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Sephiroth cloth

Darth Seraph

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Darth Seraph,


Please read our Forum Rules as well as the Unique Rules for this Request forum.


3. When you make your request, use a descriptive thread title and explain clearly what you want to be done. Take the time to think about what you would like to see. You’re the one making the request, but if someone chooses to make it they will need as much information about it as possible. Also consider that it takes time and effort to make a mod, and your request should involve thought and effort on your part as well. Do not forget to state which game (KotOR or TSL) your request is for.

Sorry but your request is not descriptive nor is it very clear or involve much thought or effort.


Example: Who or what is a Sephiroth? :confused:

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maul2112 , that last picture of sephiroth !!! that is it !!!! but the " saber " have to be red and very long ( more than malak saber ) and redhawke i didnt get it what do u mean ... more info about it ??? i dont know if u know about him but he is the most famous boss in final fantasy world !!!


but what i want is a robe (or armor ) that looks like he wear !! and without

that damm restriction of force use !!! the status can be changed later...


and sorry if i did something wrong !!! tnx for read the request !!


and i wiil be more thankfull if can be done !!!

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and redhawke i didnt get it what do u mean ... more info about it ??? i dont know if u know about him but he is the most famous boss in final fantasy world !!!

See this is my point, you needed to elaborate in detail on what you wanted to see, you put very little effort into the post, please follow the posted rules when making a request. Be descriptive, and do not assume everyone knows what you are talking about.


Not everyone has even played Final Fantasy. ;)


The less descriptive you are, you reduce the chances your mod will get done. Just look back at the many threads and you will see that the more descriptive and well thought out requests seem to at least draw more attention.


That's all, no harm done. :)

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i'm sorry redhawke, but not knowing who sephiroth is makes you look incredibly stupid. Final Fantasy 7 was one of the best selling games of all time. I am now demoting you redhawke to uninformed gamer status and taking away all moderating rights. Umm, you're not quite right in the fact the fact that not everyone has played FF7. The majority of gamers out there have played it, even if it was the only rpg they ever played. This is the reason a sequel was made. It is called common sense. Use it sometime.

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i'm sorry redhawke, but not knowing who sephiroth is makes you look incredibly stupid. Final Fantasy 7 was one of the best selling games of all time. I am now demoting you redhawke to uninformed gamer status and taking away all moderating rights. Umm, you're not quite right in the fact the fact that not everyone has played FF7. The majority of gamers out there have played it, even if it was the only rpg they ever played. This is the reason a sequel was made. It is called common sense. Use it sometime.


I've never played any of the Final Fantasy games.. ever *. Seems to me RH is more correct than you give credit. :rolleyes:


Also, we have something called rules. I suggest you use some of that common sense you talk about and read them sometime. It's the #1 rule so it shouldn't be too hard to find.


Flaming and namecalling won't be tolerated, consider this a warning.


* me neither - darth333

* Or me - Prime

* Or me! :dev6: -RH

* Likewise, but I've read about it. :) ~M

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i'm sorry redhawke, but not knowing who sephiroth is makes you look incredibly stupid. Final Fantasy 7 was one of the best selling games of all time. I am now demoting you redhawke to uninformed gamer status and taking away all moderating rights. Umm, you're not quite right in the fact the fact that not everyone has played FF7. The majority of gamers out there have played it, even if it was the only rpg they ever played. This is the reason a sequel was made. It is called common sense. Use it sometime.


I wouldn't be surprised if we hear from RedHawke soon.


There is no need as ChAiNz already handled it. ;) -RH


I also think that, whether or not RH actually knew who Sephiroth was, the point was valid. He was trying to explain to D. Seraph why more detail was necessary for a request.


Your post is incredibly rude, and saying that everyone has played FF7 is again a falsehood. Barely anyone here (and by here I mean in my part of PA) has played FF7, and I haven't either.


When I came into this thread for the first time, I also did not know who Sephiroth was.


And a sequel? I'm pretty sure just because games get sequels doesn't mean that they are played by all 6 billion on the planet.


Playing the FF series and knowing who Sephiroth is (BTW, RH said there was no harm done before you posted) has nothing whatsoever to do with common sense.


But flaming moderators and telling them they've been demoted, does.


Bad idea.




PS. And ChAiNz is a S. Mod, it would be bad to flame him too.

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I've never played any of the Final Fantasy games.. ever *. Seems to me RH is more correct than you give credit.


Also, we have something called rules. I suggest you use some of that common sense you talk about and read them sometime. It's the #1 rule so it shouldn't be too hard to find.


Flaming and namecalling won't be tolerated, consider this a warning.


* me neither - darth333

* Or me - Prime


many people havent played FF me included but that is no reason to flame just because they havent played a game


and i might make the skin

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ok enough on the if they have or havent all we are doing is upsetting people


lets move on to if it can or will be done,


now on to the needs more detail i'll try it (forgive me if me changeing your request seems rude, but i thought it should be done)


[] are ideas i thing are good


can a person please make a mod where i can play as Sephiroth


pictures of him where posted at the beggining of this thread


i would like hime to also have a long (longer than malaks and revans if possible) saber in red [which increases his power by alot but not to much as that would ruin the game]


(from wha i gather in the above posts) i would like his robe as a seperate robe (aka not normal clothing)


[ i think that his robes should be placed in that first container in the players room on the ship and his saber with it]

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sorry about the mess i did !!! i think its cuz my inglish is not good !!

( im from brazil and i speek portuguese ... )


tnx m16065 !!!! and tnx goldenflames !!!!


and goldenflames , like i said before : sorry by my bad english !!! :) and

the ideia that you have about reformulate the thread its quite right !!!

thats was my ideia !!


and if more info is needed i'll post everything i know about sephiroth !!!

or about the mod !!!


and i will be very thankfull if can be done !!!


and tnx guys for understand !!!


No need to be sorry Darth Seraph, you are not at fault here. This is what happens when a poster like thegreatjoshini forgets to "insert foot in mouth, before putting his mouth in motion" ;) -RH

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well sephiroth is quite a tall character so one of the taller models will be needed. is the jedi malak model still in tsl? if so that would be a good model to use. he would

just need some skinning work and some moddling for his hair. the only problem i can think of would be he would have no cloak :(

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I should think the look of the character should be far more important than his height. Prioritize your characteristics ;). I would think any of the cloaked models could be reasonably reskinned to look somewhat like Sephiroth. As close as you're going to get, anyway. The only problem, then, would be the long hair.

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i'm sorry redhawke, but not knowing who sephiroth is makes you look incredibly stupid.
I know this has already been dealt with, but I had to add to that list that I haven't played any Final Fantasy games myself. Especially since I couldn't go in and edit that I haven't played it in post #12. ;) In fact, the only role playing games I've ever played is the KOTOR games.
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could the long hair not just be moddled on to a model but very staticaly (is that a word?)

Not sure to be honest.. but I know if it was directly modeled on the head.. it would lose animations. Unless Taina's Replacer could pull it off? Otherwise someone would need to create the hair as a visor or headgear.


It would static and would clip, but you seem to know this already..hehehe


That's the only options I can think of atm. :)

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