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OMG! Happy-Glitter Love and Violence - The Anime!

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RD forumites, recent talk as seen in the major quotage below has made me realize that we may really be onto something: The ultimate mass-market anime! Come one, come all, for we can not let such a good idea die without a fight. As of now, we are the [insert uber anime name here] commitee. First rule of order: the name, the plot, the characters ... everything.


Smon: Didn't you know Poopdogjr's real name is Hakujin, and his duty is to defend the universe using his Ketsunoana blade, however all of his foes also wield blades each that have a different power that he must overcome using friendship or some ****?



Mayhem: How could you forget about his sidekicks? The adorable cat-creature with the irrtating voice and tendency to go chibi when not needed, the amnesiac with the checkered past and the silent bu deadly guy in shades? They must combine their seperate forces -love, friendship and the overall goody-goodyness of good- into the Ultimate Super-Shiny Fun Time Sparkle-muhh Power of Love, Friendship, Goodness and Glitter


poopdogjr: I'm pretty sure we have the makings of a new smash hit anime here folks. I think both Smon and Mayhem's ideas are great. I'm already writing fan-fiction and creating fan-art as well as cosplay for it, because I love it so much. KAWAIIororuuugh. Or whatever the hell those anime people say/do.


We should include insane amounts of violence and market it towards younger veiwers. (Toddlers maybe? Ninja star pacifiers?)Ninja swords and ritiualistic suicide will become the new "in" thing for tweens. Also it will proabably cause the deaths of many of them as well. I want to see a ninja sword is under every kids christmas tree this year. Or at the very least impaled somewhere in their body. Or maybe a special box where upon opening it, a sword comes flying out real fast at you?


More ideas are encouraged! Keep this greatness alive!

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  Miss_Mayhem said:
It's marketed to tweens, so no. But fanservice, definitley. Kids are into that, nowwadaz, right? If it brings up the Neilson ratings, a girl on girl or boy on boy kiss might air thought.

"We must get the Sword of Aorusenmu!"

"It is the first prize in this swimsuit competition!"



Liking this idea of anime. We should call it Ka-toxu-n. Which, in addition to sounding cool, is japanese for cartoon.

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Booyah! It shall now be dubbed Ka-toxu-n: Happy Glitter Love and Violence-The Anime! In other words: KTNHGLVA or KHGLVA. Whatever floats your boat. So, with that done (if the others agree that is), the pitch is in order:


Mayhem's Pitch:


KHGLVA is about some gullable teenagers living in a very magic world called Magic-Land. There is some weird bad-evil man-dude that wanna do bad evil things and they must collect some form of collectibles to stop him/her/them. Despite the weak story line, and the forced, ridiculous emotional displays (chibi-moments whenever possible!), the story is very violent. Cuz kids like it. I heart the idea of ritual suicides and that the adorable enemy's decapitated head contains the hidde collectible. So yes, alot of literal head-rolling. Everyone is a Mary Sue, and if not, they are cliche'd characters done to death already - the brave meathead warrior, the beautiful and matronly princess, the amnesiac (c'mon, you need your token amnesiac) and the dude in shades that is totally Emo cuz you need token Emos. Emotions are exaggerated, plenty of fanservice- from the guys being shirtless 99.99% of the time even when it's cold and the girls wearing ultra-short, flippy skirts and fighting with heels. EVERYONE is hot. The guys must be muscular for no apperant reason, even the old wizards. Oldness went with the 90's. The girls have elaborate do's and have BB+ chests becuz even NUNS in anime have them. People have HUGE eyes and their hairs spans the entire color spectrum. Their weapons are powered with love and glitter and shaped like hearts and stuff becuz despite all the pointless gore and violece, we still wanna look like we wanna spread a moral like dont lie and dont suck so much.


Bam! Anyone else gotta pitch?

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With that said, I really do love this. It sounds so badass. I can't come up with stuff right now, but I'll add some ideas and stuff later. I love the buff old people idea. And the decapitated heads. And the name alone is just amazing. Seriously this whole idea RAWKS. So awesome.

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And you should! We just need to kidnap a CN CEO and pitch this idea to him. He's guaranteed to love it, what is there not to love? It's got all the staples of anime sans the intricate philisophical storyline and multi-layered character development. Perhaps we can wedge some stuff about religion and the meaning of life in there amidst the green hair and cat-ears.


Catgirl: *chowing down on salami-sandwitch and turns to other dude* what is the meaning of life?

Dude1: *shrugs shoulders*


BAM! There, Katoxun: HGLV has suddenly become a deeply intellectual form of art worthy of psychoanylation.

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Of course I love the half-cat-half-bat girl! You NEED a furry! And it's proven that guys think anime-furry-hybrids are sexy! ANd you can draw anime? Downright awesome ^_^ I can draw it too ... but I'm not that great. Remember: GIANT eyes, colorful hair, garish outfits -- it is the Ka-toxu-n way! In my previous post I was actually reffering to your character ("What is the meaning of life?").

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After a bit of a hiatus I am back. I love that stick figure drawing. It just oozes badass. Like literally, my computer screen just had badass-ness pouring out of it.


Fights between characters should last at least 10 hrs at a minimium. They will be strechted across thirty episodes. With said episodes mainly consisting of the two opposing fighters just staring at eachother most of the time, and retelling previous events again and again and again until people can't freakin' take it any more. Also, to save on our animation budget fights will be crudely, or poorly drawn. With very little going on, and maybe just have the animation cells dragged across the screen a couple of times. Or maybe not even drawn at all. But just suggested.


Plus all the extra time in between episodes could be used to sell more merchandise. We need a cool catchphrase. Hmmmm. Something like " FREAKIN REAL ULTIMATE POWA IN YO FACE SON!!!@!! BUY OUR SHAIT OR AIN"T WORTH NUTHIN AND WE THROW AN NINJA STAR IN YO EYE!?!@" Everyone make up their own!


Maybe we can all pitch in and do some marketing for this stuff. Spread some flyers, air some commercials during the superbowl, etch it into a loveone's face with a freakin 10 foot katana which is also on fire.


We could even start manufacturing the toys and other cheap unsafe merchandise for children which will in turn line our greedy huge profits. I can make some little toy guys. And also a giant 10 foot sword which a kid can buy. With some gasoline you can pour on and light with a match for " Realistic Death Action". So many possibilities.

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