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I did something kewl


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I think this guy is asking if this can be stopped, but I believe venom and aratoelder have answered his question.


I got the visas/nihi cutscene before I was even on telos' surface, is that normal? actually it was on my way out of the exchange base


Okay I just woke up some more, sorry but that kind of looks kinda like a question to me.

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I've gotten the cutscene as early as the point just after you've been moved to your apt. after fighting Batu Rem and getting out of jail. That involved taking every single available lightside option, talking to T3 on Peragus, and talking a lot to Atton and Kreia.

Of course, it doesn't do any good until you can get to a point on the game where you can leave and then reboard the Hawk. :)

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So, if you maintain a neutral (or roughly neutral) path you might be able to go through the whole game without Visas?


I know it's hard, but it can be done can't it?


I am sure it can done but then you would be giving up your prestige class. 75% Light or dark and 15th level.


Welcome to the Lucas forum boards Normorgwae.

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