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Goodbye Saddam, I can't say too many people will miss you...


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Well, would be hard to believe that he did not order murder(and possably much worse) on relatively innocent people, so yeah even if he is executed he kinda deserves it.


But thats not the point...


I don't think his execution would do anything good to the current situation though.

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Well I don't like it either. Watching a man get hanged is not on my wish list.


There are a lot of bad people in the world. Wanna go execute them too?


Anyway, no one has said anything like it in this thread, but I'm sick of the "Saddam is dead" gloating. We actually had no right to decide the fate of Iraq, or kill Saddam. He had done absolutely nothing to us.

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Well, but eliminating a really dangerous evil person so he will never do evil again is good to the world none the less. Well, not every country have the resources to lock up evil people on the grim hope that they will know their own fault. AND at least we know he will never have an insurrection ever.


Well, I think think the whole "capital punishment" is the topic here. By the laws of the country he is in he is to be executed, and telling them to do otherwise is quite intrusive to their autonomy(if that actually exist) really. Then again we have lots of things to complain about the often violent punishment they use in some countries, but that would be another topic alltogether.

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Well, but eliminating a really dangerous evil person so he will never do evil again is good to the world none the less. Well, not every country have the resources to lock up evil people on the grim hope that they will know their own fault. AND at least we know he will never have an insurrection ever.


Really dangerous? To the world? Uhm...


I was all for lifelong prison, 23 hours a day spend alone in a cell. It's just not right to judge over a person's life or death, no matter what the crimes, and then call it justice. Better call it revenge.

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probley not well if some one else made nuc wepons they can distory anything within a ten thousand mile radis

so the world is'ent safe anyone that said that needs to learn a lot more on missles and plus being a mercenery i think alot on things like that

and i hate all peace it doesent bring in any money for people like me



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