through I didn't speak to Kreia at the end, and I was left totally unsatisfied with the end. (for an even worse ending, play Redneck Rampage 2) Later, I quizzed her thoroughly before telling her to rest and was much more satisfied. It's kind of disconcerting, I think, because it's so atypical of the genre. I expected a clean ending and I had to work for it instead. While I still mourn the lack of a complete product, I can say that I've replayed TSL more often and with more enjoyment than Kotor 1. Even with all the cut content, the game seems fuller, somehow.

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In KotOR II, I only played Peragus. I don't own it myself, I was playing it on Xbox at a friend's house (and he had borrowed it from one of his friends). I watched my friend play a bit... Although it was confusing for me, since he was like in the middle of the game. (Also, at the time, I still hadn't beaten KotOR I yet.) I watched him fight Master Kavar or something... I think. It was last summer, so almost a year ago. I just remember him fighting a Jedi of some sort and then talking to a queen. Later, on another day (I go to this guy's house a LOT over the summer), I watched him wandering around a cave (I believe he was close to finishing the game). I also think I remember him fighting Sion... Or, at least, about to fight Sion. And that's it.

From what I played, it was ok. I can't really judge it, though. It was the first planet, and I hate Taris, so I'm assuming that since it was the first planet, it wasn't as good as the rest of the game.

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and I hate Taris,


Really? Taris is so fun, for me anyway. In comparison with the first planet of KII Taris beats Peragus hands down but there two different games, two different storylines but I just liked Taris over Peragus. Anyway sorry that that's off topic but KII still rocks my socks oooh yaaa.

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@JM12--comparing my favorite amusingly exasperating oldster to the manipulative witch that is Kreia is just wicked and evil. :D

All I'm saying is that they both have the right idea in terms of seeing things in neither light nor dark. Frankly both extremes annoy me so. Jolee does have lightside leanings and Kreia has her darker ones so they are opposite in a way.


I maintain that Kreia was one of the better developed characters in the game because the whole objective behind her was to make the PC understand that not everything is the way we are taught to believe. She is that kind of character that says, "you may be right but what about this?"

The handmaiden was useful in terms of combat and not necessarily dialogue. Personally she did kick serious butt but her dialogue wsa an iffy. At least it was better than Visas creepy "My life for yours."

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:) Some of you people need to turn off the game and get out a little more often. ;)


lol, last time i said that on another forum about some wierdo jac*ing off over a character, i got de-repped and banned for a month!

still, i have to agree :xp:

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