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LucasForums Alpha 3 Turbo: Tournament Edition

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The pic in my sig is a joke, but then I realized it was an awesome joke.


People, post what you would be as a character in a fighting game! Weaknesses? Strengths? Combos? Team mode? YOU DO STUFF.




Notable combos: Magic Spelling, Vocabul-own.

Special Attacks: Killer Spelling, Vocabu-burn.

Key Strengths: Fast, many air combos.

Key Weaknesses: Complex combos, attacks take too long to block in time.

Team Up Combos:

Darth Ave-Killer Queen


Gruducuuz-Killer Avatar




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Okay. I'll be me.


Notable combos: Feirce Struts!, Jazzy-ness!

Special Attacks: fashion diss, jazz hands

Key Strengths: intelegence, quick reflexes

Key Weaknesses: taunting, the singing of Queen

Team Up Combos:

Smon-Killer Queen

KingCheez-The Great Knife!


Pyrohappygirl-burnin' down the house

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New Combo:

Mashi-Fatal Furry


Also, I may someday make this game with The Games Factory... though probably not. If I do, here are some neat stupid extras I'll put in:


Alliespixie will be the weakest character, so as a joke if you hold a certain button after selecting her she will fight dressed as Dan Hibiki.

Anti-Tim is an unlockable character.

So is Purple Squid.


Laster I'll post art of how I would draw each fighter.


This is fun. :3

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Notable combos: Thrash, Power Chord, Shred

Special Attacks: Guitar Solo, Really High Note, Counter

Key Strengths: Long, low damaging attacks with long recovery

Key Weaknesses: Takes a while to get up after being knocked down

Team Up Combos:

Darth Ave- Music Video

KingCheez- Okekaki Kamikaze

Smon-Killer Avatar

Pyrohappygirl- Pyrotechnics Show

Mashi- Killer instincts

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Notable combos: Cling and Gnaw, Tail Whip

Special Attacks: 60 Arrow Combo, Rain of Pencils (Coloured and Non-)

Key Strengths: Agility, balance and keen agression. If that made any sense.

Key Weaknesses: Bruises like a banana, and thus, is deafeated easily.

Team Up Combos:

Darth Ave - Cattyness!

KingCheez - Royal Rambunctiousity*

Smon - Fatal Furry

Pyrohappygirl - Flaming Feline Fatality

Grud - Killer Instincts


*This is actually a reference to the MUSH, since both of us are considered "royalty".

...Wait, wizards are royalty? I think I may have screwed something up.

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Notable combos: Five Iron Frenzy, The Toaster

Special Attacks: The Planet Smasher

Key Strengths: Fast and strong. Gets his own combos because when he initiates it, the white parts disappear from the two-tone suit momentarily (rather than the black parts.)

Key Weaknesses: Easy to lose sight of on dark or light backgrounds, that trumpet blast every time you do The Planet Smasher gets really annoying.

Team Up Combos:

Darth Ave-Summon Pyramid Head!

Smon-Fedora Fireball

Mashi-Wizard Water-Gun

Gruducuuz-Guitar Hero With Obscure Music!?

Pyrohappygirl-Sea of Fanfiction

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I need help with mine. So far, I only have-


Combos: Triple bitch-slap

Special attacks: Spammage, Super asshole mode

Strengths: I can do a decent Chewbacca impression. That's about it.

Weaknesses: Root beer

Team up thing: Er...I don't think anyone wants to team up with me.


That's all I can think of.

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People, stop posting that no one will team up with you. Smon couldn't have posted a team up thing for everyone on the forums. Just make up some teamup thing yourself. We can edit your things in later. So please stop thinking that no one will team up with you.

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People, stop posting that no one will team up with you. Smon couldn't have posted a team up thing for everyone on the forums. Just make up some teamup thing yourself. We can edit your things in later. So please stop thinking that no one will team up with you.


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Appearance clicky here to see me in my awesomeness. Not really. I'm still the elfgirl with an unhealthy obbession with Gabe from Penny-Arcade from the Anti-Tim RPG! I also drew the Anti-Tim (aka:Tammy Shafer) but then my scanner decided to go kaput and die on me when I needed her.


Notable Combos: pWnage to da m@x!, Merch Summon (PA fans know him as the torso-stealer)

Special Attacks: Arrow Volley, Emokid-chuck

Key Strengths: Agile, able to summon small creatures (hey, the Merch is tiny!), fast-long-range attacks, can transfer own health to heal another.

Key Weaknesses: Weak Block, short-range attacks are pretty useless.


Team Up Combos:

Zelda: pointy-eared wrath (See? I'll team up with you.)

Milo: twin-triple-bitchslap (cuz bitchslapz are le suck on the receiving end)

Smon: Fedora of Doom Summon

Darth: Hurricaane!

Mashi: Furry Fury

Pyro: Grrrl Powah!

Grud: Wailing Banshee

Cheez: Lethal Dairy (pronounced 'Dah-ee-ree')

Jmac: Anime-Avalanche

St Jimmy:Pointy-Stick Cyclone

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I'll team up with anyone as long as they're not Psychochaos.




Combos: Liberty Bell 7

Special attacks: Kick Me

Strengths: Not able to be squicked

Weaknesses: Ebaums World

Team up thing Darth Ave would you like to use our friendship power rings in the name of justice?

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Why not him?

Because he's a preteen snotnose brat who thinks he's all that and a bag of lays sour cream and chedder potato chips.


Also, klia, we should get matching shoes, with our names in the soles. So, when we walk in wet cement, our friendship shall be permanent. Also, so that when we kick people in the chest, it's like 'YOU JUST GOT KICKED BE AVE AND KLIA! BFF 4EVA!"


We should be on Who Wants To Be a Superhero, as the SuperBestFriendTwins!

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Also, klia, we should get matching shoes, with our names in the soles. So, when we walk in wet cement, our friendship shall be permanent. Also, so that when we kick people in the chest, it's like 'YOU JUST GOT KICKED BE AVE AND KLIA! BFF 4EVA!"


We should be on Who Wants To Be a Superhero, as the SuperBestFriendTwins!


That would be like my second time being a twin.


I can see the cheesy superhero show in my head.


Too bad my siggy is full, and you're almost never on LJ. Le sigh.

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