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K2 had strange sith lords. [minor spoilers]


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The sith lords in KOTOR 2 were the only sith (i could be wrong about the "only" bit) that didn't want to rule the galaxy. Traya wanted to kill the force, nihilus wanted to 'eat'* jedi's force and I'm not exactly sure what he wanted, except killing traya.


*I guess consume is a better word.

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The sith lords in KOTOR 2 were the only sith (i could be wrong about the "only" bit) that didn't want to rule the galaxy. Traya wanted to kill the force, nihilus wanted to 'eat'* jedi's force and I'm not exactly sure what he wanted, except killing traya.


*I guess consume is a better word.


I think that you are correct about them not wanting to rule the galaxy. Sion wanted the Jedi extinct, Traya wanted the Force destroyed, and Nihilus wanted to consume the lie of the galaxy.


From what I have gathered, many Sith Lords did not have goals to rule the Galaxy. Many of them simply tried to enlarge the Sith Order, and some of them tried to gain immortality.

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Well, almost evry Sith Lord that i have heard about wanted to kill the Jedis or convert them. And Kreia says ingame that the only concerns these sith lords have is to kill the Jedis, then it wont mather who rules the galaxy, there will be a dark time when the Jedis are gone.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I think that you are correct about them not wanting to rule the galaxy. Sion wanted the Jedi extinct, Traya wanted the Force destroyed, and Nihilus wanted to consume the lie of the galaxy.


From what I have gathered, many Sith Lords did not have goals to rule the Galaxy. Many of them simply tried to enlarge the Sith Order, and some of them tried to gain immortality.

Curious. Where did you get that information?

Is your use of the word 'immortality' metaphorical?

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Is your use of the word 'immortality' metaphorical?


I am not sure he meant it in the traditional way. When Freedon Nadd died, his spirit lived on, and he claimed that a powerful enough Sith could create a new body he could inhabit again. I don't see any reason why the process couldn't be repeated over and over. In a way, that is immortality.

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DarthOxyClean means that literaly, being inmortal not dead. Of course it´s body inmortality, because we know that powerfull sith lord´s spirits remain "alive": like Palpatine after the destruction of Death Star II. He (and we all should) knows that before seing ep3, where Palpatine itself talks about his master, Darh Plagueis (a book about it will be released this year more or less), who seeked inmortality to be slayed by Palpatine while sleeping.

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Well I disagree deeply here remember what Kreia said "To be united by hatred is a fragile alliance at best" the truth is that all of these sith lords saw in the jedi the only and last obstacle to their power. Kreia wanted to destroy the force which is not really preferable to the Empire, Nihilus would have killed all the forc sensitives and enslaved the rest which would have made him even harder to kill then Palpatine, and Sion did have galatic ambitions though he did not quite formulate them clearly, but he did want to become the next revan to have the galaxy at his feet

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i have to say the sith generally have several goals 1. to dominate all life 2.to become as powerful as they can 3. destroy the jedi (generally as the jedi are the only ones who can actually stand up to them, for example even boba fett couldnt kill Darth Sidious/the emporer because he would jus force lightning his ass - and only a lightsaber or yoda can block it, incidentaly, in ROTJ why does luke drop his lightsaber.... i mean alrite dont kill your father, but dont leave yourself open to attack, also i dont know if killing the emporer was a dark side path, cause even mace said he was too powerful to be kept alive...thoughts?)


from wookiepedia i quote "The Sith were a sect of dark side Force users bent on conquering the galaxy and destroying the Jedi. They were characterized by their single-minded lust for power and the brutal methods they were willing to use in order to acquire it"


back onto topic, i think Darth Sion was an awesome sith, i always go lightside, but after Vader hes gotta be one of my favourite sith, hes jus looks cool - i remember on peragus his video comes on, i was thinking pants im no way ready to take on this dude... ive not even got a lightsaber!


Darth Nihilus looked cool, but he was a major let down - he was too easy to beat, and given that acording to some of the stuff ive read on wookiepedia he killed master vandar (obv depending on wat ur alignment was in kotor 1) but it would of been cool either to have seen a flash back of him absorbing the force of all the jedi on kattar (sp) or him killing visas when you meat and force eating her ass!

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You know what, the strangest Sith Lord it the game would be the PLAYER CHARACTER.


To be Darkside you need to Call People Names, be real mean to your followers, and Kick Puppies... That sounds like more of a schoolyard bully than a Sith Lord.


Seriously next kotor they should have more choices in the line with tags [act like] [lie] [ignore the fool] or things like that. You don't always run around robbing money from kids and kicking poor hobos... as a Sith Lord you would most probably just ignore them and watch them suffer.

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No kidding, i'm call you a butthead and I move closer to the darkside, yep, sounds like a sith to me. But on topic, the sith didn't seem so wierd to me, Sion was one of my favorite sith so far, Kreia seemed like someone who had fallen from both the jedi AND the sith, that was wierd. Nihlus was farily typical sith aswell, take over and enslave the galaxy to feed his power, he just had a new way of doing it.

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You know what, the strangest Sith Lord it the game would be the PLAYER CHARACTER.


To be Darkside you need to Call People Names, be real mean to your followers, and Kick Puppies... That sounds like more of a schoolyard bully than a Sith Lord.


Seriously next kotor they should have more choices in the line with tags [act like] [lie] [ignore the fool] or things like that. You don't always run around robbing money from kids and kicking poor hobos... as a Sith Lord you would most probably just ignore them and watch them suffer.


Great point.


That's why I couldn't play DS -- there was just no reason, at all. Yes, it's kind of funny to tell some murderous thugs to give me their credits and jump in the pit, but overall the PC Sith was just a big bully -- and even s/he admitted that it was boring pushing the little people around.


If the PC Sith were modelled according to Kreia's modus operandi, that would have been much better -- IMO her manipulations would have wracked up plenty of DS pts, not that unchanging grey.


My DS player would have supported keeping the Republic intact, not siding with Czerka (as soon as Jana Lorso hinted at selling me out to the Exchange in her vid call, I would have put her on my hit list), nor would I have sided with Vaklu (the Republic needs Onderon and they're going to use them and obliterate their culture), and I'd pretty much ignore weak folks unless they kept on my case. And I definitely wouldn't have alienated my party members as extremely as you can -- I would have allowed them to help instead of telling them to buzz off and that they were worthless. In the end, of course, you do make them sacrifice themselves.




As it is, you're pretty much left acting like a Sith underling rather than a Sith Lord -- like the Sith students in the Korriban academy in Kotor 1. Uthar and Yuthura were much more calculating and willing to listen, as was Malak. And Sion...

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  • 4 weeks later...

In a way this is why the Light side is always the Canonical ending, because realistically, you can't see Darth Vader buying poison to get rid of a Gizka problem on his ship and actually buying items from people instead of killing them. It would have been a better system where you could kill more instead of talk to them but you gain notorioty in that bounty hunters track you and more sith assassins are sent to challenge you. It gets progessively darker after that.

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