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disciple and adum larp (kotor 2)


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after u find mical in the enclave if ur male, he goes to khoonda. u can talk to him and stuff. u can buy crap from adum larp, too. but after the battle of khoonda i go inside and where r they?? i go to the enclave and there is the disciple! he says he will go to khoonda but i dont think he does. i dont get it!

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Well, the disciple IS supposed to disappear. Since he does not join the male Exile, he's still dedicated to his mission for Carth. When I play (male Exile), he's usually at Khoonda only the first time I go back there after talking to him in the Enclave, and when I leave Khoonda, his cutscene with Carth plays, and then he disappears entirely. I think that's the way it's supposed to happen.

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There was a bug where mical stayed in the temple for me, he never went to khoonda and every time i stepped through the bloody door inside the library at the jedi temple he would constantly fire off his greeting again, he would'nt shut up. So i ditched him, thats why i on the second playthroguh i was surprised when i found him in khoonda after the whole temple part.

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