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YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PCGAMEMODS IS BACK!(again...)


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Be careful with uploading, it has some issues with the script not knowing how to put stuff properly on other partition/drive when the main one becomes full. From what I've researched on things like this happening with scripts, that is what seems to be causing it to crash.


Apparently uploading files (but not screenshots) now requires to use a hotlink (grab from elsewhere) offers filefront on the page if you don't have anywhere else to go.

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I finally got to download Operation Spaceport for JA. Its a good SP level I downloaded a year ago and played but then my hard drive crashed. Thanks to PCGM coming back I got to play it again. Its a good level made by Michael May. He has made several good SP levels for JO to.

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PCGAMEMODS keeps going down because people keep going onto the site and downloading to much that it exceeds its bandwidth. Then eventualy their server will crash or something else and it wont go back up till and admin fixes the server.


Anyway thats one reason Pcgamemods might be going down. But it is a very plausable one.

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