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Pentagon video released, truthers running for cover in shame.

Dagobahn Eagle

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As someone who's debated the 9/11 conspiracy theory at large, I found this pretty hilarious.


Recently, in a surprising move of I-don't-know-what, the F.B.I. released one of the tapes confiscated on 9/11.




Now, one of the main arguments of the "truthers" or "loosers" (from the name of the conspiracy movie "Loose Change") is that since the F.B.I. didn't release the film, it had to show a missile or Cessna or something hitting the Pentagon. In short, they pulled a Bush-ish "our inspectors aren't allowed to see this, so you're guilty"-fallacy, claiming that the film must show a Tomahawk missile, UFO, reindeer-pulled sled, Star Destroyer, flying submarine from Terror From the Deep, or scale 30:1 plastic model of Abraham Lincoln. With a jet engine.


The catch? In reality, the film shows nothing at all.


Way to make fools of yourselves, Truth folks:rofl:!

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Hmm, I don't know what you are trying to prove. You actually think that they would release a video that would make our government lose credibility? No, they just released this video instead.
So since the real video revealed too much (ie. nothing), they substitute it with this one, as it shows less of the thing that hit the Pentagon (ie. nothing).


You get negative points for calling truthers people.
And truthers get negative points for turning mass-murder into a conspiracy theory.
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Umm... 01-01-93 FTL
It's from 9/11. It's got the real date in there near the top of the screen, above the "SUN 001"-tag.


Why that extra tag is there (which appears to be a reset/default thing, what with it being so many ones and 12:00 sharp), I don't know. But I think it has nothing to do with the camera footage itself.

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I haven't even watched it yet, but I know that such a thing would never answer the conspiracy theorists.


"That's not the real video" or "They tampered with it to remove the real evidence."


I'm all for getting to the bottom of things, but let's face it, if you want to believe in a conspiracy, no amount of facts will change your mind.

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I too am a little confused about what this video is supposed to imply... Correct me if I am wrong, but shouldn't we actually see something if the plane crashed in the pentagon, none of these videos actually show anything that could lead us to beleive a boeing actually hit the pentagon.


So, if we see nothing, should that prove that it wasn't a missile/cesna/ufo/Chuck Norris that hit the pentagon, but a plane ? But if so, shouldn't we see this plane ? I'm not sure how this helps to prove or disprove anything.

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It really doesn't prove or disprove anything, because, to put it simply, you can't see ****. Also, the dates make it look like a Pime Taradox. Also, I would consider it more credible if it wasn't on youtube, and was an actual fbi announcement.


In short, I don't habeeb it.


EDIT: Ok, I found the link in the youtube video for http://www.judicialwatch.org, and this is what it says:

Judicial Watch Releases 9/11 CITGO Video


Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today released a videotape from the FBI that was taken from a CITGO gas station near the Pentagon. Many believed the video would show American Airlines Flight 77 striking the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. The videotape, which depicts views from the gas station's six security cameras, shows that the CITGO cameras did not seem to capture the actual attack. The tape was partially obscured by the FBI to protect the privacy of individuals captured on video in the CITGO convenience store.


The FBI released the videotape as result a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act request and related lawsuit.


In other words, it doesn't prove or disprove s***.


So I really don't see wtf you're laughing about dagobahn eagle.

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I agree completely with Bongo. If nothing is seen, nothing is proven, it seems as if that's that.


I think the only evidence we can really go by is from eye witness accounts. I don't want to sound newbish or a snob by saying this, but my father interviewed the chief of counter intelligence in Iraq when he was at the pentagon, and that man was there, IN the building during the attack, and actually on his way to the section that got hit. Miraculously, according to him that side was under renovation at the time, which is why almost all the casualties were workmen and passangers of the plane, thank God.


Personally, I don't believe any of the conspiracy theories.

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