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Map Editor Tips, hints, questions here

Guest DarthMaulUK

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everytime i load a land map i made every structure explodes...

and yes i did the "Starting Object" thing. i cant find out why.

please help?

Are you talking about when you load it in the game or editor? It is normal behavior for this to happen in the editor, though it shouldnt do that in the game.

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for space skirmash maps im just using the spawnpoints markers. i havent used the positionmarkers at all. seems to work just fine.

I think the positionmarkers are for the camera start position but it should work fine without it. I put it in because the editor tutorial said it should be in a map

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I loaded a test map back into the editor and the built bases exploded. The other build pads version are for capture, and I think are blank for use in GC mode where you buy your buildings and then they show up on the planet in those designated spots.


Skirmish mode maps are easier to make. There are different types of the same building, depending upon what they are used for Skirmish, Capturable freebee, Galactic Planet Mode, Skirmish Mode where you must build up your base first. Even Neutral.

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You need to use the Player_X_Spawn_Point_Marker and the Player_X_Position_Marker once per side (you need at least 4 total per side) and make each one Empire or Rebel(This would mean you need a tolal of 32 markers in a 8 player game!). If you only put Player_0_Spawn_Point_Marker and Player_0_Position_Marker for the Rebels with Player_1_Spawn_Point_Marker and Player_1_Position_Marker for the Empire, then player 1 must be rebel and player 2 must be empire.



Darth James,


Do I have to use Marker and Spawn 0 for Empire, than 1 for Rebel, 2 for Empire, 3 for Rebel and so on, or can I do 0,1,2,3 for Empire and 4,5,6,7 for Rebel?


Thanks for your help.

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Darth James,


Do I have to use Marker and Spawn 0 for Empire, than 1 for Rebel, 2 for Empire, 3 for Rebel and so on, or can I do 0,1,2,3 for Empire and 4,5,6,7 for Rebel?


no, you have to use Marker and Spawn 0 for Empire AND REBEL, then Marker and Spawn 1 for Empire AND REBEL. that way any player can be Empire or Rebel. so in an 8 player game you would put 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 for Empire and 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 for the rebels. also I put a map on lucasfiles.com called Battle over Kamino, if you need more help look at that when it can be downloaded.

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no, you have to use Marker and Spawn 0 for Empire AND REBEL, then Marker and Spawn 1 for Empire AND REBEL. that way any player can be Empire or Rebel. so in an 8 player game you would put 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 for Empire and 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 for the rebels. also I put a map on lucasfiles.com called Battle over Kamino, if you need more help look at that when it can be downloaded.


I do it the other way and I'm fine.

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There's something I'm curious about, why do there have to be so many AI zones in the maps, couldn't it just be some for passable terrain and other's for impassable?

Because hover units and speeders can cross some otherwise impassable terrain; you need to differentiate them so that 2M's and T4-B's can zip across water and so that airspeeders can fly over the high mountains.


Can anyone address my earlier question about map size?

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i installed the map editor today and when i tried to start it i get an error message saying

"An exception has occured. See _logfile.txt and _except.txt for details"


no clue what to do, tried installing it in dozens of different places and repaired, reinstalled and re downloaded from more than one source and get the same result


any help you can offer would be helpful,



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I have a problem. I have saved my custom maps in the right directory but can't play them in the game.


NOTE: the latest patch(1.04) is already installed!

what directory is that? it should be C:\Program Files\Lucasarts\Star Wars Empire at War\GameData\Data\CustomMaps.

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The AI Zones are as he said, to direct the AI to not fly over high mountains and walk under water.


The Passible Zones are mainly for you the Human payer from traversing Mountains and Walking under water for example.


Ther are other pathing option to help the AI 'know' the routes to your main bases. Or you can just rely on the AI default scripts -which are bit dense to find you.


And the retreat/defensive marker is good to tell the AI where to run to and hide if getting a beating, such as go hide under a well defened bast shield. They are areas on the map where you would go.

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