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The Largest Enemy Fleet ever Encountered


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What's the largest enemy fleet you've ever battled against in either Skirmish or galactic conquest?


The largest fleet I've ever encountered consisted of-


76 A-wing squadrons

22 Y-wing squadrons

36 Mk II frigates

8 Neb B frigates

12 Gunships

13 Correlian (spelling?) corvettes

15 or 16 Maurader cruisers


I only had-


1 fleet commander

5 Imperial star destroyers

7 Victory cruisers

4 tartan cruisers

4 Broadside cruisers

1 Interdictor


Surprisingly I won the battle! :king1:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Well, Ive only encountered a fllet with 7 X-wings, 7 Y-wings, 7 A-wings, 1 Assault Frigate, 6 Nebulon-B's, 4 Marauder's, Ackbar, and Luke, I destroyed their station and a bunch of their frigates and they retreated, But I use scouts to my advantage, I tend to see the enemy fleets before I attack and make sure I create one larger, oh they also had 5 Correllian Corvettes, and 5 Gunboats, and the Sundered Heart, but like I said I went for the station then took out as many of their frigates as I could before they ran.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
The enemy (espacially rebels) are only building a hell lot of small fighters... A-wings, X-wings, Y-wings, choos-random-letter-from-the-alphabet-wings xD... All fine but with 3 Tartan's you crush them all...


Dude tartans are not that powerfull some fightersqadrons can easily destroy a Tartan and if they have bombers its even faster!

and if you are rebels you can lock the x foils so the xwings are harder to hit

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  • 4 weeks later...

The largest fleet that I have seen had 163 Corvettes , 142 Gunboats, 18 Neb-B Cruisers,

34 X-Wing, 29 A-Wing, 4 Y-Wing, and 3 Mon Cal Cruisers. and the funniest thing is that he had every hero he could possibly have.


I only had 42 ISD's, 5 Tartans, 64 Victory, 2 Interdictor, and 5 Broadside cruisers. But on the planet I had the Planetary Gun, No to mention a level 5 Space Station.


At the end i only had few ships left but they only had the Sundered Heart and Akbar.

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  • 10 months later...
  • 3 months later...

what do you think of


home one

50 x-wing

40 a-wing

32 b-wing,

15 y-wing,

30 mk2 frigates

25 nebulon-b frigates

34 corilian corvettes

22 gunboats.

15 marauders


i had

3 imperial star destroyers

1 acclamator

2 interdictors

2 tartan patrol cruisers

lvl 5 space station


well, because of the bug in the rebel AI, they retreat when they lost a sertain amount of units, so every time i lose maybe 1 acclamator, 2 tartan patrol cruisers, and maybe 1 interdictor, but for the rest, I win every time



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  • 2 months later...

Playing my own modded game....


153 Mon-Cal Cruisers

298 X-Wings

1,243 A-Wings

22 gunboats


I had:




Not surprisingly, I saved. Then Started the map in tactical. The game froze. I hit auto-resolve. My guy got p3ned. came back w/50 ssd's, and I STILL lost in Auto-Resolve.

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  • 3 months later...

18 2-M tanks

4 AT-ATs

20 Tartan cruisers(!)

34 Stormtroopers(!!!)

16 TIE Maulers

8 Field Commanders

2 Broadside cruisers

12 AT-STs


Took forever to kill, kep retreating again and again between planets.

On Geonosis:

Lv 3 SS

5 Core. Gunships


On Ryloth:

Home One

1 Assault Frigate

2 Core. Corvettes

Sundered Heart

Millenium Falcon

2 X-wings


It was fun:xp:

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