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hi, i've played kotor 1 for PC many many times, and have beaten kotor two just recently for, like, my 12 time. :blast5::blast5::blast5:

now getting to the meat! :ears1:

as kotor three has not yet come out, and many people doubt that it ever will i

want to endever to create it. yes i know you think i'm an idiot but hey! WTF? why can't we? time, money, people?


well first off we don't need an overly large bank fund to do this, just a copy of kotor 1+2, seconed yes it will be time consuming, VERY time consuming. but if i can get enough people interested we

could have it ready within 2 years!, that last also answers the last major problem. :king1:


now i know that a few other people have tryed to get a total conversion mod going, and i belive most of them have failed.

but go take a look at all the mods currently out there!


i have found a few planet mods, most prevalent is Red Hawkie's Ord Mantel mod.

i have found hundreds of item mods, and hundreds of model and texture mods.

so there is much of the data we need in one go!

the other major points we'd need would be experianced modders, and voice actors. (i'm an actor by profession, and i sound almost exactly like darth vader so i'll fit that last bit really well. XD)


if i could get really good modders interested, (like Red Hawkie) than this really could work!

and who knows where it could lead us? i have a basic storyline worked out, but will need a few points fleshed out from those more experianced in the lore of star wars than me. but i do have a basic idea for a story line.


now once again. i know that many people will tell me this is impossable, ( i'm betting the first to do so will be red hawkie.) but we CAN do this!!!!

now is not the time to falter! if we make this game we make history, and we add another level to the star wars universe!

please, PLEASE, come with me and together we can rule the Galixy for ever as, umm, you people and ME!



Moving to Holowan labs proper as this is no longer a mod request thread. -RH

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really! Thanks!!!!! it's really great to know someones interested. ^_^

"darkness with?" sounds cool, didn't find it in any of my searches though.... do you have a web site for it?

thanks again for your offer of help, i'll be getting the web paige for it up and running soon, so i'll send you a link to it.

GO STAR WARS!!!! GO KOTOR!!!! YAY!!!!! <<<--- thats just me hyped on like thirty cups of coffee..........and several christmas cookies. XD


EDIT: ChAiNz.2da

sorry ChAiNz.2da, i've been away from lucas arts forum for a while and didn't re-read the rules, :rifle1::fire2:




as i'm sure you have figured out already XD

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actually, i've been looking into kotor III and it's not estemated to be out until 2009........ so this would be done right before the offical version would be ready! XD

but the main point is that this version of kotor three would be filled with all the suggestions from us "normal" ^_^ starwars fans!

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i guess your are "more or less" right.......... but if this works it could be better than the offical version!


are you a modder?

if you'd like to help it'd be great! but i understand why many people would not want to....

why make kotor three ourselfes when the reall kotor three will be out about the same time?



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understood ;)


Here's a trick to update your thread without incurring the "mod's wrath" hehehe..


- use the "edit this" function on your previous post, select all and Copy.

- Delete the post

- Create a new post and Paste the contents of your old (deleted) post, then add an "EDIT" to the end of it.

- write your update and post :)


This will update the 'thread' with the new post icon, plus it will prevent you from double-posting :)

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yeah, i've heard about "THOR", and was really interested.

actually in my first post here, i said "most" conversion mods had faild not "all" of them. XD

i don't suppose you'd like to do some modding for this project?



if ANY people want to help out it would be great!!!

i really don't care if your an expert modder, just that i have your support.

i already have three voice actors one of them is more or less a pro. (and then there is me!)

storline scripting is what i'm really working on right now, and trying to get stuff to fit together.

BUT please, if anyone wants to help, or know more about the project, just PM me and i'll tell you all i know. (well mostly)

but please i'd really love some help and support!


the fact that no moderators have posted here yet makes me think ether they all think i'm an ignorent dweeb, or they are just all imersed in the happy hectic flow of Xmas. (i'll give them benifit of the doubt and say they are just busy)


well one mod did show up but only to chew me out so...............




just an update!


i have two new story editors have joined my project!

the story is coming along great, and we are getting ready to realise a teaser of the story.

(the story only.)

PM me if you have any questions or would like to join!



this was not supposed to be a bump post, only an update for all my loyal fans......XD




EDIT: i think i got it!!! thanx Cz :angel::launcher: shock1





The KOTOR toatal conversion website is up and running!!!!!

come check it out, and join us!

URL to site: http://kotoriii.i8.com/

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oop's sorry..... *GAAAAAH! my evil plan has been ruined!!!!*

although those are real updates.



ithink this will not bump up the post? right????

gahhh! anyway.....

the first draft of the storylin is ready to go!

i'm not going to post it here, so go to our web site and check it out!

(link to sit is in my SIG.

thanx for your support.


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thanks bloodlemming! it's great to know i have some support out there!

and having a good script writer or two can never be bad!!


and as to Emperor Devon's question, no. i'm not asking for money, sorry when i was writing that peice i was getting kinda finatic. ^_^

(of course if you have a few hundred$ to spare...... XD)


but at the moment i'm mostly just looking for modders and scripters, and people good at making cut sceens.


if you'd like to help in some way, we won't turn you down! :twogun:

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