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Legacy of War's Response to the Xpack


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Have you guys modified the AI or something because now when I play the enemy seems to concentrate A LOT on fighters/bombers and hardly at all on capital ships and also my AI friend was dooing badger all, when usually they spend loads of dough on upgrades for me, he just did the first one AND stopped.


All I wanted was the SSD, why did you have to fiddle with the fighters, AI and more?!? I never got to building it, but the icon was similar to the Venator - SSD on the filefront.

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It is now working along with the rest of the game, I only installed the bare minimum of files; the ART ones and three of the XML ones.


I got her going in Skirmish, she looks pretty good although the texture is too dark IMO. The amount of lasers coming off that beast looks awesome, especially when trying to shoot down a lone X-Wing squadron! :) However, once I got it moving a bit I got the problem where you get action for about three seconds then the game pauses for one and then repeats. Sometimes I get this but it goes off after a few pauses, this was sustained and probably because of the added polies. Lastly it is not very easy to manouver, sometimes it shoots along like nobodies business when turning cornes; sometimes it goes the opposite way and sometimes it just stays still. I couldn't navigate around an asteroid field so I couldn't try it out against the Rebel Base. :(


Still its a good start, I'm going to rescale mine as the colour and size don't allong it to mingle in with ISDs - it looks too small and too dark.



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Okay. Im fed up. Can someone give me a step by step way of installing the mod. I put ALL the files in the correct place, and I can see NO Super star destroyer at a Level 5 Space station.

Must I delete ALL the original files (XML, Text etc.)?

PLEASE. A Step by Step guide on how to use the mod!!!


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Go into SpaceUnitsCapital.xml and replace <Required_Special_Structures>Empire_Shipyard_4</Required_Special_Structures>


with <Required_Special_Structures />


and it will be buildable in GC.


i had the same prob, couldn't make it in campaign mode. but i did what this guy wrote and it worked. found the answer in a thread on LoW's forums

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Its buildable in my current GC game without any changes to that, I built it on Fondor with a Level 5 Spacestation and a Research Centre (if that has any bearing).


I tried setting the scale factor up to 2 and boy its big! It spreads the units out a lot when you hyperspace in so contact is immediate. But nothing can stop the Empire now; I'm just going round to all Rebel controlled planets destroying their space forces. When I complete the Death Star it will be a formidable force; who needs anything else? SSD + DS as my Death Squad and Tartans guarding all planets with ISDs on more important ones (Coruscant, Kuat, Fondor, Sullust etc.)



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As a Modder I am Extremely Proud to announce that in the past 11 hours Our SSD mod has been downloaded 1587 times.


Its so great to see that so many people have supported the Mod.


I thanks you from the Entire Legacy Team


Past And Present.

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Guess what i did now? I modified it to heck! In GC,its now buildable in sullust for the alderaan map,and build time=1, while size is from 0,77 to 1,77!

heres a copy of the moded areas:



<Mod_Multiplier>SPEED_MULTIPLIER, 0.8f</Mod_Multiplier>

<GUI_Activated_Ability_Name> Piet_Energy_Weapon_Attack_Ability </GUI_Activated_Ability_Name> <!-- GUI Command Bar support -->



<SFXEvent_Target_Ability> Unit_Energy_Blast_Piett </SFXEvent_Target_Ability>

<SFXEvent_Special_Ability_Loop> Unit_Star_Destroyer_Energy_Blast </SFXEvent_Special_Ability_Loop>




<Tech_Level>1</Tech_Level> <Required_Timeline>0</Required_Timeline>



<Required_Special_Structures />

<Required_Planets>Kuat, Fondor, Sullust</Required_Planets> <Damage>80</Damage>



<Tactical_Health>12500</Tactical_Health> <!-- was 6000 -->









<Build_Cost_Credits>1500</Build_Cost_Credits> <AI_Combat_Power>12000</AI_Combat_Power>









<MovementClass> Space </MovementClass>

<Space_Layer> Capital </Space_Layer>




<OverrideAcceleration> .02 </OverrideAcceleration>

<OverrideDeceleration> .02 </OverrideDeceleration










Well,thats about everything! BTW @ LoW team, i hope you could use a couple things in here to release a 0.2 version of the SSD minimod!

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Is there a way to get the SSD to arrive in the center of the map during a GC battle similar to how the Imperators do when surrounded by Victory's or Accs? Is this controlled in the XML?


I upp'd the SSD to 3.5 and lowered the Z-axis position (it's HUGE!) -- but right now, the SSD starts way out there in the space maps when it enters the battle so I almost don't realize it's even there. Just curious.


Great work on the SSD by the way. I'm working on balancing it with the GC game because right now this thing slaughters anything and everything! :-)

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First of all, I love you guys took the time to make this mod. Is it supposed to be that dark? I've rescaled it to make it the "correct size", but as always, that means a lot of tweaking. Anyway, I'm modding the campaign maps in order to make it possible for the SSD to fit in. There are a lot of problems with it running into other objects. Do you have any idea what would be a good space layer for the full size SSD? I'm guesing it needs to be lower, but I don't want it to run into planets and such.

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BTW i made the SSD weak against A-wings cuz in EP6 the unstopable beheamoth got destroyed by an A wing fighter that crashed into its main control bridge.It wasent nescecarily "destroyed" but the controls for it were entirely destroyed. Effects were malfunctioning engines,energy loss,and maybe a loss of life support.


I also lowered its weapons damage to 70 and lowered the shield to 3500.


Scale change 1.45


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You'll never be able to propperly scale the Executor-Class without scaling other things really really down, with the maps being so small.


Remember it's 11 times larger than a standard star destroyer.


I tried, and ships got so small I couldn't see them anymore. :D

So I just scaled down every ship 1/4th instead, and scaled the SSD up from 0.75 to 1.0. Far from accurate sizes, but good enough. :)


Anyway, I've modified this version of the SSD to not fire so many bolts (3 pulses, min recharge 3, max 4) aswell as missiles (from 8 I think it was, to 3 which I'm using on all missile launching ships and bases). I've also modified the fighter compliment so it matches 12 squadrons, seeing I only have 4 fighters in every flight and 3 bombers in every flight.


Excellent work, guys. :)

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Guess what now? I made it possible to build 8 SSDs at a time and in the shipyards of Kuat campaign im sending them in pairs of 2 to control the space lanes! First i send swarms of tie fighter like in ROTJ then i move in the SSDs to finish off any survivors of the the "plague" of blasters.


EDIT: i forgot to mension that i have 2 recently new seperate pairs at kuat and 2 old pairs at fresia.(im only at day 4.)

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Let's name them!


-Executor (Vader's flagship, destroyed by Arvel Crynyd at Endor)

-Lusankya (Ysanne Isard's flagship, later New Republic Fleet Flagship, destroyed by the Yuuzhan Vong at Borleias)

-Iron Fist (Warlord Zsinj's flagship, destroyed by General Han Solo's fleet with the aid of Rogue, Wrath, Polearm, and Nova squadrons)

-Guardian (I dont know. I just know it was one. Was it Admiral Teren Rogriss'?)

-Razor's Kiss (Half-constructed, stolen by Zsinj, destroyed by Rogue Squadron)

-Night Hammer (Admiral Dalaa's flagship, destroyed by the New Republic Fleet and the New Jedi Order at Yavin 4)


I dont know any more canon SSD names so I'll make up 2 more good SSD names


-Commandant (Flagship of Kuat Drive Yards Sector Defense Force, Eastern Hemisphere)

-Merciless (Flagship of Kuat Drive Yards Sector Defense Force, Western Hemisphere)


And now your 8 SSD's have names


Edit: Wow, I thought I was knowledgeable about Star Wars. Here's a list of Executor-Class Super Star Destroyers from Wikipedia


* Aggressor — Admiral Roek's flagship was stationed in the Inner Rim region prior to the Battle of Endor. Later, it was recalled to Corellia to protect the Corellian Engineering Corporation shipyards. It is believed to have been destroyed during a fratricidal battle between warlord Imperial factions, when it collided with a torpedo sphere at the Battle Of Tralus. Grand Admiral Pitta used a torpedo sphere to defend the planet Tralus from Grand Admiral Grunger's entire fleet of 30 Star Destroyers, 60 Strike Cruises and 100 Carrack Cruisers, until Grunger rammed the Aggressor into Pitta's sphere killing them both.


* Executor — The lead ship of its class and the only such vessel featured in the movies. This ship was the first ship of its type, built at the Fondor Shipyards. Executor was involved in the siege of Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back, and the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi. The ship was destroyed by the Rebel Alliance during the Battle of Endor, colliding with the second Death Star after its bridge was destroyed by Arvel Crynyd's crashing A-wing fighter, along with many of the Imperial Navy's finest officers. There is some irony in this, as the Executor was designed by Lira Wessex, and the A-Wing that caused its loss was designed by Walex Blissex, her father.


* Guardian — This ship was stationed in the Core regions and was the flagship of Fleet Admiral Gaen Drommel, who (like many high-ranking Imperial officers) turned to warlordism after the death of Emperor Palpatine. Three years after the Battle of Endor, the ship was severely damaged in battle with the nascent New Republic. She was captured by the New Republic some ten years later, apparently in poor condition and was eventually repaired. Guardian saw operational service in the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, and became a Galactic Alliance command-ship/mobile base.


* Intimidator — Originally assigned to Black Sword Command together with two other anonymous "Super Star Destroyers", Intimidator was rechristened Pride of Yevetha and pressed into service for the Duskhan League after the Yevethan revolt at the Black Fifteen shipyards over N'zoth. It was later reacquired by subjugated human crewmen during a revolt. Intimidator eventually came to rest as a heavily-damaged derelict somewhere in the galactic core.


* Iron Fist — This ship was the flagship of Warlord Zsinj's fleet. It was the symbol of the warlord's power, and he used it to terrorize worlds into submission. Iron Fist was reported destroyed at Selaggis, but was later found intact and still in Zsinj's service at his primary shipyard over the planet Dathomir. Iron Fist was soon destroyed during a battle over Dathomir between his fleet and the Hapan Navy, when the Millennium Falcon fired two concussion missiles into the bridge. Originally named HIMS Brawl, and renamed by Zsinj after his first command, a Victory-class Star Destroyer.


* Knight Hammer — Seeing the inefficiencies of the Emperor's heirs, Admiral Daala murdered most of the warlords who had risen to power after the fall of the Empire. Consolidating command over the remaining Imperial military, Daala took command of the Night Hammer, which had been built in secret by one of the murdered warlords, Supreme General Delvardus, and renamed it to Knight Hammer in preparation for the attack on Luke Skywalker's Jedi academy on Yavin 4. Different than most Star Destroyers, the Knight Hammer was entirely black. It also had stealth technology, emitting no outward light and reducing its sensor cross section. During the attack on the Jedi academy, the Knight Hammer fell victim to sabotage by ex-Jedi Knight Callista when she was able to sabotage the engines by pointing all TIE bombers at the rear hangar bay (at the bulkhead by the engines). They fired their missiles, breaking through the bulkhead and heavily damaging the engines; the vessel was subsequently destroyed when it was pulled into Yavin's gravity well, but not before Admiral Daala evacuated the crew.


* Lusankya — This was the sister-ship of the Executor. Both ships were built at the same time at separate facilities, both under the name of Executor. When they were completed, one went on to become the ship seen in the movies, the other was renamed Lusankya and somehow ended up buried under the surface of Coruscant, capital of the Empire, and served as a completely secret prison. The method Emperor Palpatine used to hide the Lusankya's existence is unknown, but fans have speculated he must have either used the Force to erase the memories of the ship's builders, or ordered the deaths of millions and an extraordinary cover-up. (The book where this was revealed toyed with both of the possibilities, though seemed to lean towards the Force.) Lusankya was given to Ysanne Isard, who used it to flee Coruscant after it was conquered by the New Republic using repulsors installed on the ship to leave the atmosphere. The ship was eventually captured by Wedge Antilles over Thyferra, and became a vessel in the New Republic's fleet. Under orders of Mon Mothma, Lusankya was decommissioned, but was reactivated some years before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. She was finally destroyed around 25 years after the Battle of Endor, when it was sent on a suicide mission to ram a Yuuzhan Vong Worldship.


* Pride of Yevetha — See Intimidator (see above for brief outline or hyperlink for dedicated page)


* Razor's Kiss — Although it was built for the Empire by Kuat Drive Yards, this ship was never commissioned in service to the Empire. When it was nearly completed, a commando force sent by Warlord Zsinj took control of it, and began fighting their way out of the shipyards. When the ships stationed there moved to intercept it, Warlord Zsinj brought in his fleet, led by another Executor-class ship named Iron Fist, to protect it until they jumped out of the system. Unfortunately for Zsinj, one member of his commando forces was a spy dispatched by the New Republic's Wraith Squadron, who destroyed the shield generators and planted a program in the ship's computers that told the New Republic's fleet the location it escaped to. Razor's Kiss was destroyed by the New Republic before ever seeing a real battle. Its remains were recovered and became the Second Death, which Warlord Zsinj used to fool the New Republic into thinking the Iron Fist was destroyed at Selaggis.


* Reaper — Originally the flagship of Grand Moff Governor Ardus Kaine, it was eventually acquired by Admiral Pelleaon after consolidating Kaine's former holdings (the Pentastar Alignment) into the Imperial Remnant. Reaper was destroyed in combat with the New Republic.


* Terror — The flagship of Admiral Sarn as part of Grand Admiral Martio Batch's Project Phantom at Immdar Alpha involving the mass-use of stygian crystal cloaking devices on V38 assault fighters. Rebel agents managed to use a single fighter to damage key components of HIMS Terror. The ship was destroyed, along with the Immdar Alpha facility and the majority of Project PHANTOM.


* Vindictive — Flagship of Grand Admiral Harkelan, used to launch full-scale war in the Core Systems in order to reassert control over the Imperial factions. The ship was an altered Executor - class ship, capable of conducting entire planetary invasions. The ship was thought to be destroyed, but evidence points to the fact that the ship made a blind hyperspace jump, and may be in the Outer Rim Territories.


* Vengeance — Admiral Senn's flagship in the suppression of the lawless Airam sector. She was eventually destroyed in a battle with out-gunned Rebel forces when Rogue squadron and the Rebels managed to destroy the shields with several Dreadnaughts on suicide runs, then rammed the Vengeance's bridge with the Airam corvette Thunder. The Rebels fired heavy rockets at the heavily-damaged ship, destroying it.


* Whelm — This ship was flagship of the Azure Hammer Command in Sector Zero, the Imperial Center Oversector, containing the capital of the Empire. Leading a fleet of fifty-seven capital ships, Whelm served as the personal flagship of Grand Admiral Osvald Teshik.

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I cant use it????

I played conquest and have sullest battle station at level 5 with death star and ISD but no super how do i get it, this is the secound time ive downloaded one of these mods and it hasntt worked


HElp please

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