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What is the bigger reason for no K3?


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55. HK-47 was to be major character in KotOR3, and after his good work in the previous games, he was to receive a major award. However, during the celebration the pacifist upgrade rebooted with a vengeance, leaving HK-47 to repeated screams of "Stop this war, Revan!" while the crowds was booing at him. They're now working hard to reprogram him for the next game...

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57. Bastila was so angry at going from a major character in KotOR1 to a mere cameo in KotOR2 that she planned a horrible revenge. She found it what species Vandar and Yoda belonged to and planned to reveal it in KotOR3. Lucasarts found out just in time and had to shut the project down completely.

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There was a planet and a Czerka base cut from K1 too, as well as a Hutt on Dantooine.


But they weren't explicitly mentioned in the dialogue at least...


There's a big difference here. I don't think most people give a damn that we're missing out on a hutt on Dantooine, and while the lack of a new planet is a little disappointing, I wouldnt have known KotOR I had cut content unless you told me. Just looking at the finished product of KotOR II, though, I think you can tell there's something missing. It doesn't give you the "well now it's over" feeling when you've beaten it that KotOR I does. There are a lot of loose ends. Some things leave you feeling like there's something you missed. IMHO, there was definately SOMETHING going on near the end of TSL's deadline.





61. George Lucas is too busy planning the "KotOR- Special Edition" which, in addition to marginally better graphics, will feature subplot involving Atton's Hutt mother (This is taking awhile because he's trying to get Tom Cruise to voice act mommy-atton).

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10. Uncertainty. Not sure how to approach the final story.


I'm going to go with this one ^


11. They believe that the KotOR series is done.

I hope not, that would be terriable ^ :smash:


17. Lucas Arts maybe interested in a KotOR III, but George Lucas wants the series to just go away.


Probably, he's like "god people, I give and give and give, and you take and take and take. I just want to retire in Miami in my lounge chair and sip my ice tea." ;)


20. Someone is smoking weed, and they are having a hardtime writting the script.


^ " Dude. . .I can't think right man. . . all I keep thinking about is fryed chicken. . .and how much I could go for a cheeze pizza. . ." :compcry:



25. Someone lost the keys to the Ebon Hawk.


^ I didn't lose them, there just misplaces. . . :giveup:


I"m going to stop now. . .

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I'll amend the headline to


"whats the biggest reason for no K3 news"


and the reason is


- LA and OE is keeping the development very secret, they will release the game 1 month before christmas this year, it has been in development since the release of K2.





well, one can hope :)

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62. Juhani and Visas have things to speak about, and they haven't finished yet.

63. They're looking for a new Jolee Bindo actor, the first one is definitively ready for the lunatic asylum.

64. They are trying to negociate with Revan, Carth and Cede because the last one wants to have a more important role.

65. The man in the cupboard in Manaan's underwater station strictly DOESN'T WANT to get out. They need 173 cupboards for the game and the man is in the 173th.

66. After Revan and the Exile, that's all LucasArts people who have been hiten by amnesia. They don't know any more who they are, and less, how make the third game.

67. The Genoharradans. That's them ! Believe me ! I'm neither fool neither paranoiac !!

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Actually, I think it was unfinished. If you go digging through your StreamVoice folder, you'll find there is a LOT of unused voice acting, most of which seems to take place near the end of the game.
But you can find that with just about any game. That isn't necessarily a sign of an unfinished game, it is a sign of the editing and development process.
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Actually, I think it was unfinished. If you go digging through your StreamVoice folder, you'll find there is a LOT of unused voice acting, most of which seems to take place near the end of the game.
Cut content != unfinished game.

Lots of games are not released with all the content they were originally planned to have. As pointed out in an earlier post the original KotOR had cut content as well. Yet do you consider the original KotOR as unfinished?


And there's a LOT of stuff like this. You just have to dig through your game files, and again I've listened to them myself. I think it's safe to assume that since the stuff IS there and it obviously would have made the ending more of a, well, ending, I think Obsidian ran out of time and just threw together what we have in the ending now.
I think my previous statement covers this point.

It's just TSL's ending was less than satisfactory for many of those that played the game.
You recognize the fact that TSL had an ending but were not satisfied with it. And of course you are not the only one. ;) I consider "unfinished" to mean that the game didn't have an ending, something like the game abruptly ended when the Exile and company crashed on Malachor V or the Exile is running around on the surface of Malachor V, gets to the entrance for the core and can't get in. IMO that would be unfinished. From my perspective TSL suffered from a lack of quality control, not the lack of an ending.
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What i didnt like was that you could choose that Kreia didnt tell the futre, i was playing DS first time thorugh and just answerd something like "Stop talking, time to die" and didnt hear the future the first time throgh, then i really felt like WTF!?!?!


And people wouldent complain i think, if it wasent so obivious that things was cuted, that was the biggest misstake, like HK talking how to find the HK-50 models


And like someone sayed earlier, some game takes years before they get a sequel, so i dont see the big deal with no news, i have many great game i can play until i hear anything about K3

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But you can find that with just about any game. That isn't necessarily a sign of an unfinished game, it is a sign of the editing and development process.



Well, I think its clear by Malachor's bare-bones nature they intended to at least implement some of that material.


Though I will say that the only thing that in my opinion needs to be absolutely fixed is the HK-47 ending. Everything else, I managed to keep pace with but the absense of a conclusion to the Goto vs Remote was pretty glaring.

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But you can find that with just about any game. That isn't necessarily a sign of an unfinished game, it is a sign of the editing and development process.






1. HK-47 makes references to the HK factory. Yet we never go there.


2. All your companions (except Mira/Hanharr) disappear into thin air on Malachor.

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I do find it a necessary piece of information to note that those planets (apart from Sleheyron) were all supposed to be optional material for later download. It's at the very least debatable whether that makes it cut content or not, when it was - by definition - never part of the central plot of the game.

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KotOR I had six cut planets. That's far more content than what TSL is missing. Does that make KotOR unfinished?



How do you figure it was six? Sleheyron was cut for sure (and before anyone asks, there's nothing left and not a single hope in hell of it being restored, PERIOD!), but where do you get the other five from?

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but where do you get the other five from?


It's in planetary.2da, and RedHawke mentioned it.


It's at the very least debatable whether that makes it cut content or not


If that doesn't count as cut content to you, I can name more. KotOR is missing...


One whole planet

Another area in the Vulkar base

A puzzle in the sewers

A battle on Taris between Jedi and Sith troops

Extra enemies and a Dark Jedi with a cinematic entrace in Anchorhead

And interplaneatary quest ending in an assassination attempt (tied to Sleheyron)

An extra module (or modules) of a Czerka base (most likely on Korriban)

Becoming a Jedi at the start of the game

A Sith patrol in the sewers

HK and Jolee on Taris

An extended quest with the Sand People in which you become a messiah and lead them against the Czerka

A Vulkar in the Undercity

An alternate Star Map quest on Tatooine where you descend into the belly of a sarlacc without being eaten to get it

The ability to travel to Dantooine after it's destroyed

A Gamorrean camp in the Undercity

A scene for DSF players where they can sacrifice themselves with Carth to destroy the Star Forge

A (peacful) Sith presence on Dantooine

Katarrns on Dantooine

An alternate and somewhat sexual way to do the Sandral-Matale quest

An injured Sith major on the Leviathan who you can kill/knock out/use to find a way off the ship

An injured Sith Apprentice in the temple who you can knock out and spare or kill.

A cave on Rakata Prime

A possible extra cave on Dantooine where Juhani hid

Bastila on Rakata Prime

The option to take your party members with you at the Hrakert Rift

A fight in the black Rakta camp with a huge rancor (and which the Rakata don't go hostile over)

A Dark Jedi in Rrwookrroro

Extra Czerka guards on Tatooine

A protocol droid in Rwookrrorro

An escape from Dantooine with a pursuit of Sith fighters

A Sith Master in the temple who sends his pets to attack you

Some sort of "black crystal" an a white one in the cave on Dantooine

An alternate appearance for Yuthura, Uthar and other members of the Sith Academy

A Bith and Ithorian on Korriban who can talk to you about the academy

An Ihtorian who competes with you, Lashowe, Mekel and Shardaan (but that goes nowhere)

The option to free all the captives in the Sith Academy

A different area the Ebon Hawk lands in on Dantooine

Civilians in the Sith base on Manaan

An alternate appearance for Bastila, HK, T3, female Dark Jedi, and two for Sith Troopers

A Hutt on Dantooine

Possible swoop racing on Korriban

The option to upgrade your swoop bike

An alternate (and much cooler) appearance for drain life

An extra skin for Rodians

Many other alternate skins for planets

An extra inventory slot

A ship you have to catch on Tatooine

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Even more TSL bashing... the game is finished, whether people want to admit it or not. But that's a debate for another topic.


Then why mention it? :xp:


Maybe they won't make Kotor 3 because a bunch of people keep complaining about how it isn't out yet and they are amused by all the complaining.

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A lot of cut things listed are alternate options. That [sounds like at least] was stuff replaced and not brutally hacked from the game as many things from TSL were. As I've said before; I'm not saying K1 hasn't been sliced, but what matters is how noticable the cuts are in TSL. That is what makes TSL incomplete to me. Things are always removed, but a gamer shouldn't be able to tell.

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