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The Rodianters-"loked in"


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Ok, so its my first attempt so be nice :)

here goes the first part of Part I..if that makes sense...:S


The Rodianters

"loked in"


“ETA, 6 minutes” claimed Keedan, as he viewed various screens around the cockpit of the Dark claw. Keedan was your average rodian. Quite tall, green and bug-eyed, there was nothing exceptional about his appearance. His standard brown utility belt and shoulder strap keeping his bodysuit in place, he was your everyday amateur bounty hunter. “Neevat, can you check the orbital thrusters’ readout? I’m getting some delay up here”. He waited for a few seconds before repeating the question. “Neevat, for Navik’s sake, can you do something for once?” Still, with no reply, Keedan switched the Dark claw’s control system to auto-pilot. He took a look out of the porthole, only to see the neon-blue wave formation created by the hyperdrive engine. He then double turned, and strode out of the cabin, muttering rodian curses under his breath. He made his way around to the stern of the ship, to where the engine rooms were located. His feet made little noise as he stepped along the sheet alloy flooring towards the engine rooms. He could hear the humming generated by the massive power output the engines were creating as he drew closer. The occasional clanging noise and beep uttered by the ship informed him that everything was, up to its knowledge, in working order. As he approached the door, he began to hear some other sounds which he wasn’t quite sure he was hearing. Whatever they were, it sounded like someone was in pain…


Putting two and two together, he realised the reason behind Neevat’s disappearance. He slammed his sucker tipped hand down on the door release, and swung into the entry way. “Neevat, are you...oh!” He raised his hands to cover his eyes, his antenna flexing backwards, like a bantha caught in the sand crawler lights. He staggered back, slamming the door release button and blocking the visual between him and what he had just seen. With his back to the wall, he slid down into a sitting position, and stared straight at the blank, red wall opposite him. Suddenly the door reopened, and out staggered a tall, hardy rodian, trailing his trousers by one leg. Following him was a young Twi’lek, who quickly ran giggling down the dark red corridor towards Neevat’s quarters. Keedan looked up at Neevat, who was blushing as blue as the seas of Naboo. “Why? Why do you never let me have a go?” he stuttered. Neevat took in a deep breath, pulling his trousers back up. “Fair game” he exclaimed. “Damn you, Neevat! It was my turn!” shouted Keedan. He quickly stood up, his rodian heritage beating in his ears for bloodshed. He raised his arm, ready to go for a swing, when the whole ship shook and knocked him off balance, making him flail around and grab onto the nearest ledge. Neevat looked down upon his blood brother with a look of “I win” about him as he stood perfectly straight, having braced himself against the doorway. “Dear brother” he sighed “you’ll learn. Oh, and by the way, the orbital thrusters read fine.” He strode out of the corridor towards his quarters. Keedan watched him go with a look of disgust, as he hauled himself up into a standing position and made his way back to the cockpit.


He stumbled into the cabin, and strapped himself into the comfy pilot’s chair. “Stupid Neevat, thinking he’s so good. Well, someday I’ll show him…” He pressed a combination of buttons, all of them bleeping hysterically at him. He then raised his rand up to a classy black alloy lever, and shouted out “ETA, 1 Minute!” He slowly pull the lever towards him as he looked out of the porthole in front of him, and this time was greeted by a brilliant display of light as the blue wormhole faded away, and revealed a yellow coloured planet leering in front of them. It was incredible. The planet Lok loomed into view. From where he was, he could see endless plains of desert, dark cloud formations around mountain ranges, and what looked like a gigantic lava field. He stared in awe at what he was seeing, but was pulled back into reality when a gruff voice spoke from behind him. “You better stop dreaming you’re there kid, because if you don’t pull up soon you will be”. Keedan didn’t need to question the other Rodian’s judgement. A hardened Pilot and bounty Hunter, Dronu Dodrak knew what he was talking about. A veteran of the clone wars, Dronu was recruited by the Banking Clan many times “off the record” for various contracts, ranging from simple assassinations to more organised mass slaughters. He was not the rodian you want to mess around with, and standing at a giant 6ft 7”, his height reinforced this. Keedan, with his mind back on the task, punched in the co-ordinates for the Kresh’nas spaceport, situated right in the heart of Cry’tak, the central hub of the planet. The Dark Claw shook as it entered the atmosphere of the planet, carving its way through layers of smog, cloud and oxygen. Keedan was pressing buttons everywhere, struggling to keep the ship stable. Dronu’s presence was not making it any easier for the Rodian, as showing incompetence in front of him would surely ruin any chances if being mentored by him. The ground was growing ever closer, and visibility was deteriorating fast as he descended through a thick layer of cloud. Finally, the ship ventured out of the cloud, and its anti-grav thrusters kicked in, slowing the ship down to a near halt, as Keedan aligned the ship with the docking pad. He slowly let the ship fall neatly onto the bay, and breathed a deep sigh of relief as he powered the engines down. What he heard next from Dronu was something he wasn’t expecting.


“You did good, kid”


It's a PG-13/rated T forum, TSR. Keep it clean and make sure you and the story comply with the Fanfic rules and the Forum rules. I thought hard about editing this post as it is. ;) If you have any questions on what is allowed content-wise here, please PM me. --Jae

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No, its meant to be "loked"- Its a play on words for the planet they've landed in ;)

@Jae- well, it is my first time, so i wasnt too sure on the whatnots etc. And there wasnt anything graphic ;)


That's why I included the links to the rules. ;) --Jae

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its like Rodian + Hunters. cheesy, but its all i could think of...


Ok, i'll set up a background information part. I'll set to it and add it on later. Thanks for the support moyt :D



That's why I included the links to the rules. ;) --Jae


Oh, is there anything you don't think of? :p


:xp: --Jae

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It's a PG-13/rated T forum, TSR. Keep it clean and make sure you and the story comply with the Fanfic rules and the Forum rules. I thought hard about editing this post as it is. ;) If you have any questions on what is allowed content-wise here, please PM me. --Jae

They made Jae a moderator?!?! Run and Hide!

*Runs and Hides and Eats Toast


Only in CEC. --Jae

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don't worry samandmax, i'm scared too...

@quanon- Cheers moyt. I've seen you're art and it looks great.


Thanks for the support folks :D I should have part 2 of part 1 up tommorow... I really need to work on the whole division thing...

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Part 2 Of Part I


Keedan disengaged himself from the chair and taking one last glance at the now silent control panel, left the cockpit and made his way around to the Starboard side of the ship. Here was his favourite part, the armoury. He disengaged the door release, and stepped inside. He looked lovingly around the room, admiring its smooth metal décor. He noticed how the furnishings complemented the array of devices hanging on latches and lying on the worktops. He took a few paces over to the workbench in the back corner of the room, and picked the chassis of a blaster rifle. Examining it closely in his hands, he realised why the weapon was so widely used across the galaxy. With its array of prismatic crystals and quality focusing chamber, the bolts fired by this weapon were particularly lethal. Common infantry armour can do little to protect against such attacks, and Keedan had yet to meet a survivor of a well aimed blaster shot. He placed the rifle back on the workbench, and made a quick tidy up of the tools scattered around it. He sighed- Neevat never tidied up after working on anything. Hydro-spanners cluttered every available space, and, for reasons unknown to Neevat, a droid motivator was hanging limply from an overhead storage shelf. He walked over to the pyrosteel containers that were huddled in the other corner of the room. Opening one of them, he pulled out a carefully padded box. Inside contained ammo to his favourite weapon. The Repulsor Throwing Razor. He carefully opened the box, and slid the contents into the palm of his hand. He turned them over, examining the pure dionate blade. He could feel the blade trying to cut into his thick skin even as it was. He almost felt sorry for whoever got hit by one of these.


He heard footsteps coming towards the armoury from the corridor, so he quickly slid the blades back into the box, and then placed them back in the pyrosteel container. Just as the container closed, Neevat entered the door carrying a bundle of what looked like flexible plastic. “Keedan, it’s your lucky day. Dronu has decided to take you with him into Cry’tak. Looks like you’re going to see some action for a change.” Keedan couldn’t believe it. “…are you joking?” he stuttered. Neevat sighed, turned around and walked out of the room. “Yes” he said, and he slammed the door control system to shut and lock. Keedan sprinted across the room, and began to pummel the door with his fists. “Damn you, Neevat! By Navik, I swear you’ll be sorry one day!” He turned around, and breathing heavily. He began to walk over to the door override control panel when he noticed the bundle of clothing Neevat had been carrying on the floor. Interested, he disposed the idea of getting out of the room. Thinking about it, being in it gave him a feeling of well being and power, something he liked. He stepped over to the attire on the floor. He then realised what it was. A gasp of excitement escaped his lips as he knelt down to examine it further. He carefully unfolded it, like a slave child savouring a gift given to him by his master on Tatooine. He stood up, staring at his prize on the floor. There, right in front of him, lay a brand new suit of Rodian stalker armour.


He knelt over, probing the fine “scale” style armour. Flexible and strong, this body armour was used by professional bounty hunters galaxy wide. He noticed a small tag tapered to the side of the neck outlet. Leaning in for a closer look, he froze when he read what was inscribed upon it. “Courtesy of Salus corporation, Commissioned for his supremacy Dronu Drodrak by The honourable and Grand Protector Of Rodia, Navik the Red”. Keedan had to re-read the tag several times before he acknowledged what he had just seen. Navik the Red was the current grand protector of Rodia, the most fearsome warrior to grace the planet in decades. To have a suit of armour commissioned by him is an honour that few people can even dream of. Not wanting to get into danger with Dronu for being too inquisitive, he quickly and carefully refolded the dark brown cloth back into its original position. He stood up, leaving it on the floor where Neevat had left it, went over to the door release and quickly entered the deactivation codes. The door slid open with a welcoming hiss, and Keedan quickly left the room. He made his way to the central room of the ship, the navigation room. It took up quite a large proportion of the ship, yet had little in it, spare a few bolted down chairs and consoles around the edges of the room. In the middle was a large holomap, which he quickly recognised as a view of the imminent area outside the ship. Around it were stood Neevat and Dronu, in deep discussion.


Keedan plucked up the courage to enter the conversation. “So, why are we actually here?” he asked. Dronu turned around, and stared at Keedan for a few seconds before speaking. “It seems that the notorious Jag Scal’tar has managed to get himself quite a sizeable bounty placed on his head. I’m going to collect it.” Keedan was beginning to worry about his ears. Again, this was another thing he wasn’t sure heard properly. “Jag Scal’tar?” he queried. “Yes Keedan, that’s the one. Have a spice cookie…” taunted Neevat. Dronu quickly interrupted him. “Neevat! If I wanted your petty and useless comments, I would ask you for them. Now, Keedan, I received this tip-off from an unknown source, but it seems to be genuine. I have already checked with local authorities, and they have sightings of him recorded within a recent period of time.” He turned around to look at the holomap, and pondered it for a few seconds. He lowered his hand onto the small console protruding from the ground, and tapped a series of buttons. The holomap flickered and vanished, and then appeared again, this time showing an overview map of the area within 10km. He pointed to a spot on the map. “If we are here…” he looked further “…and the last reported sighting was here…”. Again, he looked more at the map. “Then judging by his usually pattern of travel, he should be around here by now…” He pointed towards a spot on the map, and began to press more buttons on the console. This time, the map zoomed in on the area he had pointed out, to reveal a cluster of buildings. “Aha… A usually trick played by the scum of this galaxy…”


Keedan was not surprised by all of Dronus theories and estimations. Since he had been recruited by him several years ago on an expedition to the outer rim, he had witnessed Dronu’s meticulous method of researching his victim’s lifestyles, patterns and general background information. He could seem to tell where they were going to run, How to catch them, and, what disturbed Keedan the most, how to kill them. On many occasions, Keedan had been a spectator to Dronu’s kills, and, even with his bloodthirsty Rodian heritage, was appalled by some of the methods Dronu used to finish the target. Never before had he seen someone with so much skill in the use of the traditional Razor Stick, and, being a regular viewer at the combat arena back in his tribe in Rodia, this was an impressive feat.


Once again, Keedan was really worried about his hearing today. “Keedan” Dronu said “Get your gear on, you’re coming with me.” Keedan was out of the room and running towards the armoury in miliseconds. Too soon to even think about what could happen to him. Too soon to notice Neevat’s look of surprise turn into an evil smirk…

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Very good, but dialogue needs to look like this:


“…are you joking?” he stuttered.


Neevat sighed, and turned around and walked out of the room, before replying, “Yes.”


Here is how yours looks:


“…are you joking?” he stuttered. Neevat sighed, and turned around and walked out of the room. “Yes” he said


Other than that, it is good. Rodians are underrated in Fics, although I was thinking of using one in my Fic.

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Yeah, i havn't really worked on the structure much, and i openly admit that. But, it's a fanfic, not an A* piece of coursework (unlike My GCSE story *feels proud*) Once i've finished the story i'll go over and change structure, layout etc before submitting it into the archives. Cheers pottsie.

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Yeah, i havn't really worked on the structure much, and i openly admit that. But, it's a fanfic, not an A* piece of coursework (unlike My GCSE story *feels proud*) Once i've finished the story i'll go over and cnahge structure, layout etc before submitting it into the archives. Cheers pottsie.


Hey, TSR (Since you want that to be your new Username), why don't you type up your GSCE story here, like I did with my English coursework in Ahto? I'd gladly read that too.

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Ok, so i've been working on the new part abit today, and i've really started to get into this fanfic stuff. And, its come at a good time, because having just made a critical deciscion in my life, i now have alot of time to kill, and this does it. (i'm quitting 6 form and joining the navy come january) So, i've got a couple of weeks of nothingness ahead of me, and some kickass internet access. SO there should be a new part up every 1-2 days from now :D


Oh yeah, and the next part will be up within 2 hours, I'm just finishing it off now, and will be thinking up some more imaginitive and creative ideas to quickly add in while cooking my din-dins :lol:

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So here it is, Part 3 of Part I...


I've just quickly put it up now, so as to keep within the 2 hour time i said i'd have it done by. I'm going to edit it a bit once its posted, so dont be suprised if the grammar improves or it changes abit for the rest of the night ;)


Part 3 Of part I



Keedan ran into the armoury. “Ouch!” he thought to himself. “Best not do that again…” Rubbing his head, he walked through the door and over to the pyrosteel containers. He opened a different one to last time, this one holding an array of clothing. He rummaged around inside for a few seconds, trying to find what he was looking for. “Aha!” he exclaimed, as he pulled out a piece of folded blue cloth. He held it out at arms length, and watched in admiration as it unravelled and fell towards the floor. He was left holding the shoulders of a suit he had been given to by his father, many years ago back on Rodia. He sighed to himself. Since he was assigned to Dronu’s service numerous years ago, he had lost all contact with his family. He knew nothing of their whereabouts now, nor if they were even still alive. Rodia was often attacked by pirates, and his father was usually one of the first to respond to the call of duty. Deep in though, he unclipped his utility belts and placed them on the workbench. He then changed into his body armour, remembering the words his father had told him so many years ago. “Keedan, if you ever do manage to make something of yourself, wear this. It’s got quite a few surprises in it, which you won’t realise until you need them most”. It was a tight fit, but he managed to squeeze in. “This must be designed for a 16 year old, not a 19!” he muttered. “And if he thinks I need any dust mites right now, he’s got it quite wrong…”


A gruff voice from behind him made him turn around on the spot, snapping to attention. “Keedan” growled Dronu. “There is a reason you’re coming with me today. We have much to talk about away from any…prising ears…” Now, we are going for a reconnaissance around the spaceport first, too see if there is anymore definitive information as to Scal’tars’s whereabouts. But, you’re going to need a weapon of somesorts, as I have no doubt there will be old friends we might run into. Because you do know what this planet is, don’t you?” Keedan look puzzled. “It’s the planet Lok” he replied. “Correct” fired back Dronu. “But, what’s special about it?” Keedan thought for a moment. “It’s a planet on the middle sector of the galaxy, and was used various times as a garrison for both Republic and Trade federation troops?” he assumed, unsure as to the truth of this. “Incorrect! Do you remember our first visit to Tatooine, all those years ago?” he queried, not taking his eyes of Keedan. He nodded in confirmation, and Dronu continued. “In the settlement of Mos Eisley, there was a cantina. A galaxy-wide reputation, the cantina there was the “hub” of outlaws and bandits from across the galaxy. Now, think of the cantina enlarged, millions of times to form a planet. Now, refill this cantina to the brim with pirates, outlaws, bandits and your general scum and villainy, and you have your result. This creation is the planet Lok. The only reason why this planet is little known is because the few honest people that enter its space rarely leave again, dead or alive. This is why we are here Keedan. This planet is a money-maker. Bounties are in abundance on this planet, and, with the most part of them being placed on common criminals, the return for the expenses in killing them is incredible. I hope to achieve a large sum of credits whilst we search for Jag.” Dronu noticed the confused look upon Keedan’s face. “Keedan, how many credits is a single thermal detonator worth?” he asked, strolling towards the pyrosteel containers. “Aren’t they illegal outside of the military?” he said, whilst watching Dronu move the pyrosteel containers out of the way of the wall. “Correct”, agreed Dronu. “But, answer the question.” “About 1000 credits each?” he posed, staring in amazement at what Dronu was doing. Dronu knelt down in front of the wall, his hand slowly wiping across it, as though caressing it. He eventually stopped on what looked like a normal part of the wall, and then pressed in.


Keedan stepped back as the floor beneath him seemed to move. Suddenly, a cylindrical column protruded from the ground, rising up until it reached the ceiling. Made from a shiny alloy that keedan could not recognise, he stared in awe as smoke began to pour out of the bottom, a neon green hue around it. “Again, more or less you are correct” stated Dronu, standing up. He walked over to the newly placed column, his face cast with a look of seriousness about him. “And how much is a room with 20 criminal scums, all with basic bounties on their head worth?” Keedan realised what he was getting at. “Well, with 500 credits for each one, that’s about… 10000 credits!?!” “Exactly” settled Dronu, as he tapped a small blue button on the side of the column. Keedan let out a gasp of amazement as a panel opened up, sliding neatly downwards and revealing an array of highly dangerous and illegal weapons all neatly placed inside the column. Dronu glanced at Keedan, and beckoned for him to come closer. “Keedan, its time I told you why you are with me.” Keedan listened intently, as he watched Dronu take a gun he had never seen before off its hanging. “When you came with me all those years ago, it was for many reasons. I daresay you do not remember your mother?” Keedan nodded, silently acknowledging what Dronu was saying. “That is because she used to work with me. I cannot express all details to you, but she was once a bounty hunter like me. We were partners, you could say. Together, for 17 years, we travelled the galaxy together, claiming bounties. I still remember your mother to this day as one of the bravest people I have met. She was the perfect image of the warrior female that Rodia itself wept at her death…” He stopped, realising what he had just said. Keedan stood there, numb. “My mother… she’s dead?” he stuttered. His father, in the short time he spent with him, had always told him that his mother was a spy for Rodia, collecting vital information on the current events in the galaxy, and eventually the clone wars. He had never, even in his wildest dreams, thought his mother was a bounty hunter working with Dronu Drodrak.


“Tell me of her death” he asked. Dronu looked at Keedan, a look of empathy across his face. By showing sympathy, this made Keedan feel worse. When one of the most hardened killers in the galaxy looks at your position and feels sorry for you, you know it’s bad. “That is for another time, Keedan. I have said too much as it is.”

Keedan agreed. He had to get over the death of his mother he barely knew before he heard anything else. “Ok” he agreed, his mind spinning twofold. “So what’s that?” he asked, pointing at the gun in Dronus hand...

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Thanks. Oh, and i posted my fable thing earlier, which me being unaware of the rules, happened to be locked due to its lack of star warsiness. So what you think of that?

It was locked because stories in CEC have to be Star Wars related according to CEC forum rules. You are always free to send it to anyone via PM if they're interested. If you have a question about the closure, please PM me instead of discussing it here.

Thanks, Jae

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Thanks. Oh, and i posted my fable thing earlier, which me being unaware of the rules, happened to be locked due to its lack of star warsiness. So what you think of that?


That was good too. Oh, that is why in one of my previous posts in this Thread, I advised you:


Hey, TSR (Since you want that to be your new Username), why don't you type up your GSCE story here, like I did with my English coursework in Ahto? I'd gladly read that too.


That is why I posted my Hotel Mystery story in Ahto Spaceport Cantina to avoid issues with the CEC rules.

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Don't mind me, i'll just keep digging my hole...


Anyway, i'm really in the mood tonight for this writing stuff, so i might have part 4 up by later tonight if all goes well :D I've got loads of ideas buzzing round, its incredible. I'm actually putting my imagination too a good use for once :D

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Ok, so the next part will be added tonight, but i was just wondering about something. Does my fic have to comply with star wars canon? i don't mean changing the race.sex of a person, more about creating a battle on a planet, and even another jedi that might have existed during the clone wars. Or do i have to comply with canon and only use whats there?


Nope, no one's restricted to 'canon' here. You can have as many DSF Revans and LSM Exiles as you'd like along with made-up Jedi. The only time someone would have to worry about 'canon' is if they were actually going to publish something for LucasArts or with LA's blessing (which you have to have in order to sell anything). Fanfics don't have to follow any 'canon'. --Jae

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Hey TSR , I just uploaded some sketches I made from rodians !!!


First page is Rodians just out of the head , they're not accurate though.



Second page , I did some research , observed many pic of rodians and just did a nice long rifle pose thingy.



Last one is Killer Rodian :p



Hope you like them , and ow did you receive my PM message (about coloring in photoshop )?

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Ok, here goes part 4 of 1... I've been suprisingly busy these alst 3 days, and have not been able to develop it as much as i wanted to. Anyway, heres the next installment, so enjoy. And comments please :lol:




“This…” he said, holding the gun up, “this rifle has been outlawed throughout nearly every planet in the galaxy. Now, what ammo supply does this appear to use?” Keedan went to take hold of the rifle, but Dronu moved it out of reach. “Before I allow you to use this, you have to understand it” Keedan looked slightly disheartened at this prospect, but he wasn’t in the state of mind to question Dronu’s authority. “It looks like ordinary power cell” anticipated Keedan, and Dronu nodded, and went onto finish what he was saying beforehand. “This is a DXR-6 Disruptor rifle, an inhumane weapon that reduces body tissue down to its molecular state. The shot is a constant beam of energy, not stopping until it hits something. Therefore, it is best employed as a sniper.” He re-hung the weapon back on its hanging, and Keedan caught a last glimpse of its sleek, metallic design before Dronu regained his attention with a small cough. Keedan looked at him, and then to the small cylindrical tube he was holding in his hand. “What’s that?” he asked, knowing fully well what the answer was. “You could call say this is a reminder of an event I had the misfortune of witnessing. I was…hunting a bounty in Coruscant when the Army of the republic turned on the Jedi. I was one of the first at the scene, and, and realizing the impact of this, I have tried to preserve many of the artifacts that were still intact at the temple. Of course, they also made a tidy profit here and there. But, I kept a few for myself, and this is one of them…” As he said this, a strange swishing sound rang, as a bright green ray of light extended from the tube, pointing upwards. “Weapon of the Jedi, tool of the Sith, or so the saying goes.”


Keedan was transfixed by the lightsaber in Dronu’s hands, not moving his eyes from the elegant ray of light being emitted from the beautifully designed hilt. “Can you use it?” he asked. “Not in the slightest. I would probably do more damage to myself than the enemy. Besides, if I was to enter close combat, I would rather use my hands…” The humming sound disappeared as the blade retracted into the hilt. Dronu looked at Keedan, and back to the hilt again. He let out a small but noticeable sigh, and placed it back in the column on its hook. Next, he took out a small chrome sphere, which would have been smooth if it were not for the small indent in which a red coloured LED sat comfortably in. As soon as Keedan saw this, he took a step back. “That’s…that’s a thermal detonator!” he exclaimed. “Indeed it is” replied Dronu, throwing it up and catching it as though it was nothing more than a catch ball. “And, in its current state, completely harmless…” Keedan relaxed for a split second, but was suddenly tensed up when the detonator started to make a squealing noise, the little red light flashing furiously. “…only now, this could kill us both.” Any sensitive side that he had just seen from Dronu disappeared, and the crazed killer act came back into play. “Keedan, if you travel with me, then you must be prepared to see a lot of things. Have you ever looked upon death? Have you ever seen it take a hold on someone, and drain the life from them?” Keedan shook his head. “I have. And more often than not, I have caused it to occur. To experience the thrill of the hunt, chasing down your victim, and looking into his eyes as you impose this demonic being unto him is truly one of the more…acquired tastes in this life. Are you ready to experience this, Keedan?”


Numb, Keedan looked at Dronu. Nodding his head, he entered what was going to be a new world for him. He knew little of the fate that awaited him outside the ship doors know he was Dronu’s student. But he felt ready for it. This is what he had been working for since he had first heard of Dronu’s achievements when he was conscripted to assist him all those years ago on Rodia. And he was not going to pass up the opportunity when it had presented itself to him. Lightning fast, he reached out and grabbed the thermal detonator out of Dronu’s hands. “I’m ready” he snarled, snapping the grenade back into safety position.


Neevat carefully crept away from the door to the armory, a smile spread across his green face. “This is going to work perfectly…” he chuckled to himself. As soon as he was out of range of Dronu and Keedan’s earshot, he pulled out a COM link that was in a pocket on his utility belt. He whipped up the antenna, and punched in a frequency. Walking towards the Ship’s tertiary doors, he tapped the door release control and squinted out into the sunlight as the ramp lowered itself. He raised the COM link to his mouth, and spoke into it. “This is Dinu, reporting in. Status check O.K, condition equals code twenty-five. Things will work as to how your master is requesting. Expect desired meet to take place within next sundown”. He lowered the COM link, and stepped down the ramp and onto the rugged, oily sand that was the docking bay. He let his eyes adjust to the light, and looked around. “Lok…” he spoke to himself. “It has been too long…” He strolled towards a shady man standing at an ancient looking console by a large door, enjoying the feel of the sand spreading and crumbling between his feet. As he drew closer, the more shifty and uneasy the man appeared. He seemed to be avoiding eye contact, pulling his bandana evermore forward. Neevat stepped up to him, and cleared his throat. “Excuse me, but I wish to clear my ship’s landing with the port authorities”. The man looked up at him, and Neevat got a clear view of his face. Gnarly, and covered in scars, his one remaining bloodshot eye examined Neevat furiously. His greasy black hair draped over his face, complimenting his dreary beard tremendously. “The Dark Claw, innit?” he asked, already knowing the answer. “Why, yes, and I believe you were expecting us, Keldra” The man looked at Neevat again, astonished how he knew his name. This time recognizing him, he glanced over his shoulder and then over Neevat’s, to check if anyone was in earshot. He then began whispering to rushed words to him, a toothless grin spreading across his shriveled mouth as the conversation grew deeper.…

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