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Star Wars: Shadow Wars

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Va’ala felt something blunt poke her in the shoulder. “Erm… Boss?” said a voice that was trying hard to whisper, but just never got the hang of it in practice.


“Go away, Bob,” Va’ala said, without even opening her eyes. “Can’t you see I’m busy?”


Even with her eyes closed and in her fading spice-induced haze, Va’ala could tell that Bob hadn’t gone away. And after waiting another moment, he still hadn’t gone away. Oh, well. Bob’s a bit on the slow side, she thought. He’ll go. Eventually. But after another moment, she heard him clear his throat. Damn.


“Erm… Boss?” Bob said, followed by another single-fingered poke.


“What?!” she hissed, eyes still closed.


“Wabacca said I was to come and tell you that he needs you in the cockpit.”


“Great. So you’ve told me. Now go away.”


There was a moment of quiet.




“Yes, Boss.”


“You’re still here.”


“Yes, Boss.” He paused. “Wabacca said that I couldn’t come back until you came to the cockpit, and if’n I did, he’d make me clean the ‘fresher with my toothbrush. And, well, he said it’s kinda important that you come to the cockpit.”


“He told you all that, did he?” she said flatly, eyes still closed.


There was silence.


“Bob? I can’t hear you if you’re nodding.”


“Oh. Sorry, Boss.” Again, there was a pause. “So, Boss, are you coming?”


Va’ala let out a sigh and finally cracked an eye open. “Is the ship on fire?”


“Erm….” Va’ala could almost hear the gears turning in Bob’s head. After a moment of due consideration, he said, “No.”


“Are we approaching a black hole?”


“Erm…. No.”


“Is there a huge fleet of ships out there ready to attack us for stealing those lugjack machines?”


Bob frowned worriedly. “Do you think that’s why they’re out there? Wabacca said they looked like Imperial Remnant ships.”


Va’ala’s eyes popped wide open. “What?!” She practically fell out of her bed. “Crap!”


She kicked the couch where Krell was lying. “Wake up!” she told him, as she struggled with putting her arm in the sleeve of her jacket. “We’ve got company!”


She dove past Bob and out the door, and a moment later plopped down onto the co-pilot’s seat near Wabacca.


“Aw, Sith’s Blood!” she whined, as she saw the mass of ten Imperial ships. “Where did they come from?"


“Wrrgraagh Arrghrra….” Wabacca started to say.


“Nevermind,” Va’ala said, just as Krell staggered into the cockpit with Bob trailing behind him. “Spare me the details.”


“Oh, look, Cap’n,” said Krell. “They’re trying to drag us in with one of their so-called unbreakable tractor beams. How….” He yawned. “…predictable.”


Va’ala’s eyes narrowed. “I hate tractor beams. They’re just…” she took a moment to search her mind for the word, “rude. You know?”


“Well, perhaps they need to learn some manners?” Krell said. Then he yawned and pointed to the co-pilot’s seat that Va’ala was sitting in. “May I, Cap’n?”


Va’ala snorted, then swung the chair around and got up. “Knock yourself out.”


Krell sat down in the co-pilot’s seat. Then he looked at Wabacca. “Ready?”


Wabacca growled.


The engines started to whine as the Reiver began to accelerate--straight for the Sovereign Class Star Destroyer.


“One….” said Krell.


The engine noise grew louder. Va’ala glanced over her shoulder to where Bob was standing behind her, looking quite concerned. “Worried, Bob?”


Bob nodded his head, while his eyes grew wide at the sight of the approaching Star Destroyer. One could almost see people looking out the window of the big ship’s bridge.


“Two…” said Krell.


The Reiver began to shake now, and the noise was loud enough that Va’ala had to shout. “Don’t be!” she called out to Bob.




To all outward appearances, the Reiver had simply vanished--out of visible sight and scanners.


“And now,” Va’ala said to Bob as the cockpit glowed inside with an eerie blue light. “We wait.”


“Wait for what?”


She rolled her eyes at Bob. “For them to contact us. Even though we’re not on the end of their tractor beam anymore, they still know we’re out here someplace.”


She looked at Krell, and grinned. “Gotta love those alien devices.” Then she frowned at him. “Hey, you did remember to do that loopy bit at the end, right?”


“Yeah,” said Krell, spinning around in his seat to glare at her. “Twice.”


“Just checking.”

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”Just Checking,” Krell responded somewhat mockingly, “You nag me worse than my mother used to sometimes.”


“Grrraaghaaa Urrrrgggrraaah,” growled the wookie, and pointed out at the view screen.


Krell and Va'ala both looked up, Krell having to turn around to do so, and looked at the screen.


“Scrambling fighters, won't help them none. Their fighters can't detect us either, them Omweeti or whatever that we stole this cloacking device from where smart, they ain't gonna get past the device,” Krell leaned back in the co-pilot's seat, throwing his feat up on the dash and pulling a hat from his pocket, he set it over his face. “I'm takin' a nap, wake me if anything interstin' happens.”


Va'ala rolled her eyes, and settled in, Bob stood a bit off to the left behind her, watching the screen as fighters did sweeps for them. “Bob, go get the two knuckle dragger's that ought to be at their gunnery stations and get them in their gunner stations.” Bob nodded and turned heading off the bridge.


And now it was a waiting game, wait until they were hailed. They were being interdicted, so they couldn't get into hyperspace, and they were snuggled up close under a ship, navigating away and far enough away to get out of the interdiction fields would take forever. Best to get them to give up, would take less time in the long run.

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Arthas drove the Frozen Fury, his ship, through the cosmos over Yavin IV. He was going to turn in a job he had gotten from the Jedi as a favor. The job: get a shipment of food from Naboo and deliver it to the Jedi Academy. He soon flew past the Republic Space Station and gotten clearance. When he landed, he met up with an old friend. Brianna Runemoore. She was an old friend of Arthas from the Jedi Academy. "Thanks Arthas." she said when he landed and unloaded the stuff from his ship. "You know," she started. "The Jedi could really use you. You should come back to the Academy." "No thanks." said Arthas. I still need to complete a mission I have. Besides, you have all the Knights you need here."

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The low, short beep eminated from the console in front of her. Sara popped an eye open, glancing at it. Codes were flashing by so fast...


She sat up fast, staring at it wide eyed. "****..." she muttered. Hitting the inter-hold comm., she yelled into it. "Deib!!" she shouted, "We're being hacked!"


A grabbled alien language came back to her, but she cut him off. "Get up here now!!"


In seconds, the Sullustan was sitting in the co-pilot's chair, trying to fend off whatever ship it was that was breaking into their system. Deib was the resident repair man and computers-whiz on the Northstream, and he was the best she knew. If he couldn't defend the ship's mainframe, she didn't know who could...

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Ex-Zar turned around as he heard qualing of his command crew. Looking at a video feed of what happened he said in a calm voice, "stealth, how petty."


"Sir, I've sent out all fighters from the 'Malsavore', but what should we do?" said a comm officer not knowing what else to do.


"Simple, set up a shere perimeter with the ships, send out the fire extinguisher Interceptor squads, tell them to sweep the area with that special mist" said Ex-Zar noncialontly. Moments later the ships had set up a sphere formation, then squads of Tie Interceptor, fire extinguisher models, went screaming out of the hangars. After awhile they started spraying the area with a strange mist. Then after awhile, they saw it, the freighter, it was starting to spark, and was colored a dull blue from the mist. "Nothing like ionicly-pulse-charged carbon spray" said Ex-Zar with a smile of approval. After the ship was seen, the fighters pulled out of their firing range, and every ship in the fleet turned towards them and activated their tractor beams. This way they couldn't move in any direction, and if they tryed to, their engines would blow from the strain. Slowly but surely the ship was pulled into the Sovereign Class Star Destroyer's loading bay, and the doors closed behind them, ensuring they wouldn't try any stunts inside the hangar. Ex-Zar walked down to the bay, saying to his boarding Captain, Sarfas, "I want to see this captain personaly, so let me go in first!"

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The Stephanas shot toward the Merchant vessel, hiding in the small blind spot in its sensors.


"Sensors are detecting almost a dozen other ships in this sector," reported the computer.


"Why didn't you detect them before?" snapped Amol, activating the stealth shielding.


"Sensor resolution was inadequate. Sensors were unable to detect vessels on the far side of the moon."


Amol sighed. "Well, we'll just have to hope that none of them could detect us, either," he said. "How are you coming with the computer interface?" he asked.


"I have interfaced with their computer, and am attempting to establish a dialogue now. Unfortunately, the computer uses a rather... crude... dialect. It is difficult for me to understand."


"Give me a rough translation, then. Who are they?"


"The ship is known as the Northstream," said the computer. "It claims to be the property of one Sara Klint, a merchant, moonlighting as a petty mercenary."


Amol smiled somewhat. "Typical criminal-scum-gone-soft, huh? What about their mission? Why are they here?"


"Ms. Klint is here to speak with the Jedi of the Praxeum. I am unable to locate any sort of mission files, and I'm unable to access-" The computer fell silent for a moment. "Our intrusion has been detected."


Amol sighed. "Break the link," he ordered. "Hail them."


The computer beeped an acknowledgment, then notified him of the active comm channel.


"This is Amol Kotay, of the Stephanas," he said. "Sorry about the intrusion; I just like to know who I'm dealing with. Am I speaking with Ms. Klint?"

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"They left." Deib said.


"They what??"


"Left. Just...gone. I didn't force them out or anything..."


The reason appeared a moment later. The console beeped yet again, this time announcing that they were being hailed by another ship.


"If this is them, I swear, I'll..."


"This is Amol Kotay, of the Stephanas," the voice said. "Sorry about the intrusion; I just like to know who I'm dealing with. Am I speaking with Ms. Klint?"


"You are," Sara spat back into the comm., "And where exactly do you get off hacking into my ship like that? If you want to know whom you're dealing with, then you obviously have a functioning transmission system!"


Releasing the button, she turned to Deib. "Check the scanners." she said, "I want to know who, where, and what this guy looks like."

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"Same here," Vok told Zhane, "You are well skilled in your training."


Kyle had reminded him of Jan Ors and he wondered where she would be now. He hadn't seen her working for Mon Mothma.


"Thanks. But if it wasn't for Kyle, i wasn't as good as him," Zhane joked.


"Oh, come on kid, you are a great apprentice, and the Force is strong with you. Oh Vok, did i already told you he is a descendant of Obi-Wan Kenobi?"

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"Of course you can't," said Amol, as if it should be obvious. "You won't be able to detect my ship with the sensors you got on that bucket. And as I said, Ms. Klint: I like to know who I'm dealing with. Had you been directly affiliated with the Republic, I would have left the system without a peep. But since your ship is screaming neutrality, I figured I'd take a look. Nothing personal."

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Sara gave Deib a strange look, mouthing the words "He heard that??"


Hitting the comm. button again, she rolled her eyes as she responded. "Look, I don't know who you are, or why you bothered hacking me, but I suggest that you try and control your...impulsive confusion. Now, unless you have any more buisness here, I also highly suggest that you be sure that you're not in the path of my engine emissions -- I'm late for a job."

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Slowly but surely the ship was pulled into the Sovereign Class Star Destroyer's loading bay, and the doors closed behind them, ensuring they wouldn't try any stunts inside the hangar. Ex-Zar walked down to the bay, saying to his boarding Captain, Sarfas, "I want to see this captain personaly, so let me go in first!"


The door of the Reiver opened and Va'ala stood on the ramp, her eyes blazing with fury.


"No one is boarding my kriffin' ship without my kriffin' permission!" she stated angrily to the tall blonde man standing at the end of the ramp. She placed her hands on her hips. "And just who the hell do you think you are dragging my ship in here?! This is free space, buddy! We have every right to be here! Didn't your mother ever tell you that's it's rude to intrude on other people's privacy without an invitation?!" She snorted with disdain. "Oh, wait. Lemme guess. You don't have a mother, do you. You're probably some kind of special biologically-engineered genetically-enhanced super-human Imperial clone with x-ray vision and an I.Q. of three-thousand eight-hundred sixty two that can leap tall buildings in a single bound and thinks he's better than everyone else because of it, right?" She paused for breath. "Or maybe you’re just a rotten son of a lumguzzling gravel maggot with delusions of grandeur. Either way, you’re not boarding my ship without my say so! Especially if you don’t apologise! And, if you’re thinking of trying it anyway, I’ll just blow it up and you with it. Put a nice, big, hole in your shiny ship.” She smiled then, but her smile was not a friendly one. “And don’t think I’m bluffing, Mr. I-can-do-anything-I-like-to- anyone-without-repercussions. Every one of my crew would die to keep their freedom, and I’d gladly help them. And plus, I know I’m a lot crazier than you are. And you know what they say about crazy people. Never mess with someone that is crazier than yourself.”


“Believe her!” came a muffled voice from inside the Reiver. “She’s about two sandwiches short of a picnic!”


“Shut up, Krell!” Va’ala shouted over her shoulder. “Prugnuficating mudcrutch,” she muttered.


She stared at Ex-Zar for a moment. “Well?”

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"Look, I don't know who you are, or why you bothered hacking me, but I suggest that you try and control your...impulsive confusion. Now, unless you have any more buisness here, I also highly suggest that you-"


Amol cut the comm channel before she could finish her sentence. "Computer, what information do you have on this 'Sara Klint'?"


The computer worked for a moment. "She is the daughter of a fairly well-to-do merchant, who owned a profitable shipping company working for the Republic. He has since become deceased. The company is now in the possession of his wife."


Amol stared at the Northstream through the large window at the front of the ship. He still had a bad feeling about her...


"Take us down," he said finally. "Keep us as far away from the Jedi as possible."


"Amol, the stealth shielding must be deactivated for landing."


He sighed, and ran his hand through his hair impatiently. "Alright. Just try to keep the Jedi from detecting us. I don't want them dropping by."

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"Dammit!" Sara said loudly, her open palms slamming against the dash as she stood up, "That...that...bastard cut me off!! You know what, that's it. He wants to be a fried gizka, that's not my problem. Deib, re-establish the trajectory. I don't want to be late again."


Doing as he was told, the Sullustan silently set up the course again, and then disappeared into the ship again. He got along better with machines than people, and he didn't want to find hiself at the buisness end of Sara's Vibroblade -- he'd been there several times after smart-mouthing her when she was in a mood like this...


Sara sighed and sagged back into her seat as the codes uploaded again, sitting up when they were done and taking hold of the controls. She didn't want to waste anymore time, and was going in manually. Within seconds, she had landed at the Jedi Temple.

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Ex-Zar just stood there, his black and gold Royal Guard helmet under his arm. He walked up the ramp and stood far enough down the ramp that he was eye level with her. Bowing low he grabbed her hand and kissed it in a gentlemans greeting, and said, "I'm sorry, I know this is free space, but I have to look after my men, and their families. There's been increased pirate activity in the region, and since we are the Imperial Remnant group known as the Disbanded, we have no restrictions on our actions from any governments. So to put it in simple terms, I did it assuming you were a pirate" he said casualy. "As for a mother, you're right, I never did have one, but was raised to be a gentleman, none-the-less. So, may I board your ship? With your permission of coarse. Hm, yes, and can I say, I like'um crazy!" He said this with a rye smile, and a light in his bright, beutiful eyes. At that point he had walked further up the ramp, and had been standing only half an arms length away from her while he said this. But he showed no intention of going further, only the intention of hearing a response.

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Luke sat in his chamber, his legs folded in the standard meditation position. He allowed the Force to flow through him freely, immersing himself in it. As he bathed in the power of the mysterious energy field, he felt it ripple ever so slightly.


He opened his eyes, still immersed in the Force. He reached out towards the source of the disturbance...


His heart leapt into his throat. It couldn't be... after all these years.. after all that he had done... why would he return?


Rising from the meditative state faster than was wise, he stood, moving towards the comm panel.


"Yes, Master?"


"I'm going out for a bit," said Skywalker, throwing his cloak around his shoulders. "I have... personal matters to attend to."

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"I'm sorry, I know this is free space, but I have to look after my men, and their families. There's been increased pirate activity in the region, and since we are the Imperial Remnant group known as the Disbanded, we have no restrictions on our actions from any governments. So to put it in simple terms, I did it assuming you were a pirate" he said casualy. "As for a mother, you're right, I never did have one, but was raised to be a gentleman, none-the-less. So, may I board your ship? With your permission of coarse. Hm, yes, and can I say, I like'um crazy!" He said this with a rye smile, and a light in his bright, beutiful eyes. At that point he had walked further up the ramp, and had been standing only half an arms length away from her while he said this. But he showed no intention of going further, only the intention of hearing a response.


Va’ala stared at her hand, and then at Ex-Zar without expression. “Pirates. You don't say."


She carefully leaned back and looked over her shoulder though the open doorway of the Reiver, where from her position, she could just barely see Krell standing in the threshold between the cargo bay and the main hold, both of his pistols drawn and ready. She assumed that Wabacca and the rest of the crew were similarly armed. Except for Bob, of course. It was practically suicide giving him a weapon. Even safety knives were a dodgy deal in his hands. Probably not a good idea to have this stranger board her ship at the present moment. No matter how gentle he had kissed her hand.


“Can’t say that we’ve been bothered by any pirates,” she continued, turning back to face Ex-Zar. “Besides, they wouldn’t bother with such a small freighter like ours anyway. Isn’t that right, Krell?” she called over her shoulder.




She still hadn’t moved to let Ex-Zar pass. “See, we don’t have really anything that any pirate would want. No food. No water. No droid parts. Just salvage… really. Bits and… Bob’s. Not much interest to anyone. Especially pirates.” She gave him a quick grin. “So, you see, there’s no real reason to board us, is there?”


“Cap’n,” said the voice of Krell from inside the ship. “Isn’t interdicting a ship, and then pulling it into yer hold a bit like piracy? Well, I mean, when you ain't got the legal right from any government anyway."


Va'ala raised an agreeing brow. "Ye-ss," she replied to Krell slowly, although keeping her eyes on Ex-Zar. "That's pretty much the definition I’ve always heard." She looked at Ex-Zar. "So, Mr…whatever your name is… are you a pirate?"

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"Haha, well, that makes me laugh!" said Ex-Zar smiling at the quirky woman. "Ah, well, I'll be a pirate if you want me to be one. I'll pirate you away to, where ever you want. I'll accomodate for my rude behavior, how about staying on the ship, full suite, while we ferry you somewhere?" he asked her with a kind smile. "So, to answer your question, I'd say, yes, I am a pirate, one who looks out for the wellfare of his men, and their families" he said answering her question in a fuller spectrum. He then lightly put his hand on her shoulder, but didnt grab her shoulder, he turned a bit and extended his hand outward, and motioned across the shipbay, saying, "what do you say? Would you like to stay, it's cozy. And you'd be treated with the best guest rooms, along with food service and everything. But if you dont want to, well that's too bad, because, we still need to confirm your ships hold. If you stay, at least you'll get good room, good food, and you'll be transported to where ever you ask." He turned back waiting for a response, studying her eyes with a skilled measure.

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Jakyl approached Yavin 4 with a feeling of vague apprehension.


Why am I so nervous? she thought. It's just a short trip to visit an old friend. She breathed deeply, trying to calm herself, but the feeling remained. I really need to relax.


"Yavin 4, this is Jakyl in the Solar Wind," she transmitted. "I'd really appreciate it if you'd let me land at the Jedi Temple. If you have any trouble remembering who I am, ask Master Skywalker."


"Master Skywalker is currently busy. However, I do remember you, especially your unique method of getting landing permission. You're supposed to request an approach vector."


"Whatever," muttered Jakyl.


"Transmitting the approach vector now."


Jakyl tried again to relax, again with unsuccessful results. Just like old times, she thought, as she set the ship down.

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What do you say? Would you like to stay, it's cozy. And you'd be treated with the best guest rooms, along with food service and everything. But if you dont want to, well that's too bad, because, we still need to confirm your ships hold. If you stay, at least you'll get good room, good food, and you'll be transported to where ever you ask." He turned back waiting for a response, studying her eyes with a skilled measure.

Va’ala hesitated. Obviously, this individual was going to be trouble for her. Invitation or not, luxurious or not, a cage was still a cage, even if it was gilded. And if anything, Va’ala was a free spirit.


“Confirm our hold? Like, what… inspect it?” she asked. She balked at the idea and her green eyes shifted from Ex-Zar to the ship and back. “It’s… erm, not very tidy at the moment. You see, I’ve got sort of an aversion for empty horizontal flat surfaces. And, we’ve got a Wookiee.”


Oh, good grief! That sounds like such like a lame excuse! she thought. And I hope to the Black Stars Wabacca didn’t hear that.


“And, besides, I’m not much for organisation or documentation,” she continued. “Not that you get any with salvage anyway….”


Especially when you salvage it from someone else’s ship…


“So, you see, there really wouldn’t be any way to confirm our cargo.” She grinned. “So there’s really no point for you to inspect it, right?”


She knew that her excuses weren’t going to fly with this guy. But, she’d been around the Galaxy enough to sense that he really didn’t mean them any harm. Well, not as much harm as the Imperial Remnant would have dished out. Besides, he had a big fleet. Maybe it might be advantageous to ally with this one. Perhaps the Disbanded group he ran was more like the Lok Revanants on Naboo. And she got along with them alright. Normally.


She just hoped that Krell was reading her delaying tactics for what they were, and was figuring out a way to explain away their cargo of Lugjack machines, destined for a Nar Shaddaa crime lord’s new cantina.

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"Ooh!" Eagle exclaimed as they came out of hyperspace near Yavin IV. "I haven't seen so many ships in one place since... well, since before you were born, little Kat."


"Well don't start introducing yourself," Kat warned. "You know these newer ships aren't quite as friendly as you'd like them to be. They'll probably take your intro for an intrusion and set off warning sirens."


"Ships definitely have changed over the years," Eagle lamented. "Ah! We've been given permission to land... or I suppose you could stick me in orbit and take the shuttle, but..."


"I know, I know," Kat interrupted quickly. "You hate being left in space. Land as you were told to."


Eagle obediently dropped into Yavin IV's atmosphere and, a few moments later, he landed where the Jedi had told him to. As Kat prepared to leave Eagle, she had a thought and wondered what Eagle would think of it.


"Most Jedi know the stories of Crystal Gray's bloodline," she said thoughtfully. "I'm almost tempted to adopt her last name, just to confirm her bloodline continues through me."


"You wouldn't be the first to do so," Eagle answered. "Kathryn Gray... has kind of a ring to it, I must say. Well, give it a bit of thought before you have your name legally changed in the galactic records."


"I like it," Kat said thoughtfully. "But I'll think more about it... open up, I'm headed out."


Her sword and Crystal's lightsaber strapped to her belt, Kat moved down the boarding ramp. There, she was met by a young Jedi.


"Welcome, Miss Bryant," he said. Then, he noticed the lightsaber and frowned. "Where did you get that? You didn't have it on your last visit."


"My ship decided to be a nice little boy and give it to me," Kat answered. "It belonged to Crystal Gray, you know."


"It does sorta resemble the pictures," the Jedi observed, slightly awestruck. "But how did your ship come to... wait... the Eagle's Talon?"


"Not quite," Kat chuckled. "It is Crystal's ship, but it's not Talon. It's Wing." She shook her head. "But I'm not here to debate things I know. Is Skywalker available?"


"Not at the moment," the Jedi answered. "I'll have him call for you when he's ready."


"Tell him I'll be waiting aboard my ship," Kat informed him, returning to Eagle to wait.

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Ex-Zar smiled, he said, "you're evading me, I know what you're trying to do, and it's now abvious who you are" at saying this his tone changed and he got rather serious. "What you think I'm some nerf herding, dung hill rat from the lowest secretion in the galaxy? I know you're a pirate, and I know you've got something, now let me in!" said Ex-Zar with a stern tone, hoping to scare her a bit, "hahaha, I'm only messing with you. I'm not gonna stap from one mood to another, but what I said about you being a pirate, well, your evasions gave that away. Plus, something in your eyes gave it away, like a, like a rebellious look" Ex-Zar said this in his kind tone, showing his attitude was only just a joke. "I'm only going to check what you have in the hold. While my men do that, we'll take you to where ever you want, as I said earlier. You're free to roam the ship, tease the men, have target practice, or just sleep! But also as I said earlier, I'm not letting you go untill I see what's in there," Ex-Zar said this with the kindest smile his tired face could show. "And I'm Ex-Zar Yunn by the way, what's your name?" bowing to her when he introduced himself.

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Jethro left the Jedi academy and went into the forest. There was this one particular spot Jethro always liked going to. About 2 miles away from the academy’s side entrance, there was a small lake with a waterfall at it’s side. He always used to lie down right next to the stream of water and watch the lower parts of the forest at broad daylight. There was a magnificent view on the rainbow storms from there as well. It was nearly nightfall, but the rainbows were still clearly visible in the sky. Jethro decided to lie down and rest there for a while, since there wasn’t anything urgent to be done anyway.


Jakyl stepped out of her ship and looked around.


Well, she thought, if Skywalker's busy, I might as well just walk around for a while.


She turned and walked away from the Jedi Academy towards her favorite spot on Yavin 4, a small waterfall. As she approached the small pool, she noticed a young blond-haired man sleeping near the edge. Jakyl stepped aside softly, not wanting to bother him. Sitting on the grass a few meters away, she watched the water tumble in upon itself.


It falls in an infinite number of patterns, she thought, yet somehow it's always the same. Just like the Force.

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"And I'm Ex-Zar Yunn by the way, what's your name?" bowing to her when he introduced himself.

"Va'ala Klint," said Va'ala. "Captain Va'ala Klint," she corrected herself. Her eyes narrowed with suspicion. "You heard of me?" She quickly held up her hand. "Sorry. Stupid question. Don't answer that."


She glanced behind her at the open door of the Reiver. "Well, Mr. Yunn, since my choices are blow her up or let you aboard...," she said in a loudish voice to prepare her crew inside for visitors. She beckoned with her hand for Ex-Zar to follow her. "Welcome aboard the...."


At that very moment, Bob shouted from within, "Jackpot!" followed by the tinkling sounds of metallic coins falling into a metal dish.


Va'ala grinned. Obviously, Krell had thought of something. "...the Reiver," Va'ala finished. "Oh," she paused, blocking Ex-Zar with a sudden outstretched arm before he could step aboard. "I wasn't kidding about the Wookiee. He's crew, but... well, he's a Wookiee. He can be a bit... grumpy sometimes."

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