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Main character of Kotor III

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Ok... here are my ideas,


Personally I don’t think that there should add a new main character. There are still so many main story gaps with the first 2. If they add another main, you’re going to be working so much on their story that they’ll probably hardly explain the others, or in small detail and that would really make me mad. Besides another main character would be overkill for this trilogy. The other big things I like about the possibilities of KotOR 3 are the variables. I mean think about it, the game could go 4 different ways. Whether Revan and the Exile are both Light Side or Dark Side, or one of each. All these variables mean more game play, more endings, more story information, and that would make for an awesome game. As far as the physical game itself, just the usual. Better graphics and more options.


These are just my opinions and you are welcome to disagree. I just think that it makes the most sense this way. Closed story lines, most adventure, and “old friends.” Thank you all.


I disagree, Revan and the Exile have to be NPC's or Party members...

It would make more sense to play as a new Char as if in K2. But in K2 Revan didn't really appear, all the Chars of K1 dindn't appear, so I think, they have to appear in K3 (The Chars of K2 also)...


sry when my english isn't great, I'm from Switzerland

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You obviously don't know that the real Bastila actually appears in TSL after you destroy the Ravager (presuming you chose LS Revan male at the beginning of TSL, the first conversation with Atton), so she is very much alive and unimpregnated.


It has been a while since my last full play through around 4 months. So my recolection of some of those details is hazy. However After 5 years of time of course she is going to be unimpregnated. Assuming she had some sort of romance relationship with Revan following K1 but before he left for the unknown regions. The impresion is given that Revan has been gone for longer than a year in K2. Assuming there was a romance and assuming Bastilla had become pregnant, and assuming that Revan has been gone for more than a year, then with the knowledge that a standard human preganancy is 9 months, assuming the following assumptions and facts of pregnancy. This could bring us easily to the conclusion that Bastilla would have had the child by the time of TSL. Now knowing that Bastilla is a Jedi means they have quite an excercise routine which means it would be easy for her to return to her figure following the pregnancy.


Now somebody mentioned there was no mention of it between Bastilla and Carth or hints even. To that let us consider this from Bastilla and Carths perspective they very well might have made a decision similiar to that made about Luke and Leia and that is to keep the knowledge of the childs existance a secret. It could also be that they didn't want to further pollute the storyline of TSL with what might be considered frivolous information.


But considering that Both K1 and K2 have there underlying stories relating to Jedi's and romance. Such as Jolee and his former wife Nomi. Then there was Brianna/Handmaiden in K2 the child of 2 jedi. These underpinning stories only serve to provide the chance of my personal theories.

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As long as it only remains a theory, I say theorize all you want, 'cause there's no way something like that would be introduced into the storyline, simply because too much time would pass between TSL and K3 and Revan and most of the other old characters would be dead, or ''retired''.

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Well, new main character should be child of Malak.He/she will start on nar shadda as a bountyhunter(or something like that).One day he will get exstremly hardcontrakt(target will be some pirat ship)so he/she will must get some ship. He/she will start looking for it and he/she will find Atton in pazzak den.He will have lots of depts and need money, so he will selling his ship(ebot hawk).He or she will buy it, went to space attka pirest, but his ebot hawk will take much dmg and crushed on some planet where is now new jedi academy.Here he or she will starting slowly learn about force.And in his final test he will have vison, the vision about his/her father, about Malak(he or she never knows who was father).After it he/she wil tell about this vison to counsil they will tell him/her what happend and how Revan full of anger and dark side strike down Malak... Now you will must find where is revan so you will start look on the planets where he was(Mandalorians planets, korriban, and something like Mustafark becase of HK factory there).................And in the end he will find the true sith the darth Revan. Ls will forgive him but Revan will kill him/her, dark sider will attak lord Revan long fight without end........ btw Hi everyone.

Tell me what you think about it

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I disagree, Revan and the Exile have to be NPC's or Party members...
Why do they have to? Considering how many option there were for players, providing the character each player created would be overly difficult (different gender, heads, classes, skills, powers, feats, light or dark, etc.). I think it is safe to say that we can rest assured that these two characters will never be party NPCs.


It would make more sense to play as a new Char as if in K2. But in K2 Revan didn't really appear, all the Chars of K1 dindn't appear, so I think, they have to appear in K3 (The Chars of K2 also)...
Notice a trend from the previous games?
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I would hate the idea that Revan is dead or totally bad again.....I loved my Revan in Kotor I and she was lightsided. Also there was a romance with Carth. So, I do not think that they were holding hands all the time, so a child could fit in the story. Maybe Carth and the child stayed at Telos and Revan went to the Unknown Regions. In case of a male Revan Bastila would be the mother. So, I do fully agree with Darkkender.

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Why do they have to? Considering how many option there were for players, providing the character each player created would be overly difficult (different gender, heads, classes, skills, powers, feats, light or dark, etc.). I think it is safe to say that we can rest assured that these two characters will never be party NPCs.


I fully agree with you on this one, Prime. There's no way Revan, or the Exile will be party members, or questgivers in K3. Quite frankly, I wouldn't like it if they did. Though I'm becoming convinced that we'll have a new main character in K3 (if there ever gets to be one), I'd still prefer it to be Revan and to get a third new character in some other future sequel of KoTOR, a sequel with a story completely unrelated to Revan's.

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Personally, I think K3 should have an entirely new main character. Revan and Exile should both appear, but be only NPCs or possibly companions late in the game. There should also be resolution to them, so that their fates are settled in K3, which does not necessarily mean that they have to die.


I prefer the new character to either be of Mandalorian descent, which is quite a dilemma for a jedi, or else to be the offspring of Saul Karath, meaning that he/she is hated by everybody for the sin of the father.


Still, I would most prefer that even the main character's species is optional. You should be able to be human, twi'lek, rodian, or whatever you want to be.

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i would like to have the main character be the Exile again. You would continue following where Revan went and eventually encounter him and have him as an ally to try and destroy the source of the dark power. Probably fighting thru Sith lords like Darth Nihilus, who have freaky abilities. Revealing more about Revan and the Exile and the nature of the dark side in the unknown regions.

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Following Trilogy-ish tradition, the second episode always has a cliffhanger ending that the third almost always starts off from. If the exile played LS, then he/she went off to the unkown regions... CLIFFHANGER. K3 will probably continue off from right there, so I think that K3 will probably be played as the exile. To me, that's better than Revan, whom I despise because of his/her giant fan club, and because he/she actually has a name he used to go by. I prefer the exile because his/her nickname (as per wookiepedia) is more general, and can be customized as a name of your own. To me, that's RPGing.

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In the extremely unlikely event that the Exile and Visas has a child, why would you play as him/her? It would take at least eighteen years for the child to be old enough to fight, and Revan couldn't survive in the middle of enemy territory for that long. In addition to that, what if you choose for the Exile to be female, or to have a romance with a different character? Children also would not work out with either alignment of the Exile's. Jedi are rarely allowed to love, much less have children, and I can't picture the Sith allowing it either. Love would be associated with the child, which is something the Sith guard against. The idea can't work.

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I would like to play as a brand new character that doesn't have a bumby relation with the Jedi, like Revan and the Exile did. To mix things up, I would't mind playing 1-4 levels as other characters, like while your (new) character is training or once they're done training you get chance to see what other characters(Like Juhani or Mission; if you decided that Revan went LS) are doing on other planets and then all these things interconnect to the story, or don't just good for kicks.

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I want the main character of KotOR3 to be totally new and unrelated to the previous games. The character should have optional gender as well as species instead of being human every time. The game should be begin on Coruscant, where the companions of the Exile (if the Exile was LS, that is, otherwise they should all be replaced by new characters) are trying to revive the ruins of the jedi order. The main character is a youngling who has just become a padawan. The early game should be fighting crime on Coruscant, and the characters construct his/her lightsaber at level 2. The early game should also focus on the master/padawan-relationship and have only those two in the group.

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