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Awesomely Random RPG!!!

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"So they're all something of something else... maybe one of them is the Sword is Righteousness! It's a magic sword that can talk and rip holes in the fabric of time! This one guy used to shave Lincoln's beard and watch a penny change!"

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Kate and Jack were poofing through various times and places. "Isn't this great?" Kate asked.


"Hell Yeah!" Yelled Jack. then they poofed off to another place in thi place, they ran into the black armor dude.


"It's you!" She yelled, pointing at him.

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"Not again. That's it! Chaos Control! Have fun in the Power Ranger Universe. Oh yeah, I made sure that you can't poof back for an hour." Said Kelvin."now, this book can has information on every weapon I have found. It can also alert me to when ... they are within 3 years of it. The oblivion weap[ons are scattered throughout time. Many are well known. Like Excalibur the Sword, Shakespere's pen (I started reading Hamlet), Leonardo Da vinci's paintbrush, Abe Lincoln's Hat,etc. All oblivion weapons have the ability to travel through time."

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"Not again. That's it! Chaos Control! Have fun in the Power Ranger Universe. Oh yeah, I made sure that you can't poof back for an hour." Said Kelvin."now, this book can has information on every weapon I have found. It can also alert me to when ... they are within 3 years of it. The oblivion weap[ons are scattered throughout time. Many are well known. Like Excalibur the Sword, Shakespere's pen (I started reading Hamlet), Leonardo Da vinci's paintbrush, Abe Lincoln's Hat,etc. All oblivion weapons have the ability to travel through time."

"Er... Lincoln's hat?"

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Kate and Jack poofed to the 4th dimension. "You're safe here. I'm the only person who can come here. I've got to take care of this guy in the only way I know how." Kate morphed into Chuck Norris "I have to kick his ass."


"Well, morph back to Kate so I can kiss you luck." Jack said.Kate turned back to Kate then poofed to the black armor guy.

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" It had the power to grow really long beards. Oh come on! when will you stop. Timmy, a little help here." said Kelvin.


"oh right! I wish that girl was dead!" said timmy.


"We can't kill, or injure someone" said Wanda.


"Then I wish she was traped in Idaho and couldn't poof back!" said timmy.


"You got it!*waves wand*" sauid wanda.


"Anyway , you should watch out for ... them. They are the ten dooms. Each of them represents an evil of the universe. Murder, Greed, theft. Etc. The more the evil is commited the doom corresponding grows stronger. Their leader is Destruction. They have 1 oblivion weapon. the bone of Kard. It can answer any question if the question is asked in complete darkness.

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Kate was in Idaho, looking like Chuck Norris. "Oh wow, what now?" she asked herself, she tried to poof but couldn't, "Damn, I've gotta shoot me some faries later." All of a sudden she saw a guy walking down the street. It was Napoleon Dynamite!! Kate morphed back to herself and ran up to him. "OMFG! Napoleon dynamite, can you help me?"


"What do you want? I'm on my way to Pedro's house?" He said.


"Can you use your magic to make all magic obsolete on me?"


"Ugh....." he said, "Sure, but you've gotta get Tina to eat the food."


So Kate and Napoleon trecked beck to Napoleon's house. Kate got Tina to eat her food and Napoleon used his magic dancing skills to life the wish off of her and make all magic not affect her. "Thanks Napoleon! You wanna come help me save the world?" Kate said.


"No way! I'm going to President Pedro's house." Napoleon replied


"Ok! I'll see you later, Napoleon Dynamite." Kate said, waving.


"Bye" he said, as Kate morphed back into Chuc Norris and poofed to Kelvin

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"YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Kate yelled flying thruogh space, in a karate kick style. She kicked Timmy Turner, right in the bottom of his face, snapping his head off his body. "Timmy is dead, so you two must poof back to fairyworld." Chuck/Kate said.


"Damn Chuck Norris, that's the second time he's killed our godkid." Cosmo said, lighting a ciggerette and poofing to fairyworld with Wanda.


Kate morphed back to herself "Now, it's you and me Kelvin, I pick the battlefield and the battle. TAGGER'S TAG!!!!!" Kate yelled poofing them to the Rocakko Expo stadium. Kate put on rollar blades and grabbed a spray paint can, "NOW WE BATTLE!!!" Kate yelled lunging herself toward an unprepaired Kelvin and spraying him with her paint.

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"Thats it! Chaos Control! i'm manipulating history so that you were never born!" said Kelvin. Kate Disappeared. Cosmo and Wanda came back, and timmy was Alive."Ok. Now that that's over, Let's clean my room!" said Timmy. "uhhhh. Gotta go." said Kelvin as he soon went back into the time stream.

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"YOU CAN'T KILL ME!" said a voice from heaven, "I AM THE CREATOR!!!" The voice yelled and Kate came back. Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda and Kelvin all blew up in a mushroom cloud along with the country of Japan, and Kate went into a coma. While Emma sat and watched while eating a hershey's dark chocolate candy bar.


As Japan sunk into the ocean, along with Atlantis, Kate poofed herself and Emma to the 4th dimension before passing out, and the crazy Japanese people ran around yelling "THEY DID IT AGAIN!!!! AMERICANS CAN'T BE TRUSTED!!! NO MORE IMPORTING OUR KICKASS CARTOONS AND VIDEO GAMES TO THEM!!!"

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(We weren't in japan. we were in Dimsdale, and Kelvin was in the time stream.)


"uhoh. gotta fix that. chaos control!" said Kelvin. Soon everything was back to normal. apan was stil;l live, Timmy, wanda and Cosmo were not dead, and Kate is stuck in a dimension where she can't poof out because she was never born(that dimension is the world of paris hilton's mind which is empty).

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"I JUST SAID YOU CAN'T KILL ME!! I'M THE F***** CREATOR!!!" Kate yelled, as she blew up the universe, and everyone in any time stream, forever. She was the only one not dead or compleatly paralized and powerless, her and her boyfriend who was in the 4th dimension.

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Logan suddenly poofed into existance, since his Time Machine can only trevel a few minutes into the future and detected an upcoming Temporal Cataclysm it protected him by warping him into the future. "YOU." Logansaid pointing angrily at Kate. "Fix the timestream, now."

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"NO! That Kelvin guy threatined to eliminate my existance twice!" Kate yelled "WHY SHOULD YOU CARE!! WE'RE THE ONLY PEOPLE ALIVE!! You, me, and Jack are all that's left." Kate stuffed her face into her hands and sobbed.


"Don't cry Katie, Listen to the suit guy." Jack said, kissing her on her forehead. Kate lifted her head and he wiped her eyes, "I really want my parents back, and Fluffy."


Kate fixed the what she just caused and made Kelvin powerless, weaponless, and saneless in a mental hospital.

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Emma shook her head. She hated it when people destroyed the world. She was, of course, the only person alive on it with a strong enough sense of right, wrong and pancakes to survive in a corrupt world. Of, course, all she cared about were the pancakes.

"So Kate, want to go get some chocolate ice-cream?" She sighed, as she poofed to wherever Kate was.

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Abby went to the mentel hospital to get Kelvin.

Abby: God, Kelvin. She friggin killed Japan and brought it back to life. We've gotta stop her.

She grabbed Kelvin and used a mentel power to get him not crazy. Then, they poofed to wereever Kate was.

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Kate knew Abby was trying to poof to the 4th dimension, where only Kate could go in or out of. So Kate poofed out, grabbed Abby and poofed into the 4th dimension. "Abby, nobody can get in here but me. and Yes, I destroyed the world, but only for Jack." they both looked back at Jack, who was sipping on a Midsummer Night.


"What? Guys drink guys drink cocktails too." He said as he took another sip. Then he pointed to Logan, who was drinking a dry martini.


"I mix them drinks, you want a Wonderwall?" Kate asked. "I'm in the IBA, and have been mixing drinks for sometime." Kate explained as a bar popped out of nowhere, and she took a sip of her vodkatini.

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Suddenly out of nowhere, Kelvin's father, master of all time appeared and cured Kelvin completely. Kelvin and Abby prepared for battle until, a mysterious figure appeared. " Not you again!" said Kelvin. Then the mmysterious being spoke."My name is Anih Evol. You may call me Evol. I am the leader of the the 10 dooms. You, kate! You call yourself creator! you are no match for the true creator's talent. I laugh at your febal attempts at power. I can undo this damage easily. Watch. Ultimate Destiny!" soon, the univewrse reformed and it has been as if it had never been destroyed in the first place. " i leave but remember my power. Especially you Kate. You are not deserving of your power. I created your power and I can take it back. Do not harm Kelvin. I need him in my plans." Evol left and everything was back to normal.

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(...Love Hina. Heh... Palindromes... anyhoo...)


Logan decided now would be a good time to enter the story. "Ugh... this is too much exposition for my tastes, someone sum up the last few posts in a few sentences."

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"Ok, dude who diodn't give me my powers, how bout I make you a Tom Collins and we can talk this whole 'You don't deserve your mutant powers.' thing." Kate said, grabbing her martini shaker. "Here Abby." She said, telekinetkly giving Emma a Absinthe Cocktail, which was green and in a cocktail glass.


"Listen, I'm done with the whole world changing thing, I just wanna make out with my boyfriend, and mix alcohlic drinks for people under the drinking age."

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