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Nihilus' background


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So Nihilus was a man once. What do you suppose he was like. Was he average joe who fell into the wrong crowd. Was he born into the sith teachings. How and when and even where did he get his mask. What was his home planet and his parents like. Or was he just born of unatural causes

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Hints in the game mention that Nihilus, Sion, and Traya developed their powers on Malachor. I think he was just another Jedi who fell to the dark side, though the specifics of it are vague.


I wouldn't like to see him in the third game, though. I'd much rather see new and interesting characters over an old one brought back from the dead. :)

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Hints in the game mention that Nihilus, Sion, and Traya developed their powers on Malachor. I think he was just another Jedi who fell to the dark side, though the specifics of it are vague.


I agree with that. If anyone else besides me ever reads the stuff on the loading screens, then you will notice that one of them says that Traya, Sion, and Nihilus all learned a different power from the Trayus Academy. Traya learned Betrayal, Sion learned Pain, and Nihilus learned Hunger.

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I have this theory that Nihilus was once the Exile's master, who was killed during the Battle of Malachor V. When the Exile then denied the Force and rejected the fall to the dark side, the dark self that was rejected travelled to the body of the Exile's old master and reanimated it. Since the bond is strong between master and apprentice, it would make sense for the Exile's rejected psyche to go there, I think. It would also explain why the Exile and Nihilus have similar powers.


Either way, don't you agree that we go through all of TSL without EVER hearing who the Exile's master was?

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I have the recording of the dialogue between Vrook and Vander on the Exile right here...


Droid: "My apologies, Jedi.You are on the register as one of the Jedi who left the Enclave to fight in the Mandolorian Wars. My memory has no record of your return before now.You had no direct interaction with this droid. However, I have one instance of a conversation between Masters Vrook and Vandar regarding you.Beginning playback... Error, recording partially corrupted. Resolving..."


Vrook: "{static, 1 sec}...{annoyed}today I caught him in a heated argument with my Padawan! His Master refuses to properly discipline{static, 1 sec}. I want to know what action you intend!


Vandar: "Vrook, I respect your wisdom, but it is not your concern."


Vrook: "{upset} But... {static, 1 sec} uncontrolled! {static 1 sec}...whatever the other Padawans see him do, they are quick to do the same... {static}other students dislike him intensely!{patient}


Vandar: "True, an average student of the Force... {static}but with a unique strength...{static} is a natural leader...{static}"


Vrook: "{upset}I strongly disagree...{static, 2 sec} mediocre Jedi...{static 1 sec} lust for power! {static, 1 sec}...will lead to the dark side! Furthermore it... {static, 2 sec}"


Droid: "Recording degraded. End playback..."


Needless to say, we learn nothing about who the Exile's master is, and I think this is the only time the Exile's master is only ever mentioned at all...

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Needless to say, we learn nothing about who the Exile's master is, and I think this is the only time the Exile's master is only ever mentioned at all...

I know. That's what I thought too, I just couldn't remember if Vrook said anything more about it in that recording. It is possible that Nihilus was his master. He might even be included in KotOR 3 somehow...who knows. I just hope that it includes subtitles for his dialogue.

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Maybe that was intentional, or in the worst scenario, it was something cut...


Possibly, but then most of the cut content has stuff left in the game files for us to explore and ponder. There seems to be nothing about Nihilus' origin or the Exile apparent ties to him, so I tend to think it was left out on purpose for a major revelation in KotOR3.

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My guess is that the development team didn't put all that much mystery in the plot.


Anyway: I like you idea Jediphile, but what puts me slightly off is the idea that the force did ressurect the Exile's master, when he/she was dead. As far as I know, once you're completely dead, you're dead and not even the force can ressurect someone.


Sion for example does not die everytime you strike him down, he just holds his body together and resists pain and mortal wounds.

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My guess is that the development team didn't put all that much mystery in the plot.


Anyway: I like you idea Jediphile, but what puts me slightly off is the idea that the force did ressurect the Exile's master, when he/she was dead. As far as I know, once you're completely dead, you're dead and not even the force can ressurect someone.


Well, I'm usually fairly skeptical about resurrection myself, but in this case there are two things that speak strongly for it.


1. Palpatine established the possibility of resurrection in Episode III, since he tells Anakin that Darth Plagueis could bring people back from the dead by manipulating the midi-cholorians. We can hate that idea all we want, but it is established in the films, which is as undeniable canon as we can get...


2. The description of the Nihilus mask in TSL leaves little doubt that Nihilus was resurrected somehow:


You have taken this trophy from the remains of Darth Nihilus - it is the last surviving piece of the beast who died and was reborn in the shattered world of Malachor V. By taking it from him, you have gained a stronger tie to the Force.


Sion for example does not die everytime you strike him down, he just holds his body together and resists pain and mortal wounds.


Hmmm, I'm less certain about that than you are. Striking someone down with a lightsaber seems pretty final to me, and I don't see how he could have been drained by Nihilus and then come back without resurrection as Sion was in a deleted cutscene of the game...

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