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Also, I'm thinking about working on a project involving zombies, a comic specifically, pitting various zombie fighters (Frank West, Flight Attendant Guy, etc.) in a fight for their lives. So I wanna know what you think about zombies. For one thing, who are some of the most famous zombie-fighters you can think of, and what is the best place to hide in the event of a zombie attack?

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We all know though, that 1985 was indeed the year that rocked the Earth the most.

January 20 - U.S. President Ronald Reagan is sworn in for a second term in office.

February 16 - Israel begins withdrawing troops from Lebanon.

March 6 - Mike Tyson makes his professional debut in Albany, New York, a match which he wins by a first round knockout.

April 15 - South Africa ends its ban on interracial marriages.

May 31 - Forty-one tornadoes hit in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and Ontario, leaving 76 dead... coolest disaster ever.

June 13 - In Auburn, Washington, police defuse a Unabomber bomb sent to Boeing.

July 3 - The sci-fi comedy Back To The Future is released in the U.S... It becomes the year's biggest box office hit, earning $210,000,000.

August 7 - Takao Doi, Mamoru Mohri and Chiaki Mukai are chosen to be Japan's first astronauts.

September 1 - A joint American-French expedition locates the wreck of the RMS Titanic.

October 1 - The Israeli air force bombs PLO Headquarters in Tunis... second coolest disaster ever.

November 18 - The first Calvin and Hobbes comic strip, drawn by Bill Watterson, is printed in a handful of newspapers.

December 1 - The Ford Taurus is revealed to the public. It would become one of Ford's biggest successes ever.


Can't argue with ya. Thanks Wikipedia!

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Now I'm not against zombies or anything, in fact, zombies are always cool. Always been my childhood fantasy. But do we always need a zombie escape/appreciation thread in every freakin' forum on the planet? What are they Gods?


So, I like fast zombies. The creepy, mindless, jump-out-of-nowhere sort.

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Voodoo-Completely harmless, voodoo zombies are simply mindless slaves to whatever houngan enlaves them.

Science-Most dangerous of all since they have no preset rules. Most fast zombies are of this variety.

Magic-A slow, sometimes sentient, race of zombies with an unquenchable hunger for brains.


The safest way to avoid them:

Voodoo-Stay out of Haiti.

Science-Shoot 'em in da head!!!

Magic-Crosses, or (alternatively) burn the Necronomicon.

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