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PLANETS!!!!!!! NEW!!! YAY!!!


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i'd love to see some different landscapes is all... :)

Not possible, brand new areas are not on the list of KotOR and TSL modding capabilities, if ever. All we can do is re-use pre-existing modules.


We have to edit all the files by hand to mod things? I even made the ORD Mandell mod before KotOR Tool had a working Module Editor function. We have no official support for modding these games and as such have no fancy company made editor like NWN has, as such we are really limited on what we can do. Sorry.

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sorry i looked around for planets and couldent find any.... exept darth dragoons but they didn't seem to be under way yet.

i didn't meen anything was bad about redhawkes stuff! infact you'v got some of the best mods out there in my opinion.

i am looking forward to new areas though.

(what i meant by landscapes was like different places you know ummm like courosant built out of areas from the different worlds included with the game is all.))

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The reason you can't find any 'planet' mods for KotOR is that the only actual 'Planet' Mods for KotOR I are my ORD Mandell and the Yavin IV Mod by Hulas (it is in Polish). There are only a handful of new area mods for KotOR as well. A testement to the difficulty of doing these kinds of mods.


Unfortunately these kinds of mods take a ton of time and effort to create, and as such there are not going to be as numerous as say reskins or item mods. Just an FYI. ;)

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...and to add to what RedHawke said, pretty much all the groups and individuals who say they're working on or helping with a planet mod never get it done. :)


Wait a minute, did I just imply that about myself?


Yes... yes, you did.


OT: There really aren't that many planet mods as RH has already stated. They just happen to be massive pieces of work (Especially if you want a decent story/side quests attached).

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I forgot about that, how's it coming?


Not too badly, thanks.


I've sorted out lightmapping issues and some new placeable reskins, and I'm just in the process of rewriting one of the major dialogues, adding in some cameras (and maybe some Anicam...). After that, there's just a bit more work to do, and the trickiest part will (hopefully) be almost over...


...On the other hand, there's still about 6 modules to complete after that :)

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Not possible, brand new areas are not on the list of KotOR and TSL modding capabilities, if ever. All we can do is re-use pre-existing modules.


We have to edit all the files by hand to mod things? I even made the ORD Mandell mod before KotOR Tool had a working Module Editor function. We have no official support for modding these games and as such have no fancy company made editor like NWN has, as such we are really limited on what we can do. Sorry.


We know...

But placeables or creatures (to deal walkmesh problem, they are placeables:))...

You just should know how have I remade Sith Valley on Korriban...

No signs of Sith culture!

No buildings, just rocks and other things!

And no problems. So it looks really new.

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