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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Bare hands, against a rogue bull elephant. :p


Thanks. I'll look into those. Don't know how much game time I'm really going to have once I actually buy this. If it sees as much use as my Gamecube... it won't be much at all.


Crazy day @ work... but at least I get to leave before showtime. Somebody else is mixing the show for me. I have to work the next 3 nights in a row. If I did tonight too, it would have been 5 nights in a row. Gack!


Then one day off... and back into 6 very long days in a row next week. Double Gack!

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I take it most of you have ever been hunting. it's more than just killing animals. Plus, i eat what i kill. I got a 50 pounds of meat off the deer i killed.


I relaxed this afternoon and on, playing splinter cell.....it's such a long game. and i thought i was at the end of it when i first played...it seems like it goes on forever! -_- I always need more ammo and health. -_- I'm i *think* at the last level.....i went and downloaded the 3 extra levels though, so gonna play through those immediately after, then on to pandora tomorrow, chaos theory, and then double agent. been playing since about 3pm...the most annoying part so far is needing to use thermal goggles to read which buttons were pressed on an access keypad while following this one guard that had all the passcodes. i finally got through it, thought for sure the game was gonna go to credits, and NOPE! gotta go do some more stuff! it's starting to feel like return of the king....

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  Rogue15 said:
of course i eat it. like i said, got about 50 pounds of meat off it, made most of it into hamburger.


same goes for squirrels.


don't listen to the nature hippies



there are more deer in IL now than people!


shoot as many as you can

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Awww... how sad. :(


Crazy day at work... but at least I like the music.


Christopher Guest (the actor from Spinal Tap and A Mighty Wind, and was actually my avatar for a brief period last year) is the honoree for a tribute concert.




Just wish it was a shorter day and less confused.


Off to bed. Back up in less than 5 hours...

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News flash!


3-and-a-half hours sleep just really doesn't cut it for me anymore... though I don't understand why.


I'm sure I'll be here until close to midnight again tonight... and tomorrow night... and every night next week.



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Survived show. Went well (I think...) but now that the 2 long days of stress, eating badly, and no sleep are catching up on me,.. and now all the toxic chemicals the body produces under those conditions are flooding out: I feel like crap.


It was actually kinda fun... but I'm sure as hell glad it's over.


News Flash:


Jamie Lee Curtis is still a babe! A silver fox. Seriously. No joke. Got some SMOKING legs on her, too! (Pretty damn sure she knows it too... the way she was flashing them about all day.)


12 Gospel choirs tomorrow.


I have no words for the way I feel about this.


You know that grumbling sound Sideshow Bob makes when he steps on a rake in the Simpsons?

Well... that pretty much describes the only verbalization I can muster thinking about it.


I just don't know how to type it...

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hey zarg remember back in the day when you me and pb ran that message board for those jedi knight clan weirdos and we played them like rubes with our lies and tomfoolery?


i hated most of them so much that i'd go on the server and find the files with their unencrypted password and do stuff like capitalize the second letter of their password just to be a dick or log in as them and post with their name to also be a dick

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got back from bowling. didn't do so well, highest i got was 101, i think maybe 1 strike out of 2 games i played. oh well, had fun at least.


I'm possibly going hunting in a few hours, then going to work 1-10. i already got a incoming cold, so gonna make the most of it before it strikes me.


Wow, it's december already?!

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didn't go hunting, was too tired...shouldn't have went to bed, should have just pulled an all-nighter, went hunting, then work, would've been easier since i was already awake...but no i had to go to sleep.


gotta go work the rest of my shift...on lunch right now. can't find the one credit card thing i came home to look for. -_- It's due on the 3rd of december, but i never did get the card itself, so if i get in 'trouble' for being late, that's the excuse. why should i pay for something i don't have/can't use? a lady called and asked me if i got it, i told her no, so they sending another one, hope it is here on monday.


after work....pandora tomorrow!

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