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Echoes of Darkness

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Sorry for the short Chapter, but I will be cutting this Fic short, as I've already told you. One more Chapter shall be released, along with the Epilogue and then the sequel, Unsatisfied Hunger, will be released with my Revan in the Fic as well.


Chapter XIII - Betrayal

Inside the dark, damp underground library, Sera felt cold, as if the dark side had tainted this part of Onderon. Sera now knew what Nauk was talking about. This place was one of the worst places Sera had ever been in. The room was filled with sewage water that was up to her knees.


“Where are we Nauk?” Sera asked.


“Don’t move,” He told Sera, “I sense a disturbance in the Force. Close your eyes. See if you can sense it.”


Sera did as the Jedi Master told her and she closed her eyes. She sensed a dark presence in the room. It was a familiar presence that Sera hadn’t sensed in a long time.


“Lord Grelan,” A familiar voice sounded, “How pleasant of you to come here.”


Sera ignited her Lightsaber at the sound of the voice.


“Sion,” She muttered as she turned to face him.


“You might have managed to escape Vaklu’s prison cell,” Sion warned Sera, “But you won’t escape here, not where the darkness flows strong.”


“You told me the same thing on Korriban,” Sera told Sion, “And what did I do? I escaped.”


Sion didn’t reply. There was no reply between the two Jedi and Sion. Nauk and Sion also ignited their Lightsabers. For a while, the three of them stared at each other, waiting for someone to reply.


“So Nauk,” Sera broke the silence, “Who are you?”


“I…” Nauk began, “I’ll be honest with you, I’m a Sith. One of the Sith Triumvirate, under the command of the Emperor. I’m sorry, but my deceit was needed. I, Nauk Grelan return to the dark side as Lord Grelan.”


Sera noticed Sion smile as Grelan walked over towards him, his Lightsabers still in his hands.


“Sleep, exile,” Sion told Sera, as he knocked her out with one punch.


“We should get to Tramond XXV immediately,” Nauk told Sion, “Devon will be waiting for us.”

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This is the final Chapter before the Epilogue and it is my longest yet. Hopefully it is okay and I'll post the Epilogue soon.


Chapter XIV - The Final Battle

"There are dark places in the Galaxy where few tread. Ancient centers of learning, of knowledge. But I did not walk alone. To be united by hatred is a fragile alliance at best. But my will was not law. There were disagreements, ambition… and hunger for power. There are techniques within the Force against which there is no defense. I was cast down, stripped of my power, exiled. I suffered indignities, and fell into darkness."

- Kreia


Sera woke up, feeling tired and noticed Sion and Nauk who was now dressed in a black robe. Despite being a Jedi, Sera wanted to kill Nauk right where he stood for betraying her, but she didn’t have the strength. Unlike the prison cell in Onderon, the chains that held Sera captive would cut off her power from the Force, making her feel weaker at the same time. She noticed Sion walk off, leaving Nauk alone with Sera.


“You’re finally awake,” He began, “Emperor shall soon meet with you. He has been impatient for ten years.”


“Why?” Sera asked, “Why did you betray me?”


“As I told you on Onderon, you were needed for future events,” Nauk continued, “Only one as strong in the Force such as you, could bring the Sith back to it’s true glory,” He paused and moved out the way for another figure, “This is Emperor, lord of the Sith.”


The hooded figure walked towards Sera and remained silent. He used the Force to push Nauk into the corner and Sion stayed with Nauk. Emperor began to speak.


“So this is the Jedi Exile,” He began, grabbing her Lightsaber from her pocket and admiring it’s build, “And this must be her weapon. A Lightsaber.”


He threw it to Sion, before speaking again.


“You’ve taken a great risk for trusting Lord Grelan here,” continued, “Being a dark lord of the Sith and second in command, I’m surprised your senses betrayed you.”


“Get to the point!” Sera shouted.


“The dark side of the Force surrounds you,” continued, remaining calm, “It will consume as, as Tramond XXV did when you killed me in battle. Remember me?”


“Quallan?” Sera asked, “Quallan, how did you survive?”


“My Jedi Master, Nauk resurrected me, soon after the Jedi Civil War and in doing so, he surrendered himself to me and the dark side I serve.”


He stood backwards and fumbled around his pocket, bringing out his Lightsaber. Sera observed it for a while. It was a normal Lightsaber that most dark siders used. ’s Lightsaber was slightly longer than Sera’s Lightsaber, but that didn’t really matter to her. All she knew was that she would become the one thing that would bring the dark side back to its full power.


“Goodbye my love,” He began, “Goodbye, Sera Tana.”

ignited his Lightsaber and was about to strike at Sera, but Sion stopped her.


“No my lord!” Sion shouted, “Let me kill the Jedi Exile! It is what I’ve been trying to do for a long time!”


“No!” shouted back, “She is mine to kill!”


“No, she’s mine!” Sion shouted, running towards , Lightsaber in hand.


immediately turned round, stabbing his Lightsaber into Sion’s abdomen. Sion was gasping in pain, as the Lightsaber remained in his abdomen. kept forcing his Lightsaber through his abdomen, eventually, killing him.


“You should’ve known exile,” told Sera, “Only the dark side was capable to kill Sion here. He managed to survive Malachor V, though he never survived Tramond XXV. Now, where were we?”


“No!” Nauk shouted, “Fight her! Feel honour as you strike her down!”


looked at Nauk for a while, before releasing Sera. threw Sera’s Lightsaber back to her.


“One chance to survive exile,” warned her, “I’m going to enjoy this. Let’s finish what we began on Tramond, ten years ago.”


Sera ignited her Lightsaber and waited for to make the first move. He did. Sera immediately blocked his attack, striking at him, with her own attacks. parried them, causing the two Lightsabers to lock together.


“You’re too weak exile,” taunted, “I always remembered you as a very strong adversary.”


Sera broke the Lightsaber lock, striking at again, who again parried Sera’s attack. chuckled.


“Surely you can do better?” He taunted once again.


Sera once more broke out of the Lightsaber lock, immediately striking again, but forced her to the floor. shot thousands of bolts of lightning at her, causing Sera to scream in pain.


“Come on, get up!” shouted, “If I managed to get up from your attacks before, surely you can get up!”


shot more bolts at Sera, causing her to scream in pain more and roll across the floor. She couldn’t escape the wrath of the dark side though, not here. stopped and spoke again.


“And now exile, you’ll die a slow painful death.”


shot more bolts, but as Sera was about to die, two Lightsabers stopped the bolts of lightning.


“Grelan!” shouted, “What are you doing?”


“Returning to the light side once more,” Nauk told , “You always were an impatient apprentice. This is why you fail.”

pushed Nauk backwards.


“You always were the philosopher of the Force!” shouted, “I would never become what you always wanted to become. I realise now that you took the dark side as your path to find out my plans. For that, you will die.”


Nauk immediately leapt towards, kicking him backwards into a nearby pillar.


“You always were clumsy during duels,” Nauk told , as he got up, “I should know, I was once a Jedi duellist.”


said nothing as he ran towards Nauk, immediately getting kicked back down again.


“The dark side is nothing young Quallan,” Nauk told , “End this charade.”


ignored Nauk’s words and immediately stabbed Nauk in the leg, causing him to yell in pain as he fell to the floor. Sera immediately got up and kicked backwards into another pillar, causing several other pillars to fall on top of him.


“Sera,” Nauk whispered, “Sera.”


Sera walked towards Nauk.


“What?” She asked.


“He isn’t dead,” He told Sera, “There is only one way to stop him. You must kill me. I’m his link and I’m the only one who can kill him. But a Jedi, a true Jedi must kill me in order to do this.”


“What?” Sera asked, “I can’t do that, despite what you did to me.”


“And that is why you must kill me,” Nauk told Sera, “Save the galaxy, save yourself, save the Jedi Order. Do what I always wanted to do. But beware, when dies, this planet also dies. You and your crew must leave quickly”


Sera nodded as immediately came into sight. Sera looked at for a while, before forcing her Lightsaber into Nauk. Both Nauk and shouted in pain, for a while. Sera immediately pulled her Lightsaber out of Nauk’s now lifeless body and stabbed her Lightsaber back into Nauk’s body. finally died and the planet started shaking. Sera picked up Nauk’s body and ran to the Ebon Hawk, opposite.


“Quick take off, we need to leave!” Sera shouted.


She leapt onto the Ebon Hawk and watched as the planet destroyed itself as the Ebon Hawk escaped the planet.

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It is finally here, the Epilogue. I'm sorry that this Fic has been rushed, but I will have a Sequel soon, called Unsatisfied Hunger, starring Sera once again and also my Revan, Diego Varen. Anyway here is the Epilogue and enjoy the little ending.



"Wesa free"

- Gungan


When Sera returned to Telos, Admiral Carth Onasi and Chodo Habat greeted her. Both’haniwo was reunited with Carth, leaving Sera with Chodo. The Ithorian spoke.


“Telos has been restored!” He shouted, also talking to the large crowd behind him, “The Sith have been defeated, I can sense it. Thank you exile, you are a true Jedi.”


Sera bowed to Chodo in respect.


“Thank you Chodo,” She told him, “It is great to be back.”


The large crowd behind Chodo cheered even louder as Sera walked forward, coming into view. HK and T3 were with her as the crowd cheered. Carth walked towards her and shook her hand.


“Both’haniwo told me your short adventure looking for the Sith,” He told Sera, “And you found them and defeated them. Well done.”


“Thank you Admiral,” Sera told Carth, “But I never found Revan.”


“I’m sure he would like us all to celebrate,” Carth assured her, “I haven’t given up hope on him though.”


Pushing through the crowds was a man who Sera hadn’t seen in a long time.


“Atton?” She asked.


“Sera!” He shouted as he ran towards her, immediately grabbing her.


The two shared a passionate kiss and broke away.


“I’ve missed you.” Sera told him.


“I’ve missed you too,” Atton told her.




After that, the rest of the night was all a blur. Atton had gone out to buy some food and supplies, while Sera was relaxing. She had some great news to tell Atton. As he was her husband he had a right to know. The door opened and Atton entered.


“I’m home!” He shouted, kissing Sera, as he put what he bought down.


“Atton, I have some news,” Sera told him.


“What?” He asked.


“I’m pregnant.”

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Thanks for the comments CSI and I know the Fic could've been better, but it was rushed as I've already said. I need a banner for the sequel, Unsatisfied Hunger, but the banner will contain spoilers for the Fic, so if anyone is interested, feel free to PM me. If it is okay, I want it to be the same size as the one igyman (He might even make the banner again) did for me in this Fic.

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Nice fic, Pottsie. You had a great idea for your villain and it's too bad you had to rush it. Hopefully you will find a way to incorporate some info of Devon's and Nauk's bond and how it originated into your sequel.

About the banner, sure I'd be willing to make it, just PM me with the details about what you want in the picture, or post the info here. :)

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Nice fic, Pottsie. You had a great idea for your villain and it's too bad you had to rush it. Hopefully you will find a way to incorporate some info of and Nauk's bond and how it originated into your sequel.

About the banner, sure I'd be willing to make it, just PM me with the details about what you want in the picture, or post the info here. :)


Thanks for the comments igyman and I'll PM you about the banner soon. and Nauk's bond might be shown in more detail in one of the sequels I plan to do, but it might break the Echoes of Darkness canon, where Sera once met Nauk. But I suppose she forgot about him, until her vision.

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