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Star Wars: Shadow Wars

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Krell had set Wabacca and the others to work while Va'ala had been distracting the man who wnated on their ship. They had set the Luckjack machines up around the cargo hold, there was also a table set up with three of the crew playing Sabacc, and a few other games were set up as well. One member of the crew sat at a table trying to guess peoples weight's.


"Cap'n just didn't want to let you in on the fun sir, tonight, you see, is Casino night on the ship. We carry the luckjack machines cuz we have these once a month, keeps the crew happy. Y'know how it is I'm sure, bein' a cap'n an all. I'm Krell, Krell Vek'noth, second in command of The Reiver here." He patted a bulkhead.

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There was a soft sound of footsteps that disturbed Jethro's sleep, waking him up. When he turned around to see what it was, he saw a black haired woman sitting at a few metres distance, who was watching the waterfall.


"I didn't know anyone else knew about this spot" He said surprised after he sat up straight. "and I certainly haven't seen you at the academy before."

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Ex-Zar nodded to the Krell with a smile, and headed towards the luckjack machines. He bent down checking the sides, back, and other areas on the machines. Then he stood up and faced the captain and said, "very nice of you to do that for your men. Too bad you're lying to me." He let this sink in a bit then said, "haha, well, I can tell what you're doing with these machines. I mean seriously, a casino night on a ship this size! Not happening in my book. But, I dont care, so as long as there isn't any symbols on these that contain our shipment insignia, then they're yours." Lifting one of the machines up he looked at the bottum, "aha, well, these were meant for an area several lightyears away from any planet my mens' families live on. So go ahead, tell me the truth, you stole these, and you're probably taking them to some phat cat?" he said this smiling at Va'ala. "Come now, I'll take you to where you need to drop these off. Stay, relax, its my way of making up for my abrupt actions from earlier today" Ex-Zar said this looking around at the crew, so as to indicate he meant all of them.

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"Thanks. But if it wasn't for Kyle, i wasn't as good as him," Zhane joked.


"Oh, come on kid, you are a great apprentice, and the Force is strong with you. Oh Vok, did i already told you he is a descendant of Obi-Wan Kenobi?"


Vok was suprised. He had heard that Obi-Wan had never married in all his life. Perhaps he was taught wrong.


"No you didn't tell me." Vok told Kyle.

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''It's getting too crowded here.'' Thrawn II said as he observed the holodisplay of the sensor readings. The shuttlecraft had evaded them and went for the surface, but three more ships have entered the system. They all got permission to land. It seemed as if there was nothing to worry about except that T-2c shuttlecraft.

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Jakyl turned to the blond-haired man as he addressed her.


"My name is Jakyl," she said. "I studied here a few years ago, and most of the other students haven't seen me before either. I'm sorry if I disturbed you."


Jethro stood up and walked towards Jakyl.


"There's no need to apologise Jakyl, my name is Jethro Frost." He responded as he sat down next to her. "So what brings you here, are you visiting old friends at the academy?"

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Vok was suprised. He had heard that Obi-Wan had never married in all his life. Perhaps he was taught wrong.


"No you didn't tell me." Vok told Kyle.


"Well, i was surprised as well, and took him to Luke, but he confirmed it. Guess we should get used to it," Kyle told Vok.


"So, Mon Mothma's still alive? That's surprising. What did she send you to?" He asked Vok, laughing at his first sentence.

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Jethro stood up and walked towards Jakyl.


"There's no need to apologise Jakyl, my name is Jethro Frost." He responded as sat down next to her. "So what brings you here, are you visiting old friends at the academy?"


"Actually, yes," Jakyl replied. "I was looking forward to seeing Luke, but he was busy at the time, so I came down here instead." She stared at the waterfall for a moment, then turned to look at Jethro.


"Besides," she added, "I just felt like I should come here. You know how that is, don't you, when you feel compelled to do something, for no logical reason whatsoever, as if there's something... calling you?"

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Master Horn interrupted the conversation, apologized for it and introduces himself and his padawan.


"We would stay and talk, but we must leave. Isn't that right master?" Asked Ryan.


"No, I think you can do it alone this time. I trust you."


"Thank you for your vote of confidence master, I shall go at once. May the Force be with all of you."


"May the Force be with you padawan."


Then Ryan left the training grounds and took his Z-95 Headhunter to Naboo.

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"Well, i was surprised as well, and took him to Luke, but he confirmed it. Guess we should get used to it," Kyle told Vok.


"So, Mon Mothma's still alive? That's surprising. What did she send you to?" He asked Vok, laughing at his first sentence.


"Mon Mothma asked me to see Master Skywalker," Vok told both Kyle and Zhane, "And I'm not sure why, but perhaps it's just Republic business. But Master Skywalker has said he is busy, so unless he wants to see me now, I could watch a good sparring match."


He smirked at his last comment. It would be quite different from watching the locals and their businesses on Coruscant.

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"Actually, yes," Jakyl replied. "I was looking forward to seeing Luke, but he was busy at the time, so I came down here instead." She stared at the waterfall for a moment, then turned to look at Jethro.


"Besides," she added, "I just felt like I should come here. You know how that is, don't you, when you feel compelled to do something, for no logical reason whatsoever, as if there's something... calling you?"


“I"m not exactly sure if we're on the same page here, but I do know of a feeling like that. Doesn’t mean you should always follow it though. You never know what’s waiting on the other end.” Jethro answered.


“This place…the waterfall here for example,” He turned to look at it for a second. “it draws me here because it gives me the feeling of being at peace. There are other places on this planet, places of which I’m sure Luke told you about. I’ve….” He paused as flashes of memory came through his head. Flashes of the ancient ruins of Exar kun and other Sith temples…”I’ve visited some of them before… and believe me when I tell you that you don’t want to go to them, no matter how bad they call to you….”


He sighed. “If I keep this up, I might as well join the club of semi-old lecturing Jedi masters”

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''Have you alerted the Academy of the intruding shuttle?'' Thrawn II asked over the com device.


''Yes, sir. They sent a patrol of Jedi to investigate, but have asked us to try to monitor the ship's position and notify them if anything important happens.'' Hall replied.


''Very good, then we shall do so.''


Thrawn II sat down in his command chair. He pressed a button on the chair console that was under his right hand and a holoprojection of the live feed of Yavin's surface appeared. He pressed another button and it zoomed in, showing the T-2c shuttlecraft.


''Where are you going?'' Thrawn II wondered.

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“I"m not exactly sure if we're on the same page here, but I do know of a feeling like that. Doesn’t mean you should always follow it though. You never know what’s waiting on the other end.” Jethro answered.


“This place…the waterfall here for example,” He turned to look at it for a second. “it draws me here because it gives me the feeling of being at peace. There are other places on this planet, places of which I’m sure Luke told you about. I’ve….” He paused as flashes of memory came through his head. Flashes of the ancient ruins of Exar kun and other Sith temples…”I’ve visited some of them before… and believe me when I tell you that you don’t want to go to them, no matter how bad they call to you….”


Remaining silent for the moment, Jakyl thought about what Jethro had said. Something had flickered across his face as he had spoken - something not entirely good.


Maybe he's had a few brushes with the Dark Side himself, Jakyl thought. She knew the pull of those dark temples far too well herself. Staring quietly into the small pool, she waited for him to collect his thoughts.

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"Uh, Master, Amiral, not of disrespect or anything, but i would like to familiarize myself with the other students." Zhane asked Kyle.


"Sure, you do that, no apprentice of mine is going to be a lonely nerd," He told Zhane, they both laughed and nodded as Zhane went off on his own.


"Well, how about a good ol' hand-to-hand match. I promise i won't use the Force, after all, it won't be needed, hahahaha!" Kyle chuckled.

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"Well, as you know," Brianna started. "You are always welcome to come back." "I know." sighed Arthas. "I'll go take a look around. See if there are some old faces around." "Alright." yelled Brianna as Arthas left. He went to the courtyard. How he missed laying on the grass there. He looked at 2 Jedi in a hand-to-hand combat fight. One of them, he reckonized, was Master Kyle Katarn. The other he was not sure of who he was. He decided to watch them.

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Amol stepped off the docking platform of the Stephanas, attaching his lightsaber to his belt as he went. As he reached the bottom of the platform, he turned around and spoke into the ship.


"Computer, keep an open comlink. Notify me if you detect anyone approaching either me or yourself. I don't want the Jedi knowing we're here."


"Calculations indicate that the Jedi at the Praxeum are already aware of your presence on the planet," it responded.


Amol bristled. "Irrelevant," he mocked. "Whether they know we're here or not, I don't want them finding me. I've gone six years without dealing with a single Jedi, and I'd hate to ruin a good run."


"Then I'm sorry I'll have to make a spot on your record."


Amol spun around, his hand flying to the lightsaber at his belt. As his fingers grasped the metal, it flew off of his belt, flying into the darkness surrounding him.


"Who the hell are you?" yelled Amol. "Show yourself!"


A robed figure steeped out of the shadows, his lightsaber held in its right hand.


Amol gritted his teeth. "You!" he spat, his face vontorted with disgust. "What the hell are you doing here?"


The man smiled warmly. "You were always a fairly angry apprentice, Amol, but you usually spoke to me with respect, at the very least."


"That was before you destroyed my life, Skywalker," he spat. "If it wasn't for you-"


"If it wasn't for me," interrupted Luke. "You would still be working as a slave for the Hutts."


Amol sneered. "A far sight better than what my life has been like since. At least the Hutts protected their slaves. Unlike the Jedi."


Luke shook his head. "This is not the place for such a discussion," he said quickly. "I came to see you for a reason, Amol."


"And what would that be?"


Luke moved closer, handing Amol his lightsaber back. "The surface is a fairly dangerous place at night - even more so with the Imperial Remnant in the system."


"If you're here to offer me 'protection'..."


Luke shook his head. "No. I'm aware that you are fully capable of taking care of yourself. It's my own safety I'm ocncerned about - I came to you unarmed."


"I thought Jedi were supposed to be smart?" snorted Amol.


Luke smiled before continuing. "Please, come with me," he said, offering Amol his lightsaber back.


Amol stared at Luke for a moment, then grudginly accepted his weapon. "Computer, seal the hatch," he said. "Keep the comlink online."



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Zhane was wandering around the Yavin Temple, when he noticed two fellow apprentices, chatting with each other on a waterfall.


"Uh, greetings! I'm sorry if i disturbed or interupted your chat. I am Zhane Kenobi, Master Katarn's apprentice," He told the male, blonde Jedi, extending his hand for probably, a hand shake.


Jakyl turned as a young man with brown hair approached them.


"Uh, greetings!", he said. "I'm sorry if I disturbed or interrupted your chat. I am Zhane Kenobi, Master Katarn's apprentice."


Interesting, thought Jakyl. "Any relation to Obi-Wan?" she asked.

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"So when do you think Skywalker's gonna be available?" Eagle wondered. Kat groaned.


"Isn't that something like the tenth time you've asked?" she muttered.


"Twelfth, actually," Eagle corrected. "But certain mathematical functions have instantaneous rates of change and, given the circumstances, I suspect this is one of them."


"Don't start talking calculus to me," Kat grumbled. "I failed the fundamentals of it, thanks for the painful reminder."


"It's not my fault you don't tell me everything," Eagle shot back. Kat grunted and stood, gathering her sword and Crystal's lightsaber. "Hey! Where are you going?"


"I'm going to wander," Kat answered. "You're driving me crazy!"


"And the Jedi won't?" Eagle demanded. Kat considered this and returned to her seat.


"You win," she sighed.


"I'm so good at logic games," Eagle teased.


"How logical is it for you to shut up at this moment?" Kat hissed.


"Based on your agitated tone of voice, it seems highly logical to ask you what's bothering you," Eagle answered. "And more importantly, why do I annoy you so much?"


"Because you're a ship that talks," Kat replied. "More specifically, you're a ship that can carry on a logical conversation, has perfectly sufficient artificial intelligence, and yet you are more human-ish and more emotional than some humans." She stood again. "I'm gonna walk around, clear my head."


"Outside?" Eagle asked. "You're gonna leave me alone?"


"That's right," Kat agreed. "Fresh air could do me some good... and maybe I'll run into Skywalker."


She left the ship and he began talking to himself.


"Oh, what fun," he said. "I've annoyed her enough to make her leave me alone..."


A second later. "Aw, kriffin' hell! I'm bored. Kat? Kat, come back! I'll be nice, I promise."


But Kat had already left and did not answer.


"Hmm," Eagle murmured. "There's plenty of other ships in the area..."


He 'caught sight' of a fancy little Jedi shuttle. "Ooh! Hey, baby, how ya doin'?"


And from somewhere within the little shuttle, an alarm began to ring.


"No, no!" Eagle objected. "I don't wanna merge with you or anything perverted like that... jus' an introduction!" The alarm's volume increased. "Oh, come on! What's your name?"


The alarm's tone changed and got louder. At that, Eagle stopped his attempts to 'introduce' himself and finally, the alarm stopped.


Silence descended over the hangar.


"Kriffin' hell..." Eagle grumbled.

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"Uh, Master, Amiral, not of disrespect or anything, but i would like to familiarize myself with the other students." Zhane asked Kyle.


"Sure, you do that, no apprentice of mine is going to be a lonely nerd," He told Zhane, they both laughed and nodded as Zhane went off on his own.


"Well, how about a good ol' hand-to-hand match. I promise i won't use the Force, after all, it won't be needed, hahahaha!" Kyle chuckled.


As soon as Zhane left, Vok continued to speak.


"Well, we Admirals don't get everything," He told Kyle, "I should know."


Vok decided to look around the Academy and meet the other students, just like Zhane did.

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Ryan was almost arriving at Naboo, a few more hours of flight and he would arrive. Ryan was thinkin about his trials, how he must wait until he reaches 18, because it was expected to him to be more wise. Ryan looked upon Naboo, he had to face the trials that Master Corran made for him. It must be in a very forested planet, where a Jedi must be there 3 days in the woods, meditating mostly. This trials were to cleanse mind and the body.

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