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Star Wars: Shadow Wars

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"Well...I suppose you could say we're 'getting along'. He still has all body parts intact, if that's what you're asking." Sara said with a grin. "He surprised me -- he actually has a civil tongue in his head, when he'd like to. But anyway. I've seen those sabers of yours cut through a speeder, how is it that the cargo hold is 'without a scratch' when you're hacking away at each other?"


"Lightsabers are capable of doing that, for sure. That doesn't mean we'll do it for fun though." Jethro answered.


"One of the first things we learned was to be a bit more careful when fighting." Kyla explained."Instead of rampaging about like a mad wookie, we have to keep our head cool and actually aim at our targets rather than smashing everything."

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"I lived at the outpost when I was 15, it's just a few miles away from Theed. We should deliver the disk straight away and we'll see what to do after that." Jethro answered. There were a lot of things flashing through his mind when he thought about Naboo.


He remembered his days as a young soldier back at the outpost all too well. They used to chase away wild animals during the daily patrols across the green grasslands. At night, he enjoyed the long walks through the beautiful city streets of Theed. Every now and then, he and his old friend Erick took a speeder from the outpost and went on patrol for days. His short career as a soldier on Naboo wasn´t that bad at all.

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A little while later they had reached Trarace's mansion.


"Well, i'll be damned. This guy sure knows how to uselessly spend money," He said, noticing him coming a man coming, "Now isn't it son?"


"Yes...father," He told him, reluctantly.


"Greetings. I trust you are the newest recruits to meet Mr. Trarace. Come with me," He said, instead of entering the mansion, entering a house nearby which Trarace used as his base of command.


"Well well, Erlong Trarace if i am not mistaken?" Kyle asked


"You are the newest recruits, right? Then the plan is..."


"The plan is we are here on the behalf of the Jedi Council to investigate the matter of your senseless feuding with the Rekk family." Kyle said.


"How dare you speak to me like that?"


"I dare because this is senseless and dangerous. Besides, i've dealed with worser guys than you who used that line." He said, Zhane hitting him in the arm, probably to not abuse of his luck.


"Well, he is falsely accusing me of stealing his diary, which i didn't."


"Well, how about you let me and my Master search your home?" Zhane asked.


"No, because it is a matter of trust, and i do not know you. Do deeds and get known in these parts, and perhaps then i'll let you," He said with a smug look on his face and getting out.


"Well, we can't wait around. Gotta do something," Zhane said.

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"Our parents were murdered when I was 15, Sara. I was an orphan." He said, not looking at her. "A friend of my father was the officer in charge of the outpost. I had nowhere else to go and he offered me to stay there. The outpost was not really a comfortable place to live, but it was my home." He paused for a moment and finally looked her in the eyes. "I grew up as a soldier until I was 18."

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As Jethro raised his eyes to meet hers, Sara had to look away, her face turning a light tint of pink. Smooth one, Sara. Of course, that was just her day, and just her luck. Make an innocent assumption and bam, up in smoke.


"I, uh...I'm sorry to hear that." she said softly, fidgeting with her shirtsleeve. "Sorry to bring it up...I didn't know."

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"Hey, need to be sorry Sara, I've put their death behind me a long time ago... although not entirely." Jethro answered. "I'm just glad I didn't lose Kyla back then." He smiled faintly as he turned around to see how Kyla was doing, but his sister was nowhere to be seen.


"I think it's best not to remind her again." He said softly as he turned around to face Sara again. "We never talked about their death, but I think she's still upset about it."

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"One for another time, I'm sure..." Sara mummbled.


Kidnapped? Right after her parents were murdered? The poor thing...


She brightened up after a moment, trying to shift from the mournful subject. "Well, I suppose we won't have much rest on Naboo. I'm going to get catch some sleep--"




"For Force's sake..."


A Rodian came bouncing into the hallway, shouting on the way.


"Saaaar--a? Sara!!!!"


"Yeah, hi Twitch--"


"Sara! Sara! Sara! Sara! Sara! Sara!"


"What is it Twitch?"


"Sara! Deib told me to tell you that he was told by Amol that the Northstream told him that we're low on fuel."


The captain had to pause a few moments. The alien had spoken so fast it took a minute for her to discipher what he had said. "Wait...they didn't fill her up at the Academy?"


"Nope, left 'er high an' dry!"


"How close are we to the Wheel?"


"The Wheel? Wheel Wheel Wheel Wheel Wheel!!"




"Uuuuhhh...just a little ways away. Half an hour, I guess."


Sara sighed and ran her hand through her hair which now hung loosely about her shoulders. Turning around, she headed for the cockpit again.


"No rest for the weary..."

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"Wonderful." Sara muttered, moving over to the pilot's seat, poking Amol in the shoulder, "C'mon, out."


Muttering something under his breath, he stood and she took his place. Hitting a few controls, she glanced at their current position.


"We'll have to drop out at the Wheel." she muttered, whether it was to herself or to Amol was unclear. She continued to tinker with a few things, always watching their position.

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"Can we really afford to?" he asked. "Skywalker said the disc needs to get to Naboo as soon as possible."


She turned and looked at him over her shoulder. "No fuel, remember? Or perhaps you'd like to get out and push? I wouldn't object to that, of course, but...well, you know..."


He glared at her. "You seem to forget the cloaked ship right beside us," he snapped. "The Stephanas should have some fuel to spare." He leaned against the chair, examining the controls over her shoulder. "That is, of course, if you can manage to bring this bucket out of hyperspace. We can't dock while in the tunnel."


"Sorry, but I'm not exactly about to trust a ship that, quite literally, has a mind of its own." she snapped back, shifting the seat so that Amol lost his footing. "If that disk is getting to Naboo, it's going to be on the Northstream."


He rolled his eyes. "The ship is far from sentient," he said. "It's a voice interface. Except this one uses words instead of irritating beeps and whistles to respond. Again, my own design. And I'm not suggesting we abandon the Northstream," he added. "I should be able to set up a fule-line between the two ships."


"If you did that, the neither of the ships would be able to reach Naboo." she pointed out.


He sighed. "Just because you failed to check that your ship was taken care of at the Praxeum doesn't mean I'm as stupid," he said. "I have a full load. Split between us, it should be enough to get both ships to Naboo, where we can re-fuel for the trip back."


"No, they won't." Sara said again. "By dropping out of Hyperspace, we loose momentum. When losing momentum, it'll take more fuel to build it up again. We're not even halfway to Naboo. With both ships on half a tank of gas or less, both of us will, again, be running on fumes. Not a good thing to try when re-entering."


"Again, you fail to take into account that my ship is considerably more... advanced... than yours," he said delicately, looking around the cockpit. "You forget that I used to be an engineer in experimental technology."


"Look, I don't care that you're a rocket scientist, alright? It doesn't impress me." Sara muttered, "We're only a moment away anyway. It'll only take a half an hour or so."


Amol rolled his eyes. "Don't flatter yourself," he said. He shrugged. "Alright. We can set up the link when the engines die, and we're forced to drop to sub-light."


Amol was knocked ot the ground as Sara dropped them out of hyperspace suddenly. He glared at her as he stood, desperately wanting to tear the smile off of her face. He forced down the anger, and took a deep breath. "No problem," he said. He opened a comm channel to the Stephanas . "Change in plans, computer. Lock the trans-mat beam to my location, and beam me back."


He stood there for a moment, motionless. Suddenly, a deep hissing sound filled the room, and Amol began to shimmer a deep shade of purple. As Sara looked on, he faded out of existance, vanishing completely.


Sara watched Amol with little interest as he disolved into thin air. Nothing he did surprised her anymore.


"Showoff..." she muttered after he was gone.

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''Ah, Captain Hall. You have returned.'' Thrawn II said calmly.


''As ordered, Admiral. What is our next move?'' Hall asked.


''The shutlecraft and its pilot are apparently going to Naboo.'' Thrawn II enlightened the Captain, ''It's high time we followed. The order to enter hyperspace is already in motion. In a few moments Yavin IV will be far behind us.''


''Yes, Admiral. With your permission I shall return to the bridge.'' Hall said.


''Of course.'' Thrawn II nodded as Hall left his private command room and went for the bridge.

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Apparently, whatever the rodian said was important enough for Sara to go to the cockpit.


"Guess I'd better go see if Kyla is alright." Jethro muttered under his breath, as he watched her going around the corner. He turned around and headed for the dormitories.


Jethro walked through the hallway and silently stepped into the doorway. Kyla was sitting on her bed, tears were coming out of her eyes. Seeing her being so sad, was something that had always tormented Jethro. He wished that none of this ever happened to them, especially her. There were a few times back at the academy when she cried silently like she did now. He was always there for her, trying to pull her through all of it. “Kyla.” Jethro said softly as he sat down next to her and put his arms around her.


Next thing he knew, the two of them flew over the bed and landed on the floor. The hard way.

“What the hell?” Jethro cursed as he stood up. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”


“Someone better has an explanation for this.” He muttered as he reached the entrance to the cockpit. When he entered it, Sara was the only one there. “Is there anything I should know or was that just for fun?”

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"Hm?" Sara turned as she heard a voice behind her. It was Jethro. "Oh, sorry about that."


Tinkering with a few controls, she watched the station known as the Wheel grow larger in the viewscreen.


"Amol was getting on my nerves again. I decided to uh...surprise him." she grinned mischeaveously. "He learned a new magic trick, too. He can 'dissolve into thin air'." The captain's tone of voice made it apparent that she wasn't impressed.

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"I see...." He sat down on the co-pilots seat and grinned. "Next time you decide to surprise Amol, let me know."


His attention turned to the viewscreen which was now clearly displaying the Wheel. "So are we heading for that space station for a reason or is it just another surprise?" A small flickering instrument pretty much answered that question. "Out of fuel?" He asked, rasing an eyebrow. "You 'forgot' to refuel?"

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“Well, the tour was nice guys,” Va’ala said to Blink and Sarfas as they glided their trolleys to a stop in the hanger once again. “But, I really should get back to my own ship. You know, just so that Zeedo doesn’t think that I’m with you or anything. As soon as we come out of hyperspace, I’ll…”


The Sovereign came out of hyperspace—not with a jerk like the Reiver did, but with a gentle sort of slide. Va’ala gave a look at Krell and Bob.


“What do you know?” Krell grinned. “Looks like we just did.”


Va’ala extended her hand to Blink and shook it. “Thanks again for the tour. I’ll see what I can do about your pirate situation while I’m on the Wheel. She nodded to Krell and Bob to board the Reiver. “Tell Ex-Zar I appreciated the ride.”


And with a salute to them both, Va’ala boarded the Reiver herself.


“Krell,” Va’ala said as the ramp was closing. “Take us in to the Wheel’s Docking Bay 49.”


“49?” Krell raised an eyebrow as he started up the engines. “Isn’t that reserved for emissaries? You know, like Republic Senators and Ambassadors?”


Va’ala stared at him blankly. “Yeah, so? We’re sort of representing Ex-Zar, aren’t we? I’d call that being an emissary. Or at least, close enough. Besides,” she complained as she rested her elbows on the back of his chair, “I don’t want to dock at one of those satellite docks and then have to take one of those stupid shuttles to the station. That gives Zeedo time to know we’re coming. I want to surprise him.”


“Oh, he’ll be surprised alright,” Krell said unenthusiastically.


“Oh, c’mon…you don’t think he’s still holding a grudge about that little misunderstanding we had a while back, do you?”


Krell slowly turned to face her. “Zeedo? Oh, no,” he said deadpan. “I’m sure he’s forgotten all about it.”


“Just get us down to 49, will ‘ya?" Va'ala said impatiently. "Let me worry about Zeedo.”

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((Jasra, for your lack of a response to my email, I'm making some assumptions with this post. Hope you like :) ))



"Kat?" Eagle called. "Kat, I'm bored." But as Kat was busy with Zeedo and far from his resting place, she did not hear him. In fact, nobody heard him. But his boredom did not leave him and he began hunting for something interesting to do...


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


In Zeedo's office, Kat was not impressed. "I told you to find me a legal job," she snapped. "This is far from it."


Zeedo grimaced. "There aren't any legal jobs right now."


Kat smacked her forhead with her right palm. "Zeedo, I may live on a ship, but that doesn't mean I don't need credits. I've got fuel to pay for, repairs for whenever Eagle gets himself in trouble, and so many other things I just don't want to name off the entire list. I need a job... now."


"Look," Zeedo grunted. "I can't give you legal... but I can give you an only mildly illegal job..."


He handed her a datapad and she read. Frowning, she raised an eyebrow. "Spice? Eat a piece of blackened starry sky, Zeedo. I'm not taking spice."


"What about this?" he demanded, shoving a final datapad to her. She took it and immediately shook her head.


"Too many units," she said. "Eagle can't carry the full cargo."


"Neither can the other ship coming in for a job," Zeedo answered. Kat frowned.


"A dual-ship job?" she demanded incredulously. "Zeedo, I don't do groups. I work alone, you know that."


"Can't hurt once, can it?" Zeedo complained. "Not if the other captain's willing..."


I hope...


Kat frowned and scratched her head as a faint whisper made itself heard. Shrugging it off, she decided her lack of sleep was catching up with her. "Is the other captain willing?"


"Well..." Zeedo stammered. "I... uh, I'll have to... confirm that with her."


Kat laughed. "I knew it! So when does this 'other captain' of yours arrive?"


Zeedo shrugged. "She's a little unpredictable... but she should be soon. I have your comlink number. I'll give you a call when I know for sure."


"You do that," Kat agreed. "I'm gonna go buy me another lamp."


"How is it you go through so many of those?" Zeedo wondered. "What's this... fifteen?"


Kat glared. "Eight," she corrected. "And it's none of your business." Turning away from his desk, she said, "Now is your thug gonna escort me back through the tunnels or..."


The thug reappeared, thus answering Kat's question and she followed him through the tunnels and back out into the cantina. From there, she went to find a suitable lamp.

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(It's preparing to enter hyperspace and follow Doc's and FFWM12's characters to Naboo, I can say Vok Onasi contacted us and is coming aboard, if you want to come along)


(Off-Topic: Sure.)


Vok Onasi piloted his ship, hoping to recieve contact from the Admiral. Suddenly, contact reached him.


"Admiral, this Admiral Vok Onasi of the New Republic," Vok told him, "Can you hear me?"

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