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lol iv been looking for a total remake mod myself of anykind and it looks like there are alotta people trying to make em but with almost no support so it seems they will never get done have you all thought of banning togather to compermise and make one remake mod that fits everyones ideas lol i cant really mod i knew a little about creating items but not the skins of em but if there is a large crew remake project i would like to help in anyway i can(i still have to find and download alotta old prorgrams tho since i lost em when i got this new computer

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lol iv been looking for a total remake mod myself of anykind and it looks like there are alotta people trying to make em but with almost no support so it seems they will never get done

Actually the "alotta" people you are referring to are actually what I call 'fly by posters' who come in here with a bunch of cool but unattainable ideas and after finding out that we don't have any shiny easy to use toolsets and we have no official support from Bioware, Obsidian Ent., or LA, and lastly when they find out just how much you need to know and how time-consuming it really is to mod these games in the limited ways we can they usually just disappear.


Hence the 'Never get done' factor. ;)


have you all thought of banning togather to compermise and make one remake mod that fits everyones ideas

While nice in theory, it rarely works in practice... with only a few exceptions.


(Note: This post is on no way pointed at darthriddick, I'm just answering The Colonel.) :)

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Aside from 'THOR' (which is apparently in the works), what other projects have been proposed (and actually started) that never materialized? I'm just curious.

If you have the time and desire to do so you can go back in the many ancient threads in Holowan Labs and you will find them. My favorite one was one that can not be named because of all the drama it caused, but I'm sure that if you look back far enough you will find it. ;)


Search peramiters in spoiler;


The Galaxy Forge / Ancient Empires


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ok, now i know i've been away for a while, and everyone's thinkin that i just got board or somthin I DID NOT!!!! XP

now i've read the posts that have been posted here..(wait that sounded...odd)

but anyway, i've read the new posts and i'm thinking, we need to get this prject moving along. i already have two more modders working with me on this, and several story writers, and voice actors. but we are still running up against problems.....BIG problems...

on of which is the "No Physical Support" problem. We need more people to help! mainly modders. we need people to stop saying, "oh! that's cool i wonder when they'll give up" WE NEED SUPPORT!!!!!!!

all of you modders out there, even just the one that have posted in this thread, HELP!

got to the website and Email me if you want to help! DON'T JUST SIT THERE ON YOUR A**'S ALL DAY! <(didn't swear out loud) XD


but really if ANY of you want this to wrok you have got to help out, and start helping out before this collapses!

this project is at a ver delecate stage, and if we don't get some interest, i'll just call it quits. if no one want's this project to work, than i'm not going to put efforet into it...SO BEEPEN HELP ALRADY!!!!


please if you are a good modder, contact me soon, i need to talk with someone good at making short cutsceens.


for those ofyou that can't find my website, it's in my SIG.


and, here is a major wall in the way of our progress.....around the month of march, i will be unable to go on my computer ...AT ALL..... this is all the more reason we need to get this thing moving as soon as possable.


thank you all for your support.


HAIL THE SITH! and the jedi buggers too.....XD

~ Mr. Darthriddick.



OH! and by the way..... i don't mean support in the form of money, or help from lucas arts itself or anything.

i just want people to contact me and say they are willing to help in any way they can. it's really pretty simple.

if we can get a couple of basic screen shots, or somthing Tangible, people will see just how great this really is and will flock to our cuase!!!!!!!!

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If you have the time and desire to do so you can go back in the many ancient threads in Holowan Labs and you will find them. My favorite one was one that can not be named because of all the drama it caused, but I'm sure that if you look back far enough you will find it. ;)


Search peramiters in spoiler;


The Galaxy Forge / Ancient Empires




That just gave me an hours entertainment, Thanks!

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Look, darthriddick, I don't mean to get you down, but I have been working on a total conversion mod for Empire at War for a year and a half now with a decent team of moders, and were not nearly done (at least not to the standart of the actual original game). And thats for a game that receives a lot of oficial suport from Petrogliph. Now, I'm not gonna say this is impossible, but its probably gonna take longer to make than the official KOTOR 3 (and ur gonna need to get some good moders and scripters, etc.), and the oficial KOTOR 3 is is probably gonna be beter (no ofence).


Now, with that being said (I dun wanna be the jerk that only flamed the project), I can help out a bit with the mod. I'm a decent modeler, so if you want any help with PM me in the forums. I'm not sure ur gonna need any new models, but I'm willing to help.

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ok all! i am replying!


ok as to copyright laws... shouldn't be a problem, and the actual name would not be kotor 3 it would be "Total Conversion.


ok in response to dede_frost, to tell you the truth, your probebly right.

i've contacted a couple of people i know within lucas arts, and they couldn't have been more open of my chances of pulling this through, than if they had flipped me off and told me to hang myself. XD


and actually, there is very little chance that this will happen, due #1 to lack of overall interest, lack of support from the creators of the effin game, and lack of recources/time.


the offical KOTOR 3, according to my sources, KOTOR 3 is not in the works, at the moment, and will not be IN the works for another year at the very least, and then add two to four years for the making of the game. (course my sources are not all that great...)


and you are of course right about it being better than anything we could do, for the reasons stated above.


i know that alot of people like this idea, but frankly, with the level of help i'm receving right now.....this mod will never be released.

this said, i will most likely scrap this project within the next month, unless things start to look up......i'm sorry to all those who liked this idea, but some things in MY life have changed from how i had projected my year to go, and my time is much less than it was...

please post here on this thread if you have more things to say.


thank you all for your critisims and help, sorry again. (not that many were expecting much. think i don't realise why none of the major modders showed support? they have seen people come in before with good ideas and never follow up, i really did mean to follow up, but as i saiod stuff has changed, so i can no longer devote much time to this project.)

sorry again


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not just the name has copy write but jedi, lightsabers, sith, and all other specific starwars related items as well, you would need to change every name of every item, place, person, species. just everything


also all the designs of things are copywrite (but skinners come in handy there)


i'm not saying its impossible to hange every single detail on the game but just ridicliously hard due to the fact you would need to change everything in it


even the hardcoded things which cant change like aimations and even the battle style of the game


you may want to ask an official first for permission and so have no need to change every minor detail


but i dont mean to just flame at the idea, just warn you of the legal stuff, i think a copywrite fine would not be worth it

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ok in response to dede_frost, to tell you the truth, your probebly right.

i've contacted a couple of people i know within lucas arts, and they couldn't have been more open of my chances of pulling this through, than if they had flipped me off and told me to hang myself. XD

This isn't a surprise, as LA has directed that modding these games not be supported.


and actually, there is very little chance that this will happen, due #1 to lack of overall interest, lack of support from the creators of the effin game, and lack of recources/time.

Honestly, from what you have posted here you seemed to want us 'expirienced modders' to shoulder all the work and do the mod for you. Sorry but that is how I took it.


I came in here with very little in the way of modding knowledge (a little bit of Total Annihilation, Diablo II, and WCIII modding) I did what I thought best, started small and worked my way up to what I wanted to accomplish... which was from the very beginning to make a planet for the game.


I did it, so can everyone else who comes in here, with a little dedication on their part.


i know that alot of people like this idea, but frankly, with the level of help i'm receving right now.....this mod will never be released.

You needed to first learn to mod the different aspects of the game yourself, then once you know what is possible and what isn't then proceed with a 'project'. This is the mistake almost every one of the people who come in here with these kinds of aspirations make.


I'm sorry to hear you aren't thinking of carrying on with this project.

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I came in here with very little in the way of modding knowledge (a little bit of Total Annihilation, Diablo II, and WCIII modding) I did what I thought best, started small and worked my way up to what I wanted to accomplish... which was from the very beginning to make a planet for the game.


I did it, so can everyone else who comes in here, with a little dedication on their part.


You needed to first learn to mod the different aspects of the game yourself, then once you know what is possible and what isn't then proceed with a 'project'. This is the mistake almost every one of the people who come in here with these kinds of aspirations make.


I'm sorry to hear you aren't thinking of carrying on with this project.



My very first mod consisted of altering both endings of the K1 game - which involved a lot of hex editing pre-existing scripts, splicing wavs, learning the scripting system for the Kotor games, and dialog editing. The only other game I had modded for before that was Morrowind. Not to mention that I was completely unaware of the existence of Holowan Labs at this point and had no outside help at all. The point being that if you really want to do it, you can. :)

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I started back before we even had such things as Kotor Tool. Back then, we used a lot of hex editing and frankly some pretty messy hack-edits of 2da files as well as a LOT of trial and error hex editing compiled scripts. It was slow work, and the results were usually pretty minor, but it was a lot of fun and we learned a ton -which of course helped greatly in the development of the fine tools we have available now.


Not that we're at the end of the road yet by a long shot, but we've come a long way. :)


As to the OP (and honestly anyone else with similar ambitions), I must agree with RH. When someone comes in here and says essentially, "I can't really mod much at all, but I have GREAT ideas for this HUGE project!" most of us who have at least *some* modding knowledge basically hear, "Well... I need you guys to make a cool mod idea I want."


It may not be how you mean it, but being that we're the ones who'd be doing the actual modding, we know all too well how much time and work is involved in even a much less ambitious project, let alone things like entire planets or total conversions/remakes.


For future reference, if you (meaning anyone) intend to "lead" a project of anywhere near this scope, some things that would be *very* helpful would include (but not necessarily be limited to):

1. Learn to mod. At a minimum, you should understand how the files work and how they relate to each other, as well as having a reasonable knowledge of how to manipulate some or all of the various resources which will be required (2da files, models, textures, scripts, dialogues, modules, etc).

2. If you really have a "Great idea", then it shouldn't be too much to ask that you sit down and lay out a detailed outline of the project. Just saying you're doing a total conversion doesn't really say very much. You could replace all the Sith with muppets and all the Jedi with Power Rangers and call that a "total conversion" and not be entirely inaccurate, so tell people a little bit about what sorts of things your conversion will include. You don't need to write out an exact script and a moment-to-moment account of what will happen, but all major areas, characters, major changes to game play, and plot elements should be at least defined.


Heck... I've had lots of ideas for larger scope mods myself, but my own limitations in modding ability have precluded me from getting any of them underway. That's why I periodically fiddle around with smaller alterations and sometimes tear apart and fiddle with other people's mods (only for personal exploration of course unless I get permission for other usage) in order to learn.


I've got several facets I still have a LOT of learning to do before I'd even consider starting, let alone recruiting help for a project of this kind of scale.


Anyways, please don't take this as if I'm being chiding, or trying to tell you what to do. I'm simply trying to point out some of the reasons I personally wouldn't be interested in joining such a project, and laying out my own thoughts on ways one might get better results and more support for such ideas. :)



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If you have the time and desire to do so you can go back in the many ancient threads in Holowan Labs and you will find them. My favorite one was one that can not be named because of all the drama it caused, but I'm sure that if you look back far enough you will find it. ;)


Search peramiters in spoiler;


The Galaxy Forge / Ancient Empires

I'm with Addlcove. What an entertaining insight into the history of Holowan! No wonder this forum has such strict posting rules (not that I'm complaining-really!;))! D3's and tk102's remarks were HILARIOUS! I'm left wondering how come that guy wasn't banned *. A lot of people were far more polite to him than he deserved, IMO. Hell-if he wanted attention, why didn't he just go to the Senate Chambers and flame-bait somebody?:p


This goes a long, long way towards explaining a certain modder's initial (and very vocal :xp: ) skepticism concerning a certain well-known restoration mod (I'm pretty sure he knows that it's legit by now).


An all-around great read! :)



The guy was banned...even if it does not say "banned" under his name. Btw, neither tk or I were mods at that time :) - d3

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If you have the time and desire to do so you can go back in the many ancient threads in Holowan Labs and you will find them. My favorite one was one that can not be named because of all the drama it caused, but I'm sure that if you look back far enough you will find it. ;)


Search peramiters in spoiler;


The Galaxy Forge / Ancient Empires


I did go back and search right after you posted this. Like others have said I did find it entertaining. However, I did forget to to acknowledge / thank you for it so Thanks RH :)


:D -RH

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ok, first. i am really very soory if i offened anyone, that really was not my intent.


as to having you guy's shoulder it all...no, your help would be wonderfull, and i'd love it, and if i want to keep to my original timetable then yes, i'd need all of your help.


the copyright laws are a problem i thought of and actually had a few questions for anyone that has attempted this sort of thing before, cheifly How did you get by it?

i ave a freind who's grandfather is a lawyer and he was going to ask him about that but he hasn't gotten back to me on that.


and THERE!! "I'm sorry to hear you aren't thinking of carrying on with this project."

that was all i was really meaning! it's very nice to know that someone who is rather experianced in the modding world, like this idea, and is sorry to see it not work out! REDHAWKIE! THANK YOU! see, you saying that means that you don't think it's a toatal waist of time, and you mabey think it's even a good idea!

if more people said that, it would make my day! (might not make the mod, but it sure makes me happy!)


to: kristykistic

thank you as well, that is the basis of what i want! just a little support! THANK YOU Very VERY much, for the encouragement.


as to me leaving, i will be away for about six weeks sometime in march, but thank's to the people here that have given me hope, (And critisims) ^_*

i will NOT drop the project, i have at the moment three modders willing to help me, them plus me makes four, and us plus another freind of mine that wants to help makes five! so we have five modders! and 1 scripter. and two modelers.


(now give me twenty more modders, some offical support, thirty scripters, and a few hundred modelers we just might make this work! XD)


thanks to you ALL for anything you have contributed to this project, i will contyinue to keep you informed.


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ok, um, i just wanted to update you all on a little somthing!

me and another member of the team, have decided to give you all somthing to show you we are really serious about this. ***cus i'm sensing some skeptisism from oner or two hundred people.***

we will soon release the basic version of the outline for people to read, i will post it here and on the website.

(i say "basic" outline becuase #1 all the kinks are not worked out yet, and this is still being worked out, and #2 becuase we don't want everyone knowing whats going to happen as of yet. ;}

we will also release a small, little, tiny, and really useless mod for everyones current version of KOTOR1.

this mod is the begining of the larger mod that will make the sith into actual enemys, instead of just a bunch of weak sissys, in cool armor that you can gun down for fun. XD

thank you all!


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you cant get round copywrite unless you make it into a seperate setof mods


e.g. a mod for new characters, a mod for new planets, a mod for bla bla bla


seperateing the new story allows it to be an add on where none of the old stuff is deleated but just bypassed so as to make the new mods addons


aka you have all the original stuff on there meaning its a legalised game but then you bypass it all and go to your added on game which is just a set of mods


as long as this goes on it is no different in the law to modding


my family has its fair share of law students so i masked them (i feel like the odd one aiming for a medical degree lol)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since the arrival of two new members we have had some progress on the stroy writing and voice acting. However since m16965 is the ONLY modder that has so far joined, progress on the modding cound be faster.

he can do most types of modding, but not MAP EDITING. We DESPRATLEY need a map editor to go anywhere with this mod.


if you are interested there is a link in my SIG. that leads to the Total Conversion modding team forums.

please come over and join up!

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